Status: If we don't get some more love, we ain't posting! D:!


-Chapter One-

Running through the forest alone with nothing for protection.

The number one thing everyone does not want to do.

The possibilities of how you can die are endless.

Well, unfortunately, I cannot die. I'm immortal, thanks to my "parents", as humans call them. The ones I never met.

You see, I have no clue what I am... But I can tell you quite a few things about me.

I have long, pointy ears like that of an elf and small, balck and red wings. I have incredible speed, can become invisible, and my strength is amazing. Well, only if I've had enough blood. I'm not a vampire, that's for sure.. I've encountered them before, they're weaklings with no meaning in life. I only drink blood of demons. I have sharp nails like daggers, and I can shield myself.

My name is Manelle Sinwell. Of course, I had to make up the name. Let's just say that's my name. Because I really don't have one. And I look like I'm 12 or 13.. I'm not exactly sure.

I stopped sprinting and turned around.

A large man with blood-red eyes stared back at me with a nasty-looking grin on his face. He had grey skin and no hair, and fangs shot from his mouth. "Humans like you shouldn't be out at night.. They could be attacked by a big, bad scary monster."

I smirked. "I agree. But the thing is, I'm no human." I turned invisible and whispered in his ear, "You may look bad, but even a weak human can kill you." I leaped on his huge shoulders and muttered, "Goodnight." I grabbed his head and snapped his neck. I kicked him down and snatched his hand, and wrinkled my nose. I dug my sharp thumbnail into his hand and blood started dripping out. I put my mouth on the wound and sipped the blood.

I got up, and walked back to the city.

Well... I guess you can call me a hero or something like that. I kill demons for the sake of humans..? Well, not exactly. More like I want to live, so I kill demons for energy from their blood. The hardest ones to kill normally have to best blood. That one wasn't really much. But sometimes I get so hungry I have to feed off of humans. That rarely ever happens, though. But I eat human food.. Blood is for energy, though it doesn't satisfy my stomach.

I have nothing against humans. I just think that they can be pretty idiotic. Well I'm one to talk... You all would call me insane... I kill demons and drink blood.

I walked into a McDonald's and mumbled, "Crap... I don't have any money.." I looked around and sighed. I walked out and stood out there with a cup and started to sing. A man stopped and smiled warmly at me. "C'mon," he said. "I'll treat you to dinner."

I smiled. "Thank you." We walked inside and I ordered a chicken sandwich with large fries. "Thanks a lot, mister." I dug in. I swear, I eat like a pig. Though I'm as skinny as a twig. I looked up at man and he was chuckling.

I finished my food and got up. He frowned at me. "So why are you alone? Where's your mom and dad?"

I blinked. "I'm going home now.." I walked out the door.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm David Evans."

"Nice to meet you, David, but I have to get home."

"Do you even have a home?"

I frowned. "Yes, I do."

"Are you sure about that?"

I frowned. C'mon, he's probably offering you a bed and food. "No." I whispered.

"I'll give you one then. At least, for now." he told me.

I nodded. "Okay."

Not like he's going to find out what I am.

We stopped in front of his house. It was a white two-story house with several windows. Not something I favor. Windows. The garage was black and there was a minivan. Minivan=children??

"You live here alone?" I whispered, kind of nervous to find out.

"Heavens no. I have 4 children and a wife."

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, Kaylea here. Eli and I decided to write this story, and she made her own mibba.

So c;