

Jase would’ve broken up with Scarlett ages ago, except for the fact that he just couldn’t.

He didn’t know what it was about her that made him stay. Maybe it was her personality that was so radically different from his, her being so shy and smart and him being so loud and outgoing and just not giving a fuck about his grades. Maybe it was her gray eyes and the way they danced when she laughed or smiled. Maybe it was the fact that she was a girl, and that he was scared to leave her because once he did, all he’d have is Liam and that would make him gay and people didn’t take kindly to “fags,” as they so eloquently put it, where he lived.

So when he saw her after her recital, smiling and laughing and just not caring that her hair was sticking to her forehead because she was so sweaty and gross, Jase decided right then and there that he could never give this girl up.