
Chapter 2

I pulled my hood up and stared at my feet. Not making eye contact seemed to work for me. I picked up my pace and pulled my bag closer to me. I knew I was almost there and then I would be almost safe. At least once I was there I knew there were people who would have my back.
"Hey babe that's a nice ass you got. Why don't you come over here and let me have a look" some guy behind me yelled. I just ignored him. I didn't hear any laughter so I was guessing he was alone.
"Ay bitch! You listen to me when I talk to you. Get back here and let me tear you up" he yelled slurring his words. So he was drunk and alone, not much of a threat. I hoped. I felt a hand on my shoulder and braced myself for a first blow. However the hand was pushing me along and almost holding me to them in order to keep me safe. I looked over at this person. Couldn't see his face it was covered by a black bandanna and a hood. Only his blue eyes were visible, they were so bright. He led me away from this guy who was still yelling, something I couldn't hear.

We got to the Burn Out and I turned to say thank you but he was gone. Disappeared into the day, which seems pretty impossible to do. I could still see those blue eyes. They were unrealistically blue, ice blue and they seemed to glow. It wasn't like a neon glow they were just so bright it was so weird.

I walked into the building and up to the third floor. Room 23B, white door with charred edges and a hinge missing. I knocked on the door and heard thumps and then feet running. The door opened and my room mate Katie smiled. Katie was a small girl no older than 13 and she had short pixie blonde hair. She had bright green eyes and pale skin. She looked like a little doll. She hugged me as a walked through the door.
"Hi!" was all she said as she ran back and jumped on her bed.

I closed the door and smiled. I made sure to lock it and walked into the bathroom. We did our best at keeping this room clean. I sold more than half of the food I stole in order to buy cheap cleaning products. And by cleaning I meant bath products as well as bleach and disinfectant. We were some of the only people who still brushed their teeth. I didn't really ever shower. My hair would usually be the only reason I showered and now that I didn't have any hair I didn't do it as often. Our clothes were usually dirty though because the laundry in the hotel obviously didn't work any more and the closest laundromat was to far to walk to so I usually had to wait until I saved up money for wash and bus. I also had to take Katie with me cause I couldn't leave her here for that long so that was two people both ways to pay for.

Katie was always so happy despite all that had happened to her and her situation. She had been left to wander the streets at 9 after her dad died and her mom decided buying alcohol was more important than keeping her daughter. I found Katie alone and half naked in an alley hiding under trash when she was 11. She'd been raped and beaten. I took her back with me and washed her up and became a mother for her. She looked up to me and I felt it was my responsibility to teach her and feed her. I taught her all that I knew and found that she wasn't stupid just misguided.

I pulled the curtains back a bit and three bugs fell out on to the floor and scurried away. I looked back at Katie and she pulled back the bed spreads but found only clean. I looked up and saw that the curtains were finally starting to rot off the walls.
"I guess we are gonna have to find a way to fix that" I said pointing up.
"I guess so" Katie said walking over to me and looking out the window onto the people below. I looked down at her as she gazed out the window. There needed to be a way to get out of here and have a better life. If not for me at least for her.
"Katie" I said.
"I've lost my faith, all of it. But never lose yours because for right now it's the only thing you have."
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the story moves really fast after this point but the next couple of chapters are mostly filler to progress the story but they aren't really important to the story line so i'm sorry if it confuses readers :/
