The Locket


Adelyn was walking through the familiar woods of Mystic falls. She hadn’t been back since she left in 1864. It felt weird for her to be back after all this time.

She had been back for three weeks and hadn’t left the woods once. She exited the woods and the wind blew her brunette locks behind her. The scent of fresh blood filled her nose. She hadn’t had human blood in three weeks, now every time she smelt a hint of it made her crave it even more.

She ignored the urge to attack the closet human and made her way into the township. She walked to the closet place where she could get something alcoholic to drink. She looked at the sign of the building she was about to walk into – Mystic Grill. By the name of it and the amount of people it was obvious that it was the local hang out for teens. She sighed and walked into the grill. The scent of blood hit her stronger than it was outside. She had no fresh air to pass the scent by. She could also smell a hint of vampire. She wasn’t surprised there were still vampires in Mystic Falls considering its past. She ignored all the scents she could smell and continued her way to the bar.

“Whisky please” she told the bartender.

“Do you have any I.D?” He asked her.

Adelyn’s blue eyes looked straight into the bartenders brown ones. She smiled and told him, “Trust me, I’m old enough”.

“Alright then, one whisky coming up” the bartender said grabbing a glass and filled it whiskey. He slid it across the bar to Adelyn. She picked up the glass and downed her drink in one motion. She signalled for the bartender for another one. He smiled taking her glass and filled it the same, she knew she wouldn’t have any trouble in this bar tonight.

That was until she heard a familiar voice shout across the room to the waitress. Adelyn down her drink faster then the one she had before. "Thanks for the drink" she stared into the bartenders eyes again. Using compulsion was one of the main reason's she got around without being found out. As she left the grill her eyes caught with someone. She thought she'd never see him again but there he was. She pulled her eyes away from his and rushed out the door. She knew he had seen her. She didn’t hear the door slam so she knew he would be after her in a matter of seconds.

She walked fast until she was out of sight from everyone. She ran vampire speed to the only place she could hide. She had compulsed someone who owned a cottage just outside of the woods to let her stay with him. Unfortunately for the guy he ended up being dinner. Adelyn got to the cottage but didn't go inside. She stayed outside needing the fresh air even though she didn't need to breathe.

"You" she heard that voice through the woods. She closed her eyes and turned around coming face to face with who she saw. "You promised you would never come back" he frowned at her.

"You promised you would never go through with the transformation" she frowned back at him.

"Looks like we both broke our promises" he said as the frown left his face, "What are you doing back here, Adelyn?"

"Damon, I..." Adelyn said trying to think of something to say. "I don't know" she sighed.

"It’s still not safe, you know?" He said to her.

"Then why are you here?" she asked him.

"Honestly, I decided to stick around after finding out Katherine was never in the tomb" he told her.

“I bet that was a huge disappointment?" she sighed.

"It was but then I got over it" he said looking at her. He noticed something around her neck. He remembered when he gave her the locket. He remembered the night quite clearly.

"You still have the locket" He said looking at her.

"Of course I do" she said. He stepped forward and grabbed the locket holding it between his fingers. "I couldn't take it off" she admitted.

"I’m glad you still have it, it still suits you" He smiled.

"Open it" she told him. When he opened it he was surprised what he saw sitting in there.

"Where did you get the pictures?" he asked her.

"I took them with me when I left. It wasn't till a year after a decided they'd be safer in there" she said.

"They look great in there, good memories" He smiled.

“I haven’t opened it since I put them in there” she told him as she walked inside.

He followed her until he got to the front doorway. He frowned knowing he wouldn’t be able to go inside unless she invited him in. “Adelyn, can you invite me in?” he asked her as he watched her moved around the living room picking her clothes and shove them into a bag.

“Why should I when I’m going to leave?” she answered his question with one of her own.

"Why" He asked.

"Because... I don't know" she said.

"You don’t know about what" Damon asked leaning against the doorframe as she paced the room.

"Why I'm going to leave. I honestly don't even know what I am doing here or why I came here. I just did" she said getting frustrated that all her clothes wouldn't fit into her backpack.

"Please invite me in Adelyn" He said looking at her.

"Come in then" she sighed letting him in. He smiled walking over to her. "I shouldn't have come here" she said.

"You came here for a reason, what is it?" He asked.

"I didn't think you'd still be here, I wanted to see how much this place has changed" she told him.

"It’s a lot different" he said looking at her.

"Yeah it is. And you do look a lot different too" she said, "In a good way. The shorter hair, the black shirt, jeans and leather jacket" she added.

"Yeah need an updated image to fit in" He laughed.

"Fashion has changed a lot since our day" Adelyn managed a smile.

"Don't leave. come back to the boarding house with me. We have plenty of rooms spare" Damon said.

"I thought it was still dangerous here?" she asked him.

"Not when the sheriff is my side" he smirked.

"Wow Damon Salvatore on the right side of the Law, I’m impressed" Adelyn smiled. "Do you have a deputy's badge too?”

"No need with the sheriff in my pocket, she’s my own personal badge" He smirked.

Adelyn shook her head smiling. "So are you going to come to the boarding house?" Damon asked her.

"I guess so, since you don't want me to leave" she said finally able to close her back pack.

"Let’s go then" He smiled at her.

"Wait" she told him and ran up the stairs.

A few minutes later she came back down holding a puppy. "A puppy, really?" Damon laughed.

"He was here when I took over the house. I can't leave him on his own" she said.

"Bring him" Damon said smiling.

"I was going to" she said putting the puppy down and put her bag on. She picked up the puppy again and walked out the door.

A while later she was standing outside the Salvatore boarding house. Damon stood beside her. "I can't believe this place is still standing" she smiled.

"Yeah its still standing, want to go inside" He asked.

"You'll have to invite me in first, I've never been in the boarding house" she said.

"Do you want to come in?" Damon asked looking at her.

"Yeah I do" she said. He walked inside and she followed him in. She smiled looking around at the boarding house, "This is better then your actual house. How come you never brought me here?"

I don’t know" Damon shrugged his shoulders.

"So what room am I going to stay in?" she asked.

"Take your pick, Stefan’s on the first floor I’m on the next" Damon said. Adelyn was about to say something when the front door opened and closed.

"Damon, are you here?" Adelyn heard a voice echo through the house.

"In the library" Damon called back to the voice. Adelyn looked everywhere around the room but the door until two people walked in. Her heart stopped when a girl walked into the room. She frowned thinking it was Katherine. She was about to pick up her bag and the puppy to leave. "Relax" Damon said grabbing her arm.

"Why should I?" she asked Damon.

"Elena, this is Adelyn or you can call her Addie" Damon introduced Elena to Adelyn.

Adelyn scoffed hearing her old nickname, "I prefer Adelyn". Elena looked from Damon to Stefan. Adelyn frowned at her, "Why is she here?”

"She's Katherine's doppelganger and she's nothing like Katherine" Stefan told Adelyn.

"I don’t care what she’s like, anything to do with Katherine is nothing I want to do with" Adelyn said

"Fair enough, I didn't like Elena at first but now we're okay" Damon said.

Adelyn saw the look in Damon’s eyes when he looked at Elena. "Oh wow, this is 1864 all over again" Adelyn said looking between the brothers.

"It’s nothing" Damon said looking at her with a frown.

"Where’s the room, Damon" She sighed knowing that the love triangle from 1864 was back in action here and now.

"Next to mine, second door on the right" he told her. She picked up her bag and the puppy and walked to the room she would be staying in.

Damon stayed down stairs with Stefan and Elena. "Who is she?" Elena asked the brothers. She didn't care who answered her question.

"We knew her in 1864" Stefan said.

"That doesn't explain much" she said.

"Adelyn was married to a vampire, it was an arranged marriage. I met her when she moved to Mystic Falls just before she got married. Katherine was already on the scene. I was starting to fall in love with Adelyn and Katherine noticed her compulsion wasn't working on me when Adelyn was around. Adelyn's husband being one of Katherine's followers, got him to turn Adelyn into a vampire" Damon explained to her.

"So the only reason she’s a vampire is because of Katherine’s twisted plan" Elena asked.

"Now you know why she doesn't want anything to do with Katherine" Stefan said. "Why wasn't she in the tomb?" Elena asked.

"To the whole town I was missing for three weeks, truth was, I was turned by my so called husband I finally got the opportunity to stake him then I managed to get out, I went and killed my father came back and all the vampires were being caught. Damon told me to go hide and meet him by the lake when everything was over. So I did then he helped me leave without being caught the next morning" Adelyn said walking back into the library.

"So it’s because of Damon you are still here" Elena asked Adelyn.

"If it wasn't for him, I would have been trapped in that tomb but no one knew I was a vampire except for Stefan and Damon. Stefan only found out because Damon told him" she said looking at Elena.

"Were glad your here" Stefan smiled. He walked over to her and pulled her into a hug.

"It's been too long" Adelyn said as she hugged him back.

"Well we’ve got all the time in the world" Stefan laughed.

"We do" Adelyn smiled pulling out of the hug.

"Stefan, we have that thing for school to do" Elena spoke up noticing the look on Damon's face as he watched Adelyn and Stefan acted like they hadn't seen each other in a week.

"Okay let’s go to my room" Stefan said walking to the hallway where Elena followed him out of the room.

“I’m hungry” Adelyn told Damon. Damon knew what she meant. He left the room leaving Adelyn looking confused. Adelyn looked around the room. She recognized most of the books. They were Gillespie’s Journals. She turned around to see Damon was back.

"I hope you don't mind blood bank stuff?" he asked her as he handed her a glass.

"Blood is blood" she said drinking the red liquid. "Have you got any whisky?" she asked him. She knew it killed the cravings.

"Yeah I’ve got plenty" He smiled.

"Can I have some?" she asked.

"I’ll get the bottle and bring it down" He smiled.

"And I'll be waiting right here" she smiled back at him. He left the room once again.