Status: completed

This Four Leaf Clover Is All but Useless Now


After the show the boys walked past Annabelle, who had ventured backstage once more, hi-fiving her as they went. Alex paused before her, she smiled at him.

“Look,” He said, “we actually have a lifestyle, you know, where we go to parties and stuff-”
“I’m not twelve,” Annabelle stated, “I have guts.”
Alex snorted.
“I can look after myself, but if Matt judges I’m not safe out with you, then I’ll just stay in the bus.”
Alex looked regarded her. Annabelle? Guts? Highly unlikely. She was so shy, and sweet, and as a 16 year old she probably thought she was invincible. He remembered the ignorance, naivity, of that age. He shrugged. What did he even care what happened to her? He didn’t, that’s for sure. He stalked off, the adrenaline powered mood had dropped, and the post-show dressing room dancing felt wrong.

Annabelle sought out Matt, who was on stage, fiddling with an amp. Annabelle looked at the crowd who were milling out of the venue, their choruses of ‘encore’ faded. She had never liked being on stage, but she crossed it nonetheless, pretending it wasn’t a stage at all. Even so, nervousness swelled up inside of her. She reached Matt and tapped him softly on the shoulder. He smiled down at her.
“What’s up?”
She explained the conversation she had with Alex. If Matt accepted she could join in their parties then she would prove to Alex she had what it took to be his friend. To be part of their “lifestyle”. Matt laughed when she finished.

“I’m fine with it. Just as long as you don’t tell your school....or your mom.” Matt, as it turned out, was a pretty relaxed manager. Perhaps too relaxed, but for now Annabelle didn’t mind, she was going to prove Alex wrong.


When the boys clambered onto the bus to get changed out of their sweat soaked clothes, Annabelle was sitting on the couch, already changed. The band exchanged glances, confused, at how the miniature, fragile photographer had turned herself into the woman on the couch. Annabelle was grateful she had packed good clothes.
“We’re going out aren't we?” She grinned at the boys. They nodded.
“You look old now.” Jack said bluntly, sitting next to her.
“You smell bad.” She smiled at the guitarist, and at his pout added, “In the best way possible.”
Jack didn’t know how to take this, so he rubbed his sweaty face on her arm and left to change clothes. She wiped the sweat off and looked up at Alex, who was had been left at the door while the others got over the shock.

Alex didn’t understand how girls could transform themselves so well. He realised that he probably didn’t know Annabelle at all. He realised that when he was 16 he went to raucous house parties, and got fucked up and woke up on front lawns. Annabelle was looking up at him, a smug smile on her face. He hated that, how sure she was that she had won. She hadn’t that’s for sure.
“What?” He snapped.
“Nothing, sorry.” Annabelle replied quietly, switching back into her shy persona and letting her eyes drop to his Nikes. He wondered which Annabelle was real. He stalked into the bunk room, and rummaged in his drawer under his bunk for fresh clothes.
“Stop being so mean to the kid.” Zack punched him lightly after buttoning up a pair of jeans.
“She’s too young.” Alex said.
“You keep saying that, but she’s really not.” Rian pulled on a shirt, “Don’t you remember when we were 16? We were walking around downtown like we were tough shit.”
“Yeah and the amount of times we almost got owned.....?” Alex retorted.
“Girls aren’t like that, Alex, they don’t walk around looking for trouble.”
Jack patted his friend on the shoulder as he passed back the next room, “Just give her a chance.”

Annabelle heard the boys’ mumbling from her position on the couch, but didn’t think anything of it. She fiddled with the hem of her skirt, then checked if her lipstick was still okay. Jack jumped onto the couch next to her.
“We’re going to this sweet new club they’ve opened a couple of blocks away.” He said, ruffling his hair in an attempt to make it sit better. Annabelle recalled the first time she went to a club, she had ended up having to escort her friend home; the girl had consumed too many drinks, she had thrown up on a man’s shoes. She prayed that nothing like that would happen tonight. Zack walked in and retrieved a six pack from the fridge, he threw one of the bottles at Jack, who caught it with ease.
“Would it be irresponsible if I gave you this?” Jack asked, holding the neck of the bottle out to her. She laughed.
“Probably. But I’m taking it anyway.” She opened the bottle with the side of the window, then looked worried, checking for scratches, “That was okay, right?”
“That was fine.” Zack chuckled and plopped down next to her.


Alex watched the girl from across the smoky room, she was dancing happily with Jack, who was bouncing around in a dorky fashion. She was holding a beer bottle. Where did she get that? He reminded himself he didn’t care, but he still didn’t get up to dance. He didn’t feel like it. Not tonight. He slammed down his fifth shot of tequila.

Jack got lost in the crowd, and Annabelle was left on her own. A boy started dancing with her, he was cute and she was tipsy, so she didn’t protest. The beat was great, she hadn’t gone out and danced in a long time. School grades were of upmost importance to her for the meantime. She needed to get out of the black hole of her mum’s house; the endless amounts of men that woman brought home.The boy slung his arms loosely around her waist, and she replied by draping hers around his shoulders. His eyes were dark and she thought he was probably high. She felt eyes burning into her, and looked around, breaking the spell with the boy. Alex was glaring at her from across the room, she smiled at him. And, because she had been drinking, and because Alex was watching, she reached up and kissed the boy on the neck. The boy responded hungrily, sucking at her mouth.

Alex scowled, watching a teenage girl make-out was gross. He wondered where Rian and Zack had got to. And Jack. How could Jack leave her alone like that? He slammed down his ninth shot of tequila. He was starting to get dizzy. A blonde girl approached where he was sitting. She didn’t bother to ask over the music, instead she straddled him and began kissing his neck. He felt confused, but didn’t push her off. If Annabelle wanted to dangle in front of him, he would do the same. His foggy brain realised how stupid and immature that sounded. He couldn’t stoop that low. He was above her. Yet, he didn’t push the girl away. Her scent was sickly, but she was hot. He took his tenth shot and lead her to the bathroom on his own terms.

The disabled toilet was preoccupied, so he pushed the girl up against the wall instead. Sucking on her neck until colour showed. He heard a bang, someone yelling ‘fuck’, the bathroom door slammed open, and Annabelle was thrown out. She stood up, glaring at the boy approaching from inside the toilet.
“You’re a mother-fucking dickhead, you know that?!” She screamed. Alex turned toward them, his brain swimming. The boy picked up Annabelle by the arm. She kneed him in the balls. He dropped her. On the ground, Annabelle looked up and saw Alex and the blonde girl staring. It was obvious that they were both trashed.
“Is he giving you trouble?” Alex slurred, staggering towards Annabelle, who was dusting herself off.

“I’m fine, Alex.” She reassured him, but as the boy stood up, Alex swung a punch. It hit the boy square in the jaw, and knocked him down again.
“Alex!” Annabelle tugged the singer away, “Stop!”
Annabelle knew that she couldn’t stop the strong man advancing if he really wanted to, but she tried nonetheless.
“Alex, let’s go, come on.” She started to drag him towards a fire escape, she smiled fleetingly at the blonde girl and said, “I’m sorry.”

She managed to get Alex out of the exit, and trying to hold up the weight he was increasingly leaning on her, got him down the stars and out into an alleyway.
“Give me your phone.” She held out her hand as he slid down the brick wall. His hand went to his forehead, hiding his face from the girl, and gave her his phone. She called Rian, judging that he was probably most sensible. He didn’t pick up, so she tried again. He picked up on the third ring.
“Hello? Alex?” He was still inside, from the background noise Annabelle could hear. It was weird being in the silent street after the noise from the club.
“It’s Annabelle. Alex and I are outside. Can you come out? Via the backdoor?” She said loudly.

“Yeah” Rian hung up. No point in trying to communicate over the music for any longer. He knew how much Alex could drink when he was in a bad mood.
“How much have you had?” Annabelle spoke softly, kneeling in front of Alex. He rubbed his eyes, trying to work his vision, to stop his head spinning. He felt ill.
“A few beers, some shots of tequila.” He mumbled. Annabelle sighed and sat next to him. She remembered drunken nights with the tequila bottle. For her friends, at least, it always ended in vomiting.

Alex groaned. The guilty, ashamed thoughts whirring around his head weren’t making his stomach any better. Annabelle opened her arm, indicating that he lean on her. He rested his head on her shoulder. That was okay. It was nice, it made him feel steadier. She gently stroked his hair back. How strange that the younger should be playing the adult. How surreal the silence, the boy next to her, the cold bricks at her back. The backdoor squealed as it was opened, ruining the moment. Rian stepped out, the thrum of music hitting their ears suddenly.
“Hey, buddy.” He extended a hand out to his friend. Alex grasped it and Rian hauled his arm over his shoulder, “Time to go back, bus call’s soon anyway.”
“What time is it?” Alex leaned his head on Rian’s.
“Quarter past three. Zack’s already gone back with Jack.” Rian didn’t mention how he only stayed around to make sure the grumpy singer and the girl were okay. They made their way slowly back to the parking lot of the venue. Alex cleared his stomach once in the gutter.

“I’ll take the couch tonight.” Rian smiled as they clambered back onto the bus.
“Thanks, I’ll put him to bed.” Annabelle held Alex’s waist tightly, bearing his weight.
“Are you sure?” Rian asked, the girl nodded. She poured a cup of water as Rian pulled out some blankets from a cupboard.
“Drink this.” She forced the water into the singer’s hands. He sipped it tentatively. All he wanted to do was crash. He skulled the last three-quarters, hoping he could now go to bed. Annabelle put a finger to her lips, reminding him to be quiet, and pulled him through the curtain.


Even in his drunken stupor it took Alex a long time to get to sleep. He hated Annabelle for treating him so kindly. And for demeaning him. He hated his bandmates for liking her. He hated her for fitting in so well. Most of all he hated the prospect of liking her.

Annabelle lay awake in the spare bunk, trying to deduce how awkward the next morning would be. She hoped sincerely that Alex would not remember the night’s happenings. It was obvious Alex didn’t like her, which was sad, because of course she had a crush on the singer. If he didn’t remember that she had looked after him, then there would be no call for fake kindness, or for awkward apologies. She smiled, however, realizing that she had one up on him.
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Feedback, feedback, feedback! ITS GREAT. Also I'm seeing Harry Potter 7 pt II tonight. I AM PUMPED.