Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 43

>We stepped into the good sized building, which was where the Hokage’s meeting was to be at. We got to the round table, where all five Hokages sat. I stood to Tsunade’s right, she wanted me beside her, so I stayed. “So who’s this little runt?” The oldest of the Hokages asked.
Tsunade just stares at the man hard, “Zana. She will be a part of this meeting. She will be a big help with this war that is to come.”
The old man grunted. “Let’s get a move on with this meething then, shall we?” A young woman said, smiling some.
They started. I stayed quiet, thinking about everything they were saying. Then after choosing Gaara to be the General for the army, Tsunade makes a suggestion, “How about we have Zana being with Gaara? You may not know her well, but she’s pretty well informed about Madara and our enemies more than we are. She’s smart and thoughtful too. She’ll be a huge help too.”
I looked over at Gaara. He was staring cooly at me, almost expectant. “I could use the help.” He said.
They all agreed. I felt myself smile some. Glad to be of some use.<
I blinked, Zana’s hand came off of my arm, “Trin?” She asked, concerned.
I shook my head, “Sorry. I forgot to mention I can see memories now if you touch me.”
“Sorry.” She said, a little shyly.
I smiled at her some, “No problem. So you got to meet Gaara?” I asked, trying to change the subject from me to her.
She blushed some and nodded, “Yeah. I helped him plan through the army.”
I felt a smirk form on my lips, “Is that all?”
She blushes some more, then smacks my arm, “Stop teasing me!”
I smiled at her and ruffled her hair, “Yeah, I’m only playing. You good friends with him?”
She nodded, smiling, “Great friends.”
“With benefits!” Mechifu yelled.
I laughed and Zana blushed, “Leave the girl alone.” I said, “What about you Lalita? Anything special happen while I was gone?”
“Well you pretty much know I can already read minds and telepath. Up to about a few months ago I could see the future in my dreams. But they come unrepentantly, without my knowledge. I can’t dream what I want to see… yet.”
“Yet.” Kiba said, looking at her.
“Yet.” She said again, sticking her tongue out at him.
Kiba smiles. “What happened during the war?” I asked.
“Pretty much what I was suppose to. I sniped, which wasn’t fun at all. Pretty boring. Then those beings came, which I was expecting.”
“Yeah. Yeah!” Mechifu chided in, “When Kabuto came, we sparred for a while. Then he said something that made me tick, that’s when my wings came.” She shudders some, “Hurt like hell, but anyways, I felt a sudden burst of power coming to me. My powers became more easier to use. When ever I got my wings, Kabuto came down, just like that. It was pretty damn easy killing him, if you ask me.”
I nodded, “What about you Zana? Did you gain some power while I was gone?”
She smiled, “Well… I wouldn’t know how to really explain it. But I basically gained what they call the ‘Genjutsu’.”
I raised an eye, “Prove it to me.”
She smiles, “Okay.”
She closes her eyes. Then she opens them. Nothing has changed, “Um.. Zana? Nothing is happening…”
I sense a small movement behind Zana. I saw Kakashi stand up, walking toward me. “Kakashi? What are you doing?”
I saw his mouth perk up in his mask. He comes up in front of me, putting his hands on either side of me on the wall. He leans in close, touching his forehead onto mine. Though somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew the others weren’t doing anything, just watching.
Kakashi brings a hand up to his mask, getting ready to pull it down. He leans his face in toward mine. I swallowed, “Okay, Zana. I get your point. Cut it out.” I said, looking over at Zana, who was still smiling.
The scene disappeared before me, but I still felt a brush of lips touch my cheek. Everybody was where they were at previously before my illusion. Zana placed a hand on her hip, “See?”
My eyes lingered to where Kakashi was, who was staring at me confused. I blushed and looked away. “Yeah. I get it. Jeez, you didn’t have to do that.”
She laughed. I heard Lalita snicker some. I stuck my tongue out at her. I kept glancing at Kakashi though, I scratched the back of my head, still blushing some. Kakashi was staring at me with amusement, like he knew what exactly happened.
I looked over at Lalita again. She was smiling. “I don’t believe you!” I yelled out of embarrassment.
I walked over and sat in front of her. I opened my arms, “Your so mean.” I said, mock pouting.
She smiles and gives me a hug, “I missed you, love.”
“I missed you too.” I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She laughs, getting my mocking joke. “Where’s mine!?” I heard Mech yell.
I rolled my eyes and stood up, Mechifu ran into me, giving me a crushing hug, “Mech… air!” I gasped.
She loosened up, “Tee hee! Sorry, missed you lots!”
I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, “Yeah, same here.”
I let go of her to go to Zana and hugged her. “Since I haven’t seen you in such a long damn time, Zana, I’ll forgive you for that small illusion.”
“Oh you loved it.” She said, hugging me back.
I scoffed, “Yeah. Sure.”
She giggles. I looked over at the small group, “You boys have been quiet for a while.”
“You girls looked like you need to talk, so we let you.” Kiba said, shrugging, “It seemed rude to interrupt.”
“That’s… sweet. Coming from you anyways.” Mechifu commented.
I laughed, “You got that one right.”
Naruto stood up, stretching, “I’m glad your conversation is over. Plus, don’t I get a hug?” He asked, a little pouty.
I rolled my eyes, “We’ve been together for what? Two weeks?”
He pouted, “I don’t want to feel left out.”
I rolled my eyes and walked to him, giving him a tight hug, “There? Happy?”
He smiles real big, then turns to Kakashi, “Hah! I was right, she’s a C! You owe me ramen now!”
Kakashi just sighs, “Damn, and I was sure she was a D…”
I looked at them both for a moment. Mechifu started laughing again. Then I realized what they were talking about.
I blushed ten shades of red, “I am so not ever coming out here in a towel again!” I exclaimed.
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okay in the beginning I added the "> <" thing O.o that's suppose to Zana's memory majiger thingie lol x.x

thanks for still putting up with me!