Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 34

It may have been probably 2 minutes tops whenever they were staring at each other with painful/longing expressions. To me though, it felt like a hundred years going in slow motion.
I cleared my throat, “Um, if you two are done looking at each other like lost lovers, can we please get on with what we came here for?”
The didn’t even make them blink, but I heard loud laughter coming from Killer Bee. I sighed, then Bee said, “You know, we’ve only just met, but your funny as heck.”
I rolled my eyes, “That’s nice, Killer Bee.”
He eyes widen, “Is it just me, or did I just hear you same my name?” He rubbed his hand over his face, “It must be my tiredness to blame.”
I shook my head, not really caring at the moment to explain, “Don’t worry about it now. Let’s just get the two love birds to snap out of it.”
“Aighty-Oh! I’m on the go!” He replied.
I turned to Sasuke and put my hand on his shoulder, “Sasuke. I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen him, but don’t forget what we came here for. The more time we waste, the longer this bloody war will last.”
I got a little reaction from that. He closed his slightly opened mouth into a tight line.
“There’s plenty of time to catch up.” I added, hoping he’ll just snap out of his little trance.
He just simply nodded his head. I sighed and turned to face the others. Tomoto, who for a minute I forgot was there, was talking to Naruto, as well as Killer Bee.
After what seemed like forever, Naruto cautiously started to walk toward us. I braced myself, ready for the worse to happen. When they stopped about five feet form us, I took the floor, “Um, hello, Naruto.”
He turned his blue eyes to me, he seemed a little more like himself, “Who are you? Why are you and Sasuke…”
His voice broke when he said Sasuke. I didn’t know what to say all of the sudden.
“Naruto, “Sasuke said, taking over, “Trinity and I need you to come with us.”
A look came across Naruto’s face, maybe betrayal? “How can I trust a complete stranger and a friend who left everybody who cared for him and his home?”
Ouch. Talk about blunt. I stepped in, “Naruto, it is about time to let the past go. There is a war going on out there. Madara is trying to take over the world. The sooner we leave and find him, the better.”
He started at me, “How do I trust that you wont hand me over to him?”
This was going to be a small test. A test to see if he could trust me. I wasn’t in the mood to fail now so I stepped up to him. I gently laid the right palm of my hand on his cheek. My body was moving on it’s own somehow. I simply knew what I was doing, I shared my memories from the time I came here to the time I saved Sasuke 7 months back with him.
His face was blank, due to the fact that he was studying my memories as his own. When I pulled my hand away, he just stares at the floor.
“You see, Naruto,” I said, “We were to meet about 7 months ago. Lady Tsunade decided that you needed protection more than anything, so instead, me and a friend of mine were sent to go rescue Sasuke.”
Naruto swallowed, he saw everything that happened. “Alright.” He said, “But what do we do about Madara?”
I grinned, “We kill him. That’s why we came here. We want to use you to lure him to us.”
“So I’m bait?” Naruto asked, with what sounded more like a statement than a question.
I thought for a moment, then shrugged, “Well, not necessarily. Your more helping us defeat him than being bait. Plus, the more, the merrier I would always say.” I added, hoping to clear his doubt.
He nodded, then he stares at Sasuke, “I’m glad you back, Sasuke… Although, I should also thank you and your friend for saving him too…” He added, turning to me.
I smiled, “No problem. It wasn’t that hard to do so anyway.”
Then Naruto’s eyes widen with small excitement, “I also saw Kakshi and Sakura in your mind. How are they? Does Sakura still have that scary ass monster strength? Is Kakshi still reading that perverted book…”
His voice trailed off when he saw the look on my face. I probably had on a grave expression, but I answered anyways. “I don’t know, Naruto. I haven’t seen them in 6 months. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen anyone since me and Sasuke left to find Madara. As far as Kakshi’s book though, no, not at the moment. I hid it from him.”
I grinned at the memory, I wonder if he’s crying over it sometimes. I sighed, then said, “Enough of this. We need to leave. Now.”
Naruto nodded, “Okay….”
I turned to Tomoto again, “We’ll be leaving then. Also, I have a question for you… Is there any, um, updates on the war you’ve heard?”
I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Some part of me told me to stay quiet and just mind you business, but I wanted to know if anything… bad happened.
He shrugged, “Nothing really, the last update was about a month ago. Then the Shinobi had the upper hand, as for now… I’m not completely sure. Not many of our side died though, seems like something is protecting or something…”
I smiled, good ol’ Lalita. Keep up the good work. “Alright, We will be going. Come on boys.”
I turned and they followed, I found our way out without much trouble. When we were outside, the other two ninjas… I done forgot their names, stared at us while we passed by. I smiled and waved… okay I morely smirked than smiled and chuckled to myself.
I closed my eyes and thought of Madara. Next thing I knew, my best friend String came up. “Alright, prepare yourself for a fun ride.” I said smiling.
Sasuke knew what I meant, Naruto didn’t. I called in some Spirits and told them to fly us to the end of the string, like last time.
“WHOA!” Naruto yelled.
I laughed, “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.”
We flew on our way. Naruto was having fun spinning around and doing weird tricks. Him and Sasuke talked a lot. They caught up a lot. I’m glad they happen to be somewhat friends again. Though, now we have to find a man and kick his ass hardcore.
I wanted to get this over with and go home. I frowned, I wasn’t sure what home was anymore. Here in the Shinobi World, or in my birth planet. I scratched my head, oh well.
Not like it matters anymore anyways.
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