Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 5

I woke up to a sweet smell of pancakes. Still half asleep, I groaned and rolled over on my back. For some weird reason, I tried to reach over to my left and shut off my alarm clock. When I didn’t feel anything, I just laid there.
Then realization hit me. I quickly sat up, which was a bad idea because it made me dizzy. I rubbed my head for the dizziness to fade. I took a good look around my room, remember that I wasn’t necessarily in my room…
Putting that thought aside, I threw the covers off of me. I put my feet on the cold floor. I started rubbing my eyes, then I went to stand up. I failed to get up all the way because I slid onto the floor with a loud ‘THUMP.’
“Ow…” I muttered, rubbing my thigh. The place something hard hit. I looked at what I slipped from. It was a Naruto book, “What the--”
I heard the door swung open, Mechifu was holding the handle staring at me with Lalita behind her, looking at me from over her head. They were wide-eyed for a moment, then Mechifu starts laughing her ass off. Lalita did a little breath of relief.
Still laughing, Mechifu manage to quiet down enough to ask, “Are… are you okay?”
I manage a little grunt and stood up. I looked around and gasp. There were books everywhere. All over my floor. “Ugh! I so wished Itachi didn’t leave a mess… jeez…” I said.
Lalita came in and picked up one of the books, “I see the books came here,” She said, then scowled, “Not that I’m surprised, I woke up hugging my guitar…”
Mechifu giggled a little, then sighed, “I woke up choking,” She touches her necklace.
I felt my eyebrows rise, “Damn, that’s one wake-up call…”
She laughed, “That’s not the funny part, and Zana got up and went to go open her closet. All her hats fell on her!”
I smiled, then Lalita says, “Well, I figured that’s a sign Itachi wants us to hurry up and go meet the Hokage…”
Mechifu pouts, “But! I want pancakes first…”
Me and Lalita laughs, then I said, “Go eat, I’ll meet you guys in a minute. Let me change…”
They left and I went to the closet door. I took precaution and opened slowly, hoping no more books would fall on me. Seeing none was going to, I opened the closet all the way. I turned on the closet light and stepped in.
I grabbed a white tank top and some short black shorts. I saw the shoes and grabbed Naruto looking boots that showed yours toes but they came up a little past my knee. I threw them on and stepped out of the closet. I walked over to my window a checked out what was going on outside. I saw some kids chasing each other and an old couple talking to each other under a shad of a porch.
I looked away from the window and went over to the dresser. There was a few pony tails there, so I grabbed one and put my hair up. Then left the room into the hallway. I made my way down to the living room where I saw Mechifu lounging on the couch flipping through the big ass TV. I looked at the screen. Apparently she was watching some cartoon on the satellite.
I made a confused face, she was watching Spongebob Squarepants. “Um, how the hell are you watching cartoons from our would on here?” I asked, staring at the TV.
Mechifu glanced at me, “Duno, but it’s freaking awesome. I swear I love Itachi now. He got us a awesome apartment, TV from our world, not to mention the most cutest animals of all time…”
Then I looked around at the mention of animals. I noticed they were gone, “Where the animals at?”
Mechifu shrugs, “I let them out this morning, and they ran somewhere. Don’t worry though, I bet they’ll be back in a little bit.”
I nodded then walked into the kitchen. Zana had a plate ready with some pancakes in it. I went over and started eating. I saw Zana getting ready to clean some dishes. I quickly ate my pancakes and gave the plate to her. I went to her side and started to rinse the soapy dishes. “Where’s Lalita?” I asked, after a few moments of silence.
She smiles at me, “She’s in the shower, and she didn’t take one last night.”
I nodded. I looked at the clock, it was 11:10. I slept in pretty late. We finished the dishes and went into the living room after wiping our hands dry. Lalita was in there sitting next to Mechifu. “Well,” Zana started, “you guys ready to look around outside?”
Mechifu jumped up from the loveseat and stretched, “I sure am.”
She grabs Lalita arm and pulls her up. She starts dragging her to the door while I heard Lalita say, “I can walk on my own!” She let’s go of her only to run out of the door.
We followed right after her and stepped out into the warm sunlight. We stood outside for a moment. Taking in what we were seeing so far. I noticed the kids I saw earlier still playing, though the old couple was gone.
“Why don’t we split up?” Lalita spoke up.
“Good idea,” I said, “Let’s meet back up in a few hours…”
Mechifu laughs, “Let’s try not to get lost!” she said, but started walking to her left.
“I’ll go with Mechifu.” Zana said, then she turns to me and Lalita, “You two should go together, that way we will have less chance of loosing each other.”
I nodded while Lalita said sure. We started walking to the right. We didn’t really talk, just pointed out stuff that interested us. I kept looking around, fascinated by the shops and buildings. Then I stopped in my tracks. I saw a sign that said “Flowers.” I started at it though, something about it was off. Lalita noticed my stop and came over beside me.
“Flowers?” She said.
My eyes widen when I realized what it was that confused me. “Lalita…” I said.
She looked at me, then her eyes widen too. “No way…”
“This is a whole different language.” I said pointing at the sign.
Then I saw it, it was written in Japanese. She looked at me, “But at the apartment we were speaking English…”
Then I crossed my arms on my chest, “This is weird, I never spoken or even understood Japanese before in my life. What the heck! I can understand it now!”
I said that in English and I got a few looks from people around me. I lowered my tone, “It’s so weird, how in the world did this happen…”
Lalita smiled, “Isn’t it obvious?”
I stared at her for a moment, then groaned. Damn Itachi.
Then in Japanese, she says, “It’s so weird, we can both understand Japanese by heart. It’s so strange…”
I nodded in agreement. Then I heard someone say, “Hello there, do you need any help with looking for some flowers?”
Lalita and I went to turn around. I said, “No thanks.”
My eyes widen as I realized who it was. I gasp, “Ino…” I said, in English.
She looked like, well, Ino. Blond hair
She gave me a weird look, “Excuse me?”
I shook my head, in Japanese, “No, no, sorry, we were just leaving…”
I grabbed Lalita’s arm and hurried away from the shop.
“Holy shit,” Lalita says.
I knew she was shocked, how I knew. She cursed, and she rarely ever cursed.
We made it around the corner and stopped. I let go of her arm, “This…” I started.
Lalita cleared her throat. Getting her act together she says, “This is just messed up…”
I nodded in agreement. Then I shook my head, “You know, we can’t act like this every time we see somebody we know, or it will blow our cover that we’re not from around here…”
“Your right,” Lalita said, crossing her arms across her chest, “We need to be more prepared about this. Come on, let’s check out some more places…”
I nodded. Then we spent the next two hours walking around checking out the village. We spoke to a few people also, just short hellos and such. Then somehow our little pets found us and led us back to the apartments.
We met up with the others and started talking about what we saw and such. The other girls noticed the different language while we were out. We joked around for a little bit outside while speaking the new language. It was weird at first, but after a while we gradually got used to it.