Status: In Progress

Teehee TV

Episode Seven

Johnny: Hello, everybody! And this is episode 7 of-wait.... what is this show called again?
Rehtaeh: *rolls eyes* It's called Teehee T.V.!
Johnny: Oh yeah, riiiight... anyway, today is Rehtaeh's B-day! Yay! *jumps up and down while clapping* OK, that was gay...
Rehtaeh: It's my B-day today?
Johnny: Uhhh... Yeah! Feb. 7th, right?
Rehtaeh: Yeah! I'm ______ today! Yay! Wait... how'd you remember it's my B-day?!
Johnny: It's on the Teehee T.V. calendar *points behind her*
Rehtaeh: *looks behind her and sees huge calendar* Oh...
Zacky: *walks out half naked* HAPPY BIRTHDAY REHTAEH!!
Rehtaeh and Johnny: O_O
Rehtaeh: Thanks... but WHY are you shirtless?
Zacky: So you could see my new tattoo! *points at tattoo*

[a heart that says Lordess Rehtaeh. Outside the heart is says Zacky B and Rehtaeh Y forever]

[img] [/img]

Rehtaeh: Uhhh.... that's a nice tattoo...
Zacky: I know! I got it on my stomach because...I didn't have any room on my back... or arms...
Johnny: Hahaha!
Zacky: And check out my OTHER tattoo! *pulls down pants*

[says Rehtaeh was here!]

[img] [/img]

Rehtaeh and Johnny: Uhh...
Rehtaeh: Nice butt, Zacky!
Audience: *laughing*
Zacky: Oh, you know you like it....
Rehtaeh: Zacky, please don't-
Zacky: *turns around*
Rehtaeh: EWW! *shields eyes and screams*
Johnny: Eww, Zacky! GROSS! *shields eyes*
Zacky: Can't I walk around naked while on national television?!
Rehtaeh: If you REALLY want to...
Zacky: OK! *walks around naked*
Everyone: Umm...
Rehtaeh: Just ignore the nude guy running around in the background!...
Johnny: Yeah... THAT'S gonna be EASY...
Rehtaeh: JOHNNY, I didn't know you were like that!
Johnny: Why would you say that? *eyes fill with tears* That's not true! *starts to cry*
In Another Town
Little girl: Look, Mommy! There's a naked boy in the background! He's sexy...
Mom: OMG! WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING! Fred, come see what your daughter's watching!
Fred: *walks in* Yes?
Mom: Look at the screen! *screen has Rehtaeh and Johnny casually talking while Zacky is naked while singing "I've been working on the Railroad"*
fred: Oh, that's just JOhnny, some girl I don't know and- IS THAT ZACKY?!
Back to Teehee T.V.
Rehtaeh: So Johnny, who do you think discovered the pickle?
Johnny: Maybe it was Mr. Pickles from the Rugrats! *rolls eyes*
Rehtaeh: Shut your face, Johnny, nobody-
Zacky: *hugs Rehtaeh*
Rehtaeh: Uhhh...
Audience: Awww!
Johnny: It doesn't look as normal when he's naked *grimace*
Rehtaeh: Is Zacky EVER normal?!
Johnny: True...
Zacky: *has random bug net and is chasing random butterflies and giggling like a little girl*
Rehtaeh: Uhhh...
Johnny: OK, this is going to be too hard to ignore!
Rehtaeh: I didn't know you were GAY, Johnny!
Johnny: I'm not gay! It's just - oh my god, do I even NEED to tell you what's wrong with what he's doing?!
Rehtaeh: *looks at Zacky* Ok, yeah, awkward!
Zacky: Here, Rehtaeh! I caught this jsut for you! *holds up a mutated bug*
Rehtaeh: Zacky, that thing's hideous...
Zacky: Which is why I named him Johnny!
Johnny: Hey! That wasn't very nice!
Rehtaeh: Yeah, Zackary! Apologize to Johnathon right now!
Zacky: I'm sorry Johnny... *hugs Johnny awkwardly*
Johnny: *grimace* Please stop hugging me Zackary!
Zacky: Fine! *wipes away teardrop*
Rehtaeh: *rolls eyes* You're so weird, Zackary!
Zacky: *kisses Rehtaeh's cheek* I know you love me, Lordess Rehtaeh!
Johnny: *Pfft* Yeah, ok!
Zacky: *glare* What the FLIP is THAT supposed to mean?!
Johnny: Uhhh nothing!
Rehtaeh: Ok, Zacky, PLEASE put some clothes on!
Zacky: *sigh* Yes, Lordess Rehtaeh... *puts on clothes*
Johnny: Thank you!
Rehtaeh: But ANYWAY, now to our guest stars!
Johnny: Who are the guest stars again?
Suzy: Hi! And Brian, you better be watching this!
Pickle Jar: ...Please don't eat my pickles!
Rehtaeh: That's too bad! *reaches into pickle jar and grabs pickles* WAHAHA!
Johnny: Uhhh... *walks off stage*
Zacky: *inches backstage*
Rehtaeh: *shoves pickles into mouth* YUMMY!
Suzy: I'm outta here! *leaves with random jetpack*
Rehtaeh: *hugs pickle jar* At least we have each other!
Pickle Jar: *shatters*
Rehtaeh: Or not... *leaves*
End of Episode