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The Truth About Prom Queens and Other Fancy Things.

I Love You.

“I love you,” Esther said in the middle of one of her preppy giggles.

“I love you more,” Blake said in his deep voice.

They rubbed their noses together just like Blake and I used to do. They were called Eskimo Kisses. The strings tied around my heart pulled my fragile soul deeper and deeper into the utter blackness that I now called my soul.

“Awh! Look how cute the both of you kids are,” My mother, Helen said in a dreamy way.

Her wrinkling hands were tucked up under her chin as her eyes, covered in a fuzzy film from years of smoking and drinking, watched their every more.

Blaker. That’s what their thing name was called.

It was hard to believe that only last school year Helen and Esther both did the same exact thing to me.

There was a silence and Esther laughed for no reason. I rolled my eyes. Perfect example of a prep right there.

I can’t believe I was one of them once before.

Esther and I were close at one point. We were the preppiest of the prep at Washington High School. We walked together, arm in arm with Esther’s best friend Jessie. We flipped our hair and rolled our sparkly eyes at the emo kids.

You see, the ironic thing is that I was one of those emo kids at heart. No, I didn’t have jet-black hair that fell over my right eye or anything. But, I was sad. Very very sad on the inside.

Helen and Hank’s –My father- divorce took away any chance I had once had at being happy.

That’s exactly why Blake had dumped me right after I had been crowned Prom Queen last school year. That was both the best and worst night of my life. I can still remember it as if it were only yesterday…

”And this year’s Prom King is…. Blake!”

The crowd below the glittering, aqua blue stage got to their feet and roared with cheers. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my red lips. I jumped up and down with such joy.

My dress was the best one there. A nice pearl pink dress with pearls running down my thighs. A choker made of pearls occupied my neck. While a matching bracelet hugged my wrist. The pearl barrette held all of my thick, brown and wavy hair in a tight bun. I think the hairdresser had called it something along the lines of a jellyfish.

Esther stood in the sea of people with Jessie at her side. Drool was slowly pooling out of their mouth at the sight of Blake standing besides me as the traditional Prom King crown was placed on his head. I didn’t see that as a problem until later that night.

I ignored them and set my own blue eyes on Blake, my Blake. A fiery blush made its way across my pale face. I wasn’t Prom Queen material. I was awkwardly skinny. My eyes looked naturally sad and tired. Freckles were punched all over my face. I looked like the biggest nerd. Well, nowadays I guess I could pass for emo if I dyed my hair black. My long, skinny fingers were vampire material.

I knew that Esther had rigged the ballets to make both Blake and I win this thing. In fact, I was the one to set her up to it.

But, that didn’t matter. All that really mattered now was Blake who threw an arm around me as he began to give his Prom King speech.

“I have dreamed of this moment since I was a little kid,” He rubbed at fake tears pooling at the end of his eyes. He was going to be the perfect actor one day. “My mother asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up-“

“And you said like a totally hot guy who I would do so many like things to?” Jessie screamed.

He laughed his fake laugh along with the rest of the crowd. He quickly continued without any comment. “Well, I said I wanna be Prom King Mama. And look at what happened.”

He squeezed me tightly as my cue to smile and look like his trophy wife. “And with the help of all of you lovely people that dream came true today. But, I do have some news that may interest all of you.”

“Tell us bro!” One of his football friends yelled from the back.

He turned me around so instead of looking at the people, I was now looking up at Blake’s perfect eyes. “Emma, will you do me a huge favor?”

He leaned the microphone down to my mouth. “Yes I will.”

Spotlights surrounded the both of us. I had to put a hand up to block the lights.

“Will you pretty please get the fuck out my life you blood sucking leech?” He asked the question quickly with a huge smile on his face.

Without realizing what he’d even said I responded, “Yes of course.”

He took his arm from around me and raised it in the air as if he were about to rap. “Single life brothas!”

Half the crowd cheered and half of the crowd gasped in shock. The roaring guys from the cheering half overpowered the other half.

He jumped down the stage and the spot lights followed, leaving me in darkness. Everyone’s eyes were on Blake. From that day forward I lived in darkness.

Only then when I came back to reality did I realize that I sat alone in my plain, yellow kitchen. I stared at the spot where Blake had stood. I wished he was back with me so badly.

I didn’t want to start school again next week. I hadn’t seen the student body since that dreadful night.
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It's kinda slow. I don't quite know where I'm going with this story just yet :).

-Cellophane Imploder