Status: In Progress

Teehee TV

Episode One

Rehtaeh: Welcome to our first episode of Teehee T.V.! I'm Rehtaeh, and this is my co-host, Johnny!
Johnny: Hi... I'm Johnny...
Rehtaeh: You're probably thinking: "What the flipperdoodles is Teehee T.V.?" Well, let me answer that question... Johnny! Answer that question!
Johnny: Teehee T.V. is a show where Rehtaeh and I do whatever the heck we flipping want to do! If you don't like it, go die a bloody death!
Rehtaeh: Today on Teehee T.V., we will do random stuffz! So SHUT UP!
Johnny: Anywho, we're going to RANDOMLY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!
*Rehtaeh and Johnny randomly dance**Johnny sings horribly and Rehtaeh still dancing*
Veiwers: Uhhhhhhh....
Rehtaeh: OK, today we have... GUEST STARS!!!!
Johnny: Cream of mushroom is disgusting...
Rehtaeh: Uhh, Johnny? Guest stars?
Johnny: Oh, right!
Rehtaeh:*camera focuses on her* I don't even want to know what he was thinking about...!
Johnny: Our guest stars today are Bilbo Baggins, Gimli, Legolas, & Gollum/Smeagle! Say hi you guys!
Everyone: Hi...
Johnny: Hi Dana!
Rehtaeh: Johnny?
Johnny: Sorry........
Gollum: Mine... my own... my precious....
Rehtaeh: I'm sure it is, Gollum, anywho, lets talk about your opinion on Frodo!
Gimli: Well, the young hobbit is "Kool"...
Rehtaeh& Johnny: *looks @ each other and snickers*
Legolas: Has very bad sense in style...
Bilbo: I lurve ma nephew!
Gollum/Smeagle: Mine... my own... my precious...
Rehtaeh: Riiiiiight...
Johnny: *laughing his butt off*
Rehtaeh: Johnny... breathe in... breathe out...
Johnny: *does that*
Rehateh: OK,. we'll be right back after these stupid commercials!
*commercials end*
Johnny: Yeah, we're back!
Rehtaeh: OK, now lets-
Johnny: I'll do anything for you!!!
Rehtaeh: O_O' Johnny?
Everyone: *looks at Johnny*
Johnny: Don't go, I love you!!!
Rehtaeh: Thank you, Johnny, but I don't love you!
Johnny: I wasn't talking to you!!!
Rehtaeh: Who WERE you talking to?
Johnny: Uhhhhh nobody!
Rehtaeh: righhhhhht...
Johnny: MOVING ON-OK, thanks for joining us you guys! NOW LEAVE! *pushes them out*
Rehtaeh: Heeey, what did you do THAT for?! We didn't even go half-way through the questions!
Johnny: Sorry, uhh let's do something else!
Rehtaeh: UHHH...
Johnny: NOT THAT! (pervert...)
Rehtaeh: I wasn't thinking THAT you perv!!
Johnny: I am not a perv!
Rehtaeh: Riiiiiight...! OK, lets get NEW guest stars up here!
Johnny: OK, blond girl with blue shirt and foam finger that says,"Rehtaeh is #1", come up here!
*girl comes up*
Rehtaeh: OK, our loyal fan, what's your name?
Girl: Matilda!
Rehtaeh: Well, nice foam finger! *big smile*
Johnny: *glares at Rehtaeh*
Matilda: I <3 your hair, Rehtaeh!
Rehtaeh: I <3 your shoes!
Johnny:I hate you both!
Matilda: Aww, poor Johnny, nobody <3's you!
Shelby: I <3 you, JOHNNY!
Johnny: What?
Shelby: Uhhhh nothing...!
Rehtaeh: *giggle* OK, Matilda, you get to randomly dance to random songs!
Matilda: OK!
Rehtaeh: *Turns on Critical Acclaim Explict version* Ok Matilda!
*Rehtaeh, Matilda and Johnny dance to Critical Acclaim while singing it really horribly*
*song switches to SHOES*
*Rehtaeh, and Matilda sings & dance while Johnny stares aimlessly into space*
Johnny: OK, trivia time...
Rehtaeh: *takes out note cards* Uhhhh Johnny? I can't even read your handwriting!!
Johnny: Are you handicap?! That CLEARLY says "Is Rehtaeh kooler than Johnny?" GOD!!
Rehtaeh: Well, we all know the answer to this question!
Johnny: Yes, we do
*Rehtaeh and Johnny glare at each other*
Matilda: Rehtaeh's kooler!
*random laughing in crowd*
*James randomly appears*
Rehtaeh: Hi Jams, want to be a guest star on our show?
James: Not really...
Johnny: Great! Then sit here! *pushes him onto a random chair*
Rehtaeh: Matilda, are you SURE I'm kooler than Johnny? 'Cause he's pretty kool...
Matilda: Yeah, he's just weird!
Johnny: Hey!
Rehtaeh: I really think Johnny's kooler than me...
Johnny: I'm hungry....
Rehtaeh: Me too...
Random Person: We could always eat bunny meat, it's a good source of-
Rehtaeh: I agree, Jams. Now calm down... we're not going to eat a bunny...
James: Good.
Johnny: *eating random chips*
Rehtaeh: ... You're quick!!
Johnny: ??
Rehtaeh: Anyways... since you're a new special guest I'm going to ask you some questions...
James: Okay...
Johnny: Which she will now ask...
Rehtaeh: Way to state the obvious! Anywho... First question: Do you like Shelby Phi-
Shelby: *glare*
Rehtaeh: Shelby Sullivan?
James: Er... sure...
Rehtaeh: You <3 bunnies right?
Rehtaeh & Johnny: Uhhhhh....
Johnny: Rehtaeh...
Rehtaeh: *spacing off*
Johnny: Rehtaeh!
Rehtaeh: *still spacing off*
Johnny: REHTAEH!
Rehtaeh: WHAT?!?!
Johnny: Look at the time...
Rehtaeh: Oh! Look at that we're out of time!
Johnny: We'll be baaack!
Rehtaeh: Bye!
*Show Ends*