Status: InActive

Capture My Heart

Chapter 15

Time didn’t seem to mean much anymore.

Not since Violet left. It’d been five days, and already the pain was unbearable.

There was a giant hole torn into me, where Violet had stolen it away and taken it with her. It throbbed constantly, burning away at whatever shreds of life had been life in me, and refusing to leave. The void had left me broken again, the pain in my chest a constant reminder.

I wondered often if that abyss of agony was where my heart was.

I couldn’t think anymore without Violet clouding my head. I couldn’t sleep without the images of her dancing behind my eyelids, the blocks of my mind unwavering and forever a reminder that she did exist. It was so hard to tell sometimes when I woke up and thought it was all a dream.

I had nothing really to remember Violet was real, except the spring, but I could bear to re-visit it just yet. It hurt too much. Everything hurt too much.

I was dragged along with the pack, who sometimes were a good distraction and sometimes weren’t. Leah, miss bitter, was always on my case and although we had gotten to be good friends in the brief period of time we were alone in a pack with Seth, she reminded me of Violet more than anyone.

She was always persuading me to go out with them, trying to keep me distracted and far from suicide while I let her, knowing that Violet would’ve wanted the same thing from me.


I was sleeping, well close, my eyes were closed and my mind was blank for once. My whole body was dulled and I couldn’t move.

I usually couldn’t find a reason to get out of bed until I dragged Violet up to the forefront of my mind. Otherwise I’d have stayed here forever, and not have come out until it was Violet who came in to take me away.

That just wasn’t happening yet, so I kept her memories fresh.

I was too tired, and my mind was hazy while I tried to sleep again. Before that could be accomplished though someone barged into my room and I jumped up.

It was Paul his face was stressed and scared looking as though he had just witnessed a crime. I jumped out of bed.

I knew what was happening, and yet I couldn’t believe it.

“We gotta go to Sam’s something’s up,” he said stiffly, his eyes darting back and forth across my room as if he didn’t trust it. I followed him willingly, knowing what was about to happen; Violet’s visions unfolding in front of my eyes.

Seeing that my dad was in the back seat of Paul’s ancient Camaro (I tried not to remember that this was the same car that Violet had been driven away in, but it was hard) already, and that he would be coming with us, made it so obvious.

They were here.

The pack that had driven my Violet both towards, and away from me had come back, and Sam was on edge. He had no idea what they were here for, just as much as they had no idea what they were here for had already up and left.

I was tense the whole ride, but it was expected and when we got inside, everyone was in total chaos. Screaming was all that could be heard while Sue Clearwater, Quil Sr. and Sam all tried to calm everyone down. Sam gave me a look from across the room that said ‘an alpha order would be seriously good right now’ but it took me a second to comprehend it, and then another to decide to do something about it.

Violet burned into the back of my mind I pushed my dad towards Emily’s kitchen and cleared my throat. Talking felt wrong, but I managed to yell with authority.

SHUT UP!” I yelled, my voice sounding gruff but with an edge of alpha that I was happy to see I hadn’t lost, causing everyone to fall to silence with surprise.

Sam looked grateful. I managed a small smile as he took center stage.

“Alright, everyone just calm down, Jared, tell us what these newcomers want,” Sam commanded, causing Jared to frown and his arm to tighten where it had been wrapped around Kim’s waist. She looked at him anxiously making my stomach twist and Violet rush through my head.

“The leader’s name is Canto; he has six others with him, two girls and four other guys. They said only that they were here to find someone and that they didn’t want to trespass. They want to meet the pack.” Jared spoke hastily, but no one relaxed. I didn’t more than anyone else though. My heart dropped.


My someone.

My Violet.

People started talking once again but Billy let out a whistle through his fingers that made them shut up. I winced along with the rest of them.

“Calm down, they obviously mean us no harm right now; I suggest we have a meeting with these strangers to see what they’re really after. If we have to, we can run them off our lands; we outnumber them it appears.” My dad stated calmly in that wise way of his.

Everyone seemed to relax when they realized he was right but just as always I remained on edge, my mind blowing past all of theirs in a whirlwind of thoughts.

They were looking for Violet, and who knows what kind of lies they might tell to try and get her location out of us.

It was pointless though; they didn’t know, and I was the only one who would recognize her name or anything else they’d use to describe her.

Of course, that didn’t help them either, even if they did manage to get it out of me. I had no idea where she went.

This ‘meeting’ would be interesting.


So, in the end, it was decided that Sam, Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry, Leah, Seth and of course me were going. Seth and Leah were tag-alongs, only coming because they had six and we needed a few people extra if things got ugly.

Sure, Quil Sr. and Billy were staying behind for that reason also, with Brady, Collin and five other newbies. I hadn’t learned all their names yet, but they showed up around the time for the newborn army thing. The youngest just turned fourteen.

We ran, in wolf form which was unfamiliar to me a bit, and towards a clearing.

I cautiously thought of Violet, but no one even noticed so I sighed in relief. This caused a few heads to turn in my direction but I ignored it. They couldn’t hear my thoughts as long as they were centered on my imprint, meaning they had no idea why I’d sighed. And as long as they were out, the other wolves were too.

Reaching the meeting place, Sam and I debated what to do. Well, mostly Sam, but he soon came to the conclusion of having him and me as a human while the rest of the pack remained wolves. Again, we were concerned with a fight suddenly breaking out.

So we went with that plan, phasing back and walking forward to meet several people waiting for us. They seemed both tense and relaxed in a way I couldn’t describe.

There was a blonde girl, her hair pulled in a cheerleader’s ponytail, who was staring off into the distance with a pouty look and strange orangey eyes. She seemed like Rosalie, in the way she carried herself. She obviously didn’t want to be here, and thought she was better that us. Just by her stance I could tell that was exactly the case.

There were twins, guys with black hair and dark skin the color of coffee and deep black eyes. They looked like the type of guys Violet would’ve been hiding from.

One more girl was holding hands with a brown haired guy who looked Spanish. She had blue eyes and reddish tinted hair. The whole group ranged from 6’ to 6’7 at the tallest, which was the leader’s height.

The leader was black, his hair long and floppy, with a small smile on his face, probably trying to be friendly and bright green eyes.

I didn’t trust those eyes.

“Hello,” he said his voice deep and misleading. Sam nodded to him, not sure whether to take control or let me do the talking. I let him to his thing and hung back in my past beta position. I noticed all of the groups clothes were grimy and worn, the sign of a long period of travel.

Or a long period of hunting.

“Why are you here,” Sam said, skipping right to the point while his voice rang with the authority of it. Since I was paying attention, I realized how it caused something to stir inside of me. I was Alpha, and yet Sam was running the show. It went against every one of my wolf instincts and I attempted to pay attention to the confrontation that was happening now.

I smiled bitterly at the look of surprise on the leaders face. Blondie looked up too, her eyes growing appreciative when she saw the two of us, especially me.

She licked her lips and I had a hard time keeping my head with the way her eyes practically undressed me. Disgusting.

“Forgive us for the intrusion please,” the leader said, as if he was never interrupted. “We had no idea that the area was already claimed and are hunting a traitor.” He finished with a grimace. Sam shot me a look, but I couldn’t meet his eyes.

Lies. It was all lies.

“Perhaps you should be a bit more specific,” the first twin said, the second nodded while crossing his arms over his bulky chest.

“Yes, I’m gonna need a bit more information than that.” Sam chuckled. I remained mute.

The alpha sat down. “Yes, well to make a long story shirt, there is a girl we’re after, goes by the name of Violet-”

My heart thumped and I kept my gaze away from them and tried to keep my expression blank; I could feel the blocks in my mind protecting me though.

“-She was a part of our pack a while ago, but we caught her socializing with vampires and soon after she turned them on us.”

Lies. It was all lies.

My Violet wouldn’t turn anyone against anyone. She hung out with Edward, but that was the only vampire she knew.

Plus, these guys seemed more than capable of changing her against her will, and killing her family. They couldn’t be trusted, at least by me.

Of course, with Sam suddenly intrigued as they spun their lies, I knew there had better be a good reason if I were ever going to get them off our lands.

I had none, so I went along with it, standing by for hours while they made plans and chatted and Blondie fawned all over me. They were good at their game, but occasionally they slipped up and loosely covered their tracks.

I never let it fool me though. These people were going to kill Violet, and they were willing to befriend us to do it. They’d take any excuse they had to in order to end her, or enslave.

So obviously if I had to befriend them to keep her safe, I would do whatever it took too.