Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 29

Later, after Mech talked to Sasuke, we were all training again. Mostly helping Mechifu.
“Mechifu, teleport yourself to that rock!” I yelled, pointing to the big rock to my left.
Mech closed her eyes, then she disappeared, as well as her spirit. I didn’t sense it for a second. I felt it again, which meant she teleported alright.
“Alright. I think we got that covered now,” Mechifu said, “I practically mastered it.”
I roll my eyes, “Alright, let’s move on to something else…”
“How about she manifest something?” Sasuke suggested.
I nodded in agreement, “Try it Mech.”
She stares at the ground, then goes quiet. Then her eyes closed, only to be opened a second later, with… a pack of gum in her hands. I snorted, “So typical Mech. Give me a piece.”
She shrugged and through me a piece, chewing on peppermint gum, “I was in need of something to chew on.”
I started chewing mine. I noticed Sasuke looking at us, I stared at him. Mechifu throws him a piece, and he tries it. He must have like it because he didn’t spit it out.
“Alright, Mechifu, try to manifest something harder and more trickier.” I said.
She scratches her head, “Umm… OH! I got one…”
She does the same thing again, only this time it didn’t take as long to make whatever it was she was going to make. She made a little .22 pistol. I gaped at her, “MECH!” I practically screeched.
She stared at me, “What? Not tricky enough for you?”
I shook, “No! What the hell! You made a gun!”
She stared at the gun, “Hm, I guess I did…”
I took it from her, I cocked it. It was empty, “Make some ammo.”
She rolled her eyes, but listen. A few seconds later there was some bullets in her hand. I grabbed one and stuck it in the gun. I cocked it again. Then aimed at a tree. I pulled the trigger and a loud boom went through the air. A half of a millisecond later, there was a big dent in the tree where the bullet was suppose to hit.
I grinned, “Damn Mechifu. If you can make one hell of a gun, I wonder what the sniper will be like.”
She shrugged, “I don’t know. I’ll make it the best as it can be.”
I smiled, “Good luck.” I handed the gun back to her, “Destroy the gun.”
She blinked, “What?”
“Destroy. The. Gun.” I said, repeating myself.
“I heard you. I meant how?” She said, looking at the gun.
I shrugged, “You have the Yin Yang, you can create, as well as destroy equally. If you can create easily, it shouldn’t be a problem to destroy…”
The gun turned into ash at that second, I gaped. Then closed my mouth, “Nice one, Mechifu. Keep doing that, create something, then destroy it.”
She did, for a few hours. Guns, flowers, anything. Instead of turning them into just ash, she’d catched them on fire, make them disappear completely, any way she could, she destroyed it. I was getting bored after a while, “Okay, okay. Stop Mechifu.”
I stood up from where I was sitting, “What?” She asked, making a fish disappear.
I shook my head, “Let’s try something else.”
I looked around then laid eyes on a bolder, I grinned, “See that bolder? Make it explode.”
She gave me a ‘are you serious’ look, “I’ve been creating and destroying things this whole time, and you call this ‘something else?’”
I shook, “You’ve been destroying objects, not exploding them. Do it.”
She shrugged and looked at the bolder. It exploded, throwing huge chunks of rocks everywhere. A few made it to us, though missed us… barely. Mechifu gave me a ‘are you satisfied’ look.
I rolled my eyes, “Alright. I’m satisfied now. What should we do now?”
She shrugged, “Well, I’m not completely sure how far my powers can go…”
“Well,” I stated, “Isn’t Yin Yang basically Chi? You could probably manipulate someone’s Chi…”
“The person’s life force…”
I nodded, “Chi is part of a person’s soul, right? You could probably manipulate what happens to their soul…”
She shrugged, “Maybe even go farther than that…”
I smirked, “Maybe so.” I agreed,
“Well,” Sasuke pointed out, “Maybe she could control time…”
We both jerked our heads toward him and stared, he raised his hands up in the air as if he was surrendering to something, “I’m just thinking out loud. She has the Yin Yang, which if she goes far enough, she may be able to control Day and Night. If she manipulates Night and Day, she may be able to control time…”
I shook my head, trying to understand, “That’s… pretty cool.” I stated.
He shrugged, “Just thinking out loud. Mechifu is doing fine for now. Maybe she should start focusing how to destroy Kabuto for now though. That’s most important.”
“You have a point there.” I said.
“BUT!” Mechifu yelled, “How do I destroy Kabuto! What about you two? How will you two defeat Madara?”
I looked at Sasuke, then back at her, “We have to find him first. We’ll be leaving, just us two, to go and search for him. As for you, you should know how to kill Kabuto.”
Mechifu threw her hands up in the air, “Well, sorry I don’t. Tell me.”
I shook my head in mocked disappointment, “Mech. Tell me, how do you kill a snake?”
She stared at me for a moment, not quite getting of what I’m saying.
I sighed, “Aim for the neck, and cut off the head. Easy.”
She cocked her head, “But, it’s morely the soul we’re worried about, right? I mean, how do I rid of the soul?”
I chuckled darkly, “Put him in the deepest darkest of Hell. Make him suffer.”
Is there a hell? I thought. I wonder, maybe I should ask Alstarte later.
“Alright,” I said, “Let’s call it a day. We need to be ready when the war starts. Which will be very, very soon.” I added.
♠ ♠ ♠
EEEEPPP!! WAR! Dx NOOOO the russians will win again- (coughs) sorry wrong time O_O lol :o okay, so i lied in the last chap in the author notes... I'm stoppin here >:O yes, i know, sad right? But i'm soooo sleepy and tireddddd O_O"""