Saving Grace

Whoever she is.

I nearly had a heart attack when I heard my younger sister screaming bloody murder.
“Jeee-ee-sus,” I drawled before running upstairs to find Liz in her bedroom, staring at her phone. I was used to Liz overreacting at just about everything by now; but seeing the tears in her eyes and the shocked look on her face -- I knew something was wrong. “Liz?” I asked, “Liz, what the fuck’s the matter?” I listened through choked sobs, deciphering what she was trying to spit out. Travis, her now ex-boyfriend as of twenty minutes ago had gotten into a bad car accident. After finally understanding that she had dumped him, I picked her up and brought her out to my white Jeep Wrangler. I turned up my stereo, drowning out her crying and trying to drown out my own mind. It had been for quite a few months, a big secret of mine that I was in love with my sister’s boyfriend - now ex-boyfriend. It scared me just as much as her that he’d gotten into a car accident. I stepped on the gas, trying to get through the Californian traffic to the hospital. This really wasn’t the time for the radio to be playing ‘Blow’ by Kesha.

I assumed we wouldn’t be allowed to see Travis right away; so I pulled into the Starbucks drive threw and ordered the fancy drink Liz wanted; and an iced coffee for myself. Luckily, the caramel frappichino was enough to get Liz to stop crying for the time being. Once we got to the hospital; they told us it would be at least another twenty minutes. Travis was coming out of recovery for going under anesthesia to reset some bones; and get some stitches in his side. Liz seemed a bit horrified; but I nudged her and told her we’d go and find the gift store. To our luck, we got lost. We ended up almost walking through the pregnancy ward -- luckily being stopped by a nurse who we could barely hear over the sounds of women giving birth. We found the gift shop eventually, and I walked around while Liz picked out flowers, a card and a bear. I bought an Orange Crush; and looked at my sister and what she’d bought. “That’s generous,” I mumbled. “Especially since you just broke up with him.” That was a bad move; because she went off in a huff, in the direction of the ICU.

Travis was just starting to come awake when we were allowed in, and Liz went into a tangent.

We’d been warned by the doctor that Travis had a severe case of amnesia; but Liz scoffed and went, “He’ll remember me. We dated for five months,” but the look on Travis’s face told all of us that he had no clue who my sister was. We were told his memories may get confused; and don’t be surprised if he seemed a little confused and stressed out when we come in. I pulled Liz aside before she could say anything more. “Hey, Travis,” I said quietly. “I’m John, and this is Liz. Do you remember us? How are you feeling?”

Liz saw the still vacant look in Travis’s eyes and left the room with a frustrated huff. I sighed.
“Sorry. She tends to overreact.” I gave him a small smile, taking a seat in the chair next to him. I set my bottle of soda down by my feet. My eyes met the EKG monitor above his head. He was lucky to be alive, even if he couldn’t remember much.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter.
Comments are loved. <3