Sequel: Just A Dream
Status: COMPLETED!!!!!

The Blind Side (A Naruto Story)

Chapter 7

Here we were, in the Hokage’s office. The four of us was standing in front of the desk. Lady Tsunade was sitting on the chair taking a look at us, deep at thought. I mentally sighed, doesn’t matter if Tsunade was nice or not, she still scares the hell out of me.
“You girls said it was an emergency to see me. What’s the emergency?” Tsunade asked, looking quite annoyed, and stressed. The war was taking a close call, and she was in a hurry to get her duty done and help start plan for the war.
I step forward and said, “Well, it’s quite hard to explain…”
I scratched the back of my head. Tsunade sighs, “Please, either briefly explain or leave. I don’t have much time to be wasting…”
I nodded, she wanted a brief explanation, she was going to get one, “Well, whether you believe it or not, us girls,” I said, gesturing at the others, “are actually here to help you with the war.”
She looked at me in shock. I bet she thinks we’re crazy. I scratched at the back of my head and smiled a little. She seemed to regain her actions a little, “Are you telling the truth…?”
I walk all the way to her desk and put my hands on the ledge, leaning my weight against, “Of course I am! Why would I lie about this! I was sent here for this. I came here with them,” I pointed at the girls again, “We’ve sacrificed so much just to get here! Not to mention, we know practically all the plans Madara and Kabuto are up too! We believe we know how to destroy them!”
I was breathing hard whenever I finished. Tsunade was staring at me with her mouth open a little bit. Then I heard someone step up, Lalita, “It’s true, ma’am. We’ve been sent here by someone to destroy this Madara.”
I looked back at Lalita, her voice was set with determination as well as her face. I nodded at her, grateful she was helping me some. I looked at the others, Zana had her fist clutched and her expression was determined, though you could see the fear in her eyes. Mechifu, well, she was giving a hard look toward the Hokage and had her arms crossed. Her stance looked a little stiffen, she was ready for anything.
I look back at the Hokage, “You believe us now?” I held my breath.
She closed her still opened mouth and made a grim line, obviously thinking, she looks back at me, “Well,” she started, “It’s quite simple that there’s a story behind this. Tell me everything and I’ll consider letting you help…”
I exhaled in relief. I smiled at her. If anyone to tell the truth too, it should be to Lady Tsunade. I looked at the girls. They all nodded at me. I sighed, “You sure you’ve got time to hear? It’s quite a long story…”
“I do, I do!” Lady Tsunade said, with a wave of her hand, “Please continue.”
“But M’Lady! You’ve got a lot of work to be doing!” I heard Shizune say.
I looked at her, as did the Hokage, “Don’t worry, they can wait, now please continue again.”
I nodded. I told her everything. About what world I came from, meeting Itachi, and coming here. She didn’t say anything after I was done. By now I was back to standing beside the girls. Lalita and Zana were holding hands, squeezing tightly. Mechifu had her arms crossed across her chest and staring hard down at the floor, making an invisible hole in it.
I sighed, “That’s it for now anyways, other than we just came in yesterday and we are already quite fine. Living in an apartment with the animals…”
She held up a hand, “This is quite a lot of information your giving me. I can’t quite believe your from a different world though…”
I looked down at the ground, “I know how you feel…”
I look back up at her, “If you want us to help, we’ll do the best we can to help you.”
I looked at the others, they were all nodding in agreement. I sighed, I hated how I had to do all the talking, but I deserve it since I brought all this upon the girls.
Lady Tsunade nodded, “Alright, I’ll let you help. I hope you understand that I still can’t quite trust you though, so you’ll have supervision…”
I perked up just a slightest bit. Who cares about supervision? As long as we do what we’re suppose too…
“Okay!” I said, a little too cheery, she gave me a suspicious look.
“Thank you, ma’am. You have no idea how important this is to us…” I noticed Lalita said, she was bowing too.
Tsunade waved her hand at her, “Oh, please. Don’t worry about it, you guys seemed determined to help. It’s a death wish, but the more the merrier as they say.” She smiles at us.
I nodded, “Is there anything you would like us to do at the moment?” I heard Mechifu ask.
I jerked my head at her, she hasn’t spoken the whole entire time we were here. She was always droning out deep in thought, a rare case for her. I closed my eyes shut, Mechifu was thinking about something important. Note to Self: Ask about it later.
I reopen my eyes as Tsunade says, “Not at the moment, but please do try to do some training. You said so yourself Itachi gave you powers. I’ll have somebody come down and help, if you want it…?”
“Well,” Zana spoke up, “We probably won’t need it. As you already know that these powers were never heard of in this world…”
Good point, Zana. I smile at her. Great, thoughtful Zana.
Tsunade nodded, “I understand, now I think we’ve already discussed enough today. How about you guys go train at the training grounds? It’s quiet most of the time there… Also, if I need something from you girls I‘ll send someone out to find you.”
We nodded, “Thank you, Lady Tsunade.” I said, as Shizune lead us out of the door.
She smiles at me, “Do your best.” I heard when I clicked the door shut.
Shizune lead us out of the Hokage building as we stepped out in front of the gates of the building. “Well you may do as you please, though if you want to go the training grounds, just head north-west from here. You should be there in no time at all.”
We nodded our thanks and started walking toward the training ground. The first five minutes of walking was silent. We were all caught inside our thoughts. I sure wonder what’s going to happen now that we were here…
I heard a low ‘meow’ behind me. I turned around and started walking backwards. I saw Torao strutting behind me. I started to smile then saw the other animals behind her. I opened my arms and Torao ran and jumped into them. I set her on my shoulders and turned around to walk normally.
I saw the others look back at their animals. Toni landed on Zana’s arm. Lalita picked up Ookami and carried her in her arms. Mechifu picked up Kitsune and had him on her shoulders. I started scratching my tiger’s nose, her motor immediately going off.
We walked in silence all the way to the training ground. We past through some trees and finally made it. I gasped. There was a big space of land surrounded by trees, up ahead there was a river. I looked to my left and saw the Konoha Memorial Stone. I reached and put down my tiger, as the others did. The animals started running around playing. I started walking to the Stone.
I reached to it and lightly touched it. The people that died during the Nine-Tails attack a while ago. The other’s started to gaze at it for a while, before I heard somebody mention we should really get to training…
And I’ll tell you what, training was one Pain in the Ass…