Status: In Progress

Teehee TV

Episode Eleven

Rehtaeh: Hi! Welcome to Teehee T.V.... again...

Johnny: *Waves at crowd* HI!

Rehtaeh: If Johnny acts a bit strange, it's because I gave him some dietCoke and Candy. He's kinda hyper...

Johnny: *jumping up and down laughing*

Viewers: Uhhhh...

Rehtaeh: Okay, today we have a guest star... obviously...

Johnny: OMG REALLY?!?!

Rehtaeh: Would you care to introduce him?

Johnny: BAKER BAKER!!!!!!!!!!

Baker: *walks out on stage* Hi..... *blushes*

Audience: Awwwww!!

Baker: *still blushing*

Rehtaeh: *hugs Baker*

Baker: Hi mommy!

Zacky: *walks out* HEAAYY!!

Johnny: HI!!

Baker: Hi daddy!

Zacky: *smiles* Hi Baker

Audience: Uhhhh.....

Johnny: What about our other guest star?

Rehtaeh: He's a butt so he's gunna be late...

Baker: Daddy, why is Jason staring at you like that?

Jason: *staring at Zacky with a creepy smile*

Zacky: Uhhhh...

Rehtaeh: Our viewers are curious, so, Baker, how old are you?

Baker: Five!

Johnny: Heehee! *jumps around in circles*

Rehtaeh: When did you get your mowhawk?

Baker: Yesterday...

Nikki: *Walks on stage* Like, OMG, hi MOM!

Rehtaeh: ...



Jason: *stops staring at Zacky and looks at Nikki*

Johnny: *doesn't notice anything*

Rehtaeh: *pokes Nikki*

Nikki: What?

Rehtaeh: Eww... old dude germs...

Nikki: Thanks...

Rehtaeh: You're welcome!

Tommy: *runs out on stage* Rehtaeh and Nikki sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-

Nikki: I swear to god Tommy, if you finish that sentence...

Tommy: But you know you want to...!

Nikki: No I don't! *looks away blushing slightly*

Tommy: Guess what?

Nikki: *mumbles* what?

Tommy: She has a crush on you!

Rehtaeh: *jumps at Tommy but is restrained by Johnny and Zacky*

Tommy: You know it's true!

Rehtaeh: *blushing* No it's not!

Baker: Mommy, why is your face all red?

Rehtaeh: *blushes more*

Johnny: Am allowed to make fun of you?

Rehtaeh: Only if you want to suffer a HUGE amount of pain! *still trying to strangle Tommy*

Tommy: *laughing evilly*

Zacky: *lets go of Rehtaeh's arm to itch his face*

Rehtaeh: *jumps on Tommy and starts strangling him*

Johnny: Zacky! You were supposed to assist me with restraining her!!


Rehtaeh: *kicks Tommy in crotch as Johnny and Zacky restrain her*

Tommy: *on floor clutching crotch* OWWW!!


Tommy: Why are you getting all defensive, Cupcake?

Rehtaeh: *stops trying to strangle him* I'm NOT getting defensive!

Everyone: O_O"

Rehtaeh: *storms off stage*

Nikki: Uhhh...

Johnny: Okay... I guess I'll ask the questions... Nikki, do you really consider Tommy your best friend?

Tommy: *smiles at Nikki*

Nikki: Suuuuurrrreeee....

Johnny: Did you name your bass?

Nikki: *cough* maybe...

Johnny: Did you write most of the lyrics to Girls Girls Girls?

Nikki: *not paying attention* yes...

Johnny: Do you-

Tommy: Have a crush on Rehtaeh?

Nikki: *completely zoning out* yes, wait, WHAT?!?!?!

Audience: *laughing*

Nikki: *glares*

Tommy: Oh, we all know you love Rehtaeh!

Nikki: *takes bite out of random pickle named Frank (don't ask), then throws it at Tommy*

Tommy: Yummy! Pickle!

Johnny: You DO realize that the pickle was on the floor and in Nikki's mouth right?

Tommy: Yeah!

Johnny: That's gross!

Tommy: No, that's sexi!

Johnny: ... Ok, let’s end this episode...

Rehtaeh: *walks out on stage* Bye, my loverly, delicious, viewers!

Audience: uh...
show ends
♠ ♠ ♠
the pickle named Frank is... a weird joke. That I don't remember honestly