I Hate To Say This But I'm Stuck On Loving You, John O'Callaghan


I never thought anyone would stick up her for me. It was odd feeling so wanted and cared for.
“Well… if I can’t stop you, I guess you should go ahead and try. I’m just warning you, she is extremely stubborn.”
He laughed. “Caitlin, do you understand how stubborn you are? I can handle your mom. I’m going to do this.”
I cringed at the words “my mom” “Don’t call her that. We will only address her as Joyce or that woman.”
“Alright, whatever makes you more comfortable.”
I looked at the clock and noticed it was about 5:15.
“Shit, its 5:15. I completely forgot how early it was. I’m going to let you go back to bed.”
“No, it’s fine. I love talking to you, no matter what time of the day it is.”
“No, it’s not fine. Go to bed, John.”
“Well, before I hang up, do you want to come to band practice this afternoon? Then, afterwards you and I can go to the movies?”
I sighed. “I would love to do that, but I don’t think I can go to band practice. I have physical therapy right after school. I am available for a movie though.”
“Okay, it’s a date.”
I was grinning for ear to ear at this point. “See you then.”
“Bye, Caitlin.”
“Goodnight, John.”
I had a good 45 minutes left until anyone else would be up, then I would have to go to school. Ugh, I hate school. I don’t want to go. I wish Garrett or Pat were in one of my classes. Of course with our luck we wouldn’t have any classes or lunches with each other senior year. At least I was becoming good friends with Kelly. I had English to look forward to with her. I sat there at the table alone with my thoughts and eventually drifted off to sleep. I woke up to someone tapping on my shoulder.
“Caitlin, sweetie, are you okay?” I heard Mrs. Kirch’s familiar voice.
“Huh…what…I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep so I came down here. I must have dozed off. What time is it?”
“It’s about…6:30.”
“Okay, well I’m going to get ready for school then.”
I haven’t been up this early for school in a long time. I wouldn’t be rushed for once. I walked to the guest room and pulled out a pair of light, ripped jean shorts and a Glamour Kills t-shirt. I changed my clothes, and started to fix my hair and do my make-up. I grabbed my black vans and my backpack and started walking back down to the kitchen. I got there and Mrs. Kirch was standing in front of the stove with a spatula in her hand cooking pancakes. I took a seat next to Pat and we ate breakfast. Around 7, Garrett came to pick Pat up. When I got in the car Garrett opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but Pat nudged him and shook his head.
“I’m tired.” Pat whined.
“Suck it up.” I said.
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t be so tired if a certain someone and a certain someone’s boyfriend almost gave me a heart attack because they came in 30 minutes after curfew.”
“Boyfriend? What is going on?” Garrett asked.
I hid my forehead with my palm. Shit, I forgot that I could tell Garrett about all of this.
“Oh, um I almost forgot. John asked me out last night and we’re kind of dating now.” I said slowly.
Garrett gasped and put one of his hands to his chest. “I am offended here, Caitlin. You didn’t call me the second he asked you out on a date?!” He used his fake girl voice so he was obviously joking.
“Sorry, next time a guy asks me out, I will call you the second it happens.”
“Good, because this means that Pat and I have to give John the talk. It doesn’t matter that he is one of our best friends. He is getting the same speech that all of your other boyfriends have gotten.”
I put my head in my palm, oh God. I knew they only did this because they cared about me, but whenever I date someone they approach them as if they are going to assassinate them if they do anything wrong. I’m hoping John isn’t going to hurt me, but if he does, he can’t say he wasn’t warned.
The school day was boring and long, just like every other school day. I couldn’t wait to be out of High School. At the end of the day, we all piled into Garrett’s car and he drove me to Pat’s house, then he and Pat left for band practice. Once I got to Pat’s house I left for physical therapy. I finished around 4 and when I walked out I noticed I had gotten a text message from John.
John: hey is 5 ok?
I replied telling him it was fine and went back to the house so I could shower and get ready. I got lucky and was ready right before John showed up.
“Hello, beautiful. Are you ready to go?” He said giving me a quick kiss making my knees weak.
I nodded my head and we started driving to the movie theater. We made small talk the whole way there making the 30 minute car ride seem really short. There weren’t many good movies out so we just picked on at random. I had never heard of it before when we got in there I realized why I had never heard of it. It was really bad so the entire time John and I sat there making fun of it. We were loud and ended up throwing popcorn at the screen. We actually got kicked out about halfway through, oops.
“Well, now what?” I asked.