Status: In The Making~

Dark Moon Winter

For the past 16 years of her life, Winter Everest lived in complete normality. She lived in a typical house in a typical neighborhood and went to a typical school. The only thing that wasn't normal about her life was the myths in her town—the myth that every generation there would be a wolf who took the form of a man... And he would take away one girl to lock away forever. Winter is convinced the myth is nothing more. No one has disappeared from their town in a hundred years...

Danny is a werewolf... And an outcast amongst his family and friends. He doesn't share their dark features or their slit pupiled eyes or their 'interest' in human females. No, in his human form he looks just that. A human... Too human. And yet, he's the only one of his friends who's ever been friends with a human female, though he keeps it as a close guarded secret. It's around the time that Danny and his friends shift into men and attend Nyten's local high school to attract mates.

Though there's a new disturbance that will interrupt the natural peace between the humans and the supernatural. Vampires are invading Nyten and starting fights between the werewolves while draining the blood of the humans. Messages have been left through the large string of murders happening around town. It's clear the vampires are here to stay, while killing off the humans and forcing the wolves out. Though through a forgotten promise made to each other, Danny and Winter won't let the vampires take over town. No, they've decided quite the opposite. But will their efforts be enough?
  1. Prologue