Status: In Progress

Teehee TV

Episode Three

Rehtaeh: Hi people!!! Sadly, Johnny won't be joining us today, but we have even MORE guest stars! Yes, we have A7X with us today! *clapping and cheering*
Rehtaeh: Say hi guys!
MShads: Hi...
ZackyV: Hi, OMG I'M ON T.V.!
JohnnyC: I'm not Johnny Seward, what are you talking about?
TheRev: Am I supposed to say hi?
Syn: Hi, fangirls!
Fangirls: OMG, it's Synyster! *faint and squeal*
Rehtaeh: Ooook... Eww! He's ugly!
Syn: HEY!
Rehtaeh: No offense...
Syn: It's aw gooood!
JohnnyC: I know something you don't know...!
Rehtaeh: That's nice, ok! Trivia time!
ZackyV: *randomly starts hyperventilating*
Rehtaeh: ZackyV... breathe in... breathe out... Anyways, a question for Mr. Shadows... "What's your favorite kind of cheese?"
MShads: String cheese, totally string cheese...!
Rehtaeh: Okay, a question for Syny... "What's your favorite type of cereal?"
Syn: Lucky Charms!!! With milk of course...
Rehtaeh: That's nice, but this question is for Mr. ZackyV... "What kind of shampoo do you use?"
ZackyV: Suave, that strawberry stuff that's reddish pinkish and smells like A1?
Rehtaeh: ...Oh? Well, this question is for the Revy-kinz!
TheRev: (Oh God, kill me)
Rehtaeh: "Are you hot in da face?"
TheRev: Nooo...
Rehtaeh: STOP LYING! Okay, a question for Johnny Christ - *giggle*
JohnnyC: Uhhh Rehtaeh?
Rehtaeh: Oh! Right right, sorry! "How old are you?"
JohnnyC: 20, I think...
Rehtaeh: You think?! You don't even know your own AGE!?
Rehtaeh: I WILL STARE AT YOU LIKE YOU ARE A FREAK! erm... sorry...
JohnnyC: Uhhhhh
Rehtaeh: *coughs* ...moving on..
MShads: Could you hurry this up, please? We have to be in the studio by 12...
Rehtaeh: (Sucks to be you, doesn't it?) Okay, anyway, now I'm going to ask some PERSONAL questions.
A7X: Such as?
Rehtaeh: ZackyV, are you single?
ZackyV: Yes... why are you asking meh this?
Rehtaeh: I don't know... ask Shelby, she made the questions...
Shelby: *randomly appears* NO I DID NOT!!!
Rehtaeh: LIES!!!
JohnnyC: I'm not Johnny, stop saying that I am!!
Rehtaeh: ...
JohnnyC: Sorry...
Rehtaeh: Okay, forget the personal questions! Let’s talk about... PICKLES!
JohnnyC: I love pickles!
MShads: Pickles are kool!
ZackyV: Pickles taste good with toothpaste!
Syn: Pickles... heehee...
TheRev: Why are we talking about pickles?
ZackyV: Wait, is your name REHTAEH?...
Rehtaeh: Yeah, why?
ZackyV: Did you send me a picture of my butt?
MShads: *chokes on coke* WHAT?!
ZackyV: Where'd your friend even find that picture?
Rehtaeh: You don't want to know... coughphotobucketcough...
ZackyV: WHO sent it to you?
Rehtaeh: No one you know.... coughShelbycough...
MShads: *chokes again but laughing*
ZackyV: I'm scared now... wait until I see SHELBY again!
Shelby: *randomly appears* Hi guys!
Everyone: *laughing*
ZackyV: Shelby, did you send Rehtaeh a picture of my butt?
Shelby: No... *whistling innocently*
TheRev: *laughing*
Rehtaeh: Wait... my shows still on...
MShads: YAWN...!
Rehtaeh: HEY! My dear viewers, I'm sorry to announce this but... the show must end!
*show ends*