Status: completed

This Four Leaf Clover Is All but Useless Now


Annabelle stepped out of the doors on the last day of school, a much healthier girl than she was a year ago. Her hair was thicker, the curves her body had distinctly lacked were beginning to appear. Her friends were chatting excitedly around her, still a little tipsy from going out the night before, a school tradition. They were a little late leaving the building; most of the kids had since gone. The remnants of Annabelle’s locker were in her bag, books she needed for her fast approaching exams, little gifts from some of her teachers, chocolate that she was saving to eat while studying. They headed through the school gates and Annabelle turned toward the bus stop, wishing her friends goodbye, crying see-you-laters and good-lucks. She sat down at the bus stop, happiness mixed with nervousness and excitement washing over her. Rummaging thorough her bag, Alex’s promise niggled gently at the back of her mind, not commanding any attention, she had spoken with him a month ago on Skype. A month was a long time to not see a boyfriend. However, he was pushed to the back of her mind as she thought about the future, about exams and university. She pulled a book out as a car pulled up. Thinking it was a kid who had forgotten something at school, Annabelle continued to search for where she was up to in the story. The car door closed. Annabelle found her place in the book. A shadow cast over her page and a familiar voice said,
“Need a ride?”
She looked up. Smiling, she threw her book down, and jumped into the man’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Thank you for reading. oxoxoxoxooxoxox eternal love blah byeeee