Status: In Progress

Teehee TV

Episode Ten

Rehtaeh: Like, hi! And if you were wondering, this is episode... 1 2 3 4... Episode 10 of Teehee T.V.! And today, are guest stars will be the KOOLEST guest stars we've ever had!

Jason: Hey!

Rehtaeh: Sorry, Jason, but- eww, wait a sec... WHY am I apologizing to YOU?!

Jason: Because I'm beautiful! *smiles really, really big*

Rehtaeh: *laughs so hard she falls over and cries*

Jason: Thanks a lot! *stomps back stage*

Johnny: Anyway...

Rehtaeh: *wipes tear from eye* Haha, sorry about that... so, what were we talking about again?

Johnny: Our guest stars...?

Rehtaeh: Right, right! Back to our guest stars!

Johnny: Our guest stars are...?

Rehtaeh: Mick Mars and Vince Neil! Say 'HI!'

Mick: Heyyy! *flashes random grill*

Vince: Hi...???

Rehtaeh: Okay, first question, Vince, does your beautiful locks of blonde hair flow in the wind as you run slow-mo down a beach with a surfboard?

Vince: Sure?

Mick: *laughing*

Rehtaeh: Mick, one of my friends wants to know why you are so shy, any comments on that?

Mick: Yeah... which one of your friends is asking?

Rehtaeh: Mick! I can't tell you! Just answer the question!

Mick: Ok... I'm not THAT shy, am I?

Rehtaeh: Ya barely talk!

Mick: Well... I don't like talking to you 'cause I don't like you! *evil smile*

Rehtaeh: Well, who said I like talking to you?! GOD!

Vince: haha good one, Mick!

Rehtaeh: It's not MICK, its ROBERT!

Mick: Hey! You can't say my real name on T.V.!

Rehtaeh: Ha! Too late!

Mick: Thanks a lot! *pretends to cry*

Rehtaeh: Nice fake crying Mick...

Mick: Thanks!

Vince: She was being SARCASTIC Mick...

Mick: Ohh...

Rehtaeh: Geez Robert, why are you so stupid?!?!

Mick: Thanks Rehtaeh.

Rehtaeh: No problem!

Vince: *laughing*

Johnny: *hasn't talked all episode so he's zoning out*

Vince: So Johnny, how are you?

Johnny: *zoning out*

Rehtaeh: Johnny!

Johnny: ...

Rehtaeh: JOHNNY!

Johnny: *jumps* what?

Rehtaeh: HI!

Johnny: *glares*

Vince: So Johnny, how are you?

Johnny: I iz Good!

Rehtaeh: Mick...?

Mick: what?

Rehtaeh: I LOVE YOU! *hugs Mick*

Mick: Uhhh... *shoves her away*

Rehtaeh: Thaanks...

Zacky: *runs out and licks Rehtaeh*

Rehtaeh: Ew... *pokes Mick*

Mick: *pokes Rehtaeh:

Rehtaeh: *pokes Mick*

Mick: *pokes Rehtaeh*

*goes on for five minutes*


Rehtaeh: Ok...

Johnny: I'm ending this show....

Rehtaeh: kk... BYE!
Show Ends