Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 36

The first thing I’ve noticed, that I’ve always noticed, was the Spirits. They were everywhere. Some were just small orbs, floating all over the place in the air. Though most were shaped like a human being. None had a face though, that’s what I noticed. They were just a bright shaped with an outline of a human figure.
The next thing I noticed was the Angels. Most were roaming in the air, with wings so white, I didn’t see a speck of tint of other color on them. They had beautiful human bodies. If you stared long enough, you’d be thinking your seeing a small halo on their heads.
There were female and male. Some had on tight clothing with bows strapped on their backs. The others in the air held spears, ready to throw. That wasn’t all, there were also Angels on the ground. Well, not necessarily Angels, more like Niphilim. I suppose they were fallen angels of some sort. Anyway, they had crazy, yet beautiful swirl type looking markings all over themselves and held a weapon that looked like a dagger.
The last thing I noticed, was the Demons. They looked like a 3D type of shadow. Though they couldn’t stay in one shape, they looked like dust particles floating around trying to keep a shape of a body. Most had black oozy stuff coming out of their mouth, as if they were drooling. I knew what it was, they were hungry, and they wanted to eat. I also noticed flying demons also, they were the ones with the black looking wings.
There were so many of the three type of beings. There looked to be about hundreds, maybe thousands.
I grinned, glad to see that my plan so far was working. “Do I give orders here? Or do you have leaders of some sort?” I asked, to the beings.
I stood up from where I was standing on my knees. As I stood though, something totally unexpected happened.
They all got down to one knee, resting their right fist over their heart. The Angels and Demons flying were still flying while bowing, with their spears pointed upward toward the sky. The beings on the ground had the tip of their daggers in the ground.
I gaped for a moment, then they all said, in chorus, “We are at your command, New Moon Child.”
The way they called me ‘new moon child’ sounded more like a name than just expressing me. I had the darkness in me now, so I wasn’t in the mood for anything. I wanted to kill…
No, I thought. I looked up at the sky, Help me through this. I ask you to protect me from this darkness that is trying to eat me. I must protect everyone.
At that, I suddenly felt lighter, the light was fighting the darkness. Everybody was still bowed, I smiled, “Stand.”
They obeyed, and stood. I looked at the corpse, they weren’t moving. They were staring at the beings that were in front of them. So they can see them this time, I thought. I guess Spirits and whatnot can choose whether or not to be seen by others.
I looked over the beings, “Are there others helping out the war? Besides just being here to help me and my friends?”
I noticed a motion from a blond male angel, “Yes, Child. There are many more back at where the fights of the war are. They are sent there to help the Shinobi. They shall not touch nor harm the ninjas. Only the enemies.”
I nodded my head, clearly impressed, “I see. So who is in charge of the… others?”
The same angel replied, “They are with the other three stars. Soul Star, Strength Star, and Life Star.”
I blinked. I guess they were informed that the three stars were to represent the three stars, as well as I represent the New Moon.
“I see. Thank you for telling me.” I said.
He nodded his head, “It would be my pleasure to tell you anything, Child.”
If it wasn’t the fact that we were getting ready to fight, I’d probably be laughing my ass off. Though, unlike Mechifu, I could control myself some. I nodded, “Well, these two,” I gestured to Naruto and Sasuke, who were gaping at their surroundings, “and I need to hurry along. You guys fight off these… corpse or whatever they are called. Just do what you came here for. Once you finish them all off. Move on to the next set of corpse. Keep fighting until your told to stop, by me, or the other… Star Children.”
It was weird calling Lalita, Mechifu, and Zana that. I dropped the though, “Let’s go, guys. You may begin you mission.”
I tugged at the guys, the beings starting fighting the corpse. The Demons were biting off body parts as the guys and I passed. I tried not to focus on them too much, it was pretty disgusting.
We passed the gory battle field and continued to follow the silver string to find Madara. The darkness and light fighting in me, I had a feeling I was going to keep the power flowing through me. I had to admit, even if the darkness was trying to fight me, I would use it to fight off Madara. I had a feeling we were going to meet sometime soon. Very soon.
We made our way through the woods quickly. The string was becoming smaller, I didn’t feel any presences around me anymore, they were probably too busy fighting the beings than us.
“We’re getting close.” I said, seeing the tint of red starting to form upon the string.
It was about another 30 minutes before we ended up into a small clearing, in front of a cave.
We hurried to the entrance, slipping in without much trouble.
The string was still there, leading the way. We hurried through the maze of the cave. Working our way deeper and deeper into it.
And when we went through a small hallway type clearing, at the end of the hall was a set of double doors.
The string disappeared.
Madara was in there. After 7 long months of waiting, well actually longer if you count the time I was reading the Naruto books to see what will happen to him. Either way, it’s been a long time. I felt suddenly happy and scared at the same time. He was going to die. Tonight.
Sasuke and Naruto kick open the doors. I stepped through first. I heard a small chuckle from a distance, “Oh! How convenient of you three to join us!” A male voice said.
I smirked, “Why, hello, Madara.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, well, well... it's around that time where all these x-mas movies are coming out. That one movie with rudolf the red nose raindeer is on at the moment xD Haven't seen this movie in forever! It's going off and the elf is sending presents down... with umbrellas o.O talk about an epic entrance xD!

sorry for any typos or grammer problems in this story... especially the you're and your deal (bad habit x.x my pc should start correcting me)

if you look past my mistakes and just read anyways, thank you! :D *bows* I love you all! lol and for those who don't... well thanks for putting up with me o.o *bows again*

Anywho :D Thank you all.