Status: If we don't get some more love, we ain't posting! D:!


-Chapter Two-

I walked in only to be hit in the face with a football. I fell to the ground from the blow. Rule #1 in my book- Always be ready. Well I wasn't. And that was one strong, inhuman throw. It nearly knocked my hat off. I think It broke one of my wings, I thought, wincing.

David growled, "Tyler!"

Tyler whimpered. Tyler was a boy who looked about my age. He had brown shaggy hair that nearly covered his eyes. He was a bit taller than me and very skinny. He blushed and ran over to me. "I'm sorry! We were playing around and- It was Dillon's fault!"

Another boy shook his head. "Nuuh-uh! It was you who threw the ball!"

I shook my head. "No, it's fine.. I'm fine.." I said.

David and Tyler helped me up. I smiled halfheartedly at the boys. "I'm Manelle."

Dillon grinned. Dillon was very tall and he was skinny like his brother. His hair was black and it seem to stick out in every other direction. "I'm Dillon, 14, and I love long walks and going to the beach."

Tyler knocked him upside the head. "Haha, funny, but this isn't a dating show."

I smiled.

"I'm Tyler," he said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Skylar and Macie went to a friend's house." Tyler explained to his father.

"Ah, okay. Well, Manelle's going to be staying in Michelle's room." David said.

We started walking down the hall. "David, I thought you said you have 4 kids, not 5."

"I do." he said.

I blinked, realizing that I had been completely thoughtless. His daughter died? "I'm sorry."

David frowned. "There's nothing to be sorry about.. I'm sorry if you don't like her old room.. It's a bit creepy even for me."

I smiled halfheartedly. "I could always deal with creepy."

He opened the door. The room was filled with black, purple, red.. Some pink things. There were dolls that most likely had been made by hand and posters plastered all over the wall. The bed was queen sized with black and purple checkered sheets. A mirror sat up against the wall. There was a knife stabbed into a plastic skull on the wall. No joke. There was a knife going through the skull. I found it amusing... I found it the perfect room for me. I mean, who do you know goes around spilling demon blood in order to live? I mean, besides me.

"I like it." I said.

He blinked. "What?"

"I like it." I repeated. "I have many sides to me, you know."

"Of course." he said. "Well, I'm glad. I'll see you tomorrow."

I smiled. "Okay." As he left, I walked up to the mirror and peeled off my shirt. My wing looked fine, except for the tip. My wings were like that of a demon's. Or whatever.. They're smaller though... like 3 and 1/2 foot wingspan. I pulled off my beanie and let my ears relax. They had been bent down for way too long.

The door swung open and I leaped into the closet. "Knock, would you?!"

"O-oh, I'm sorry!!" It was Tyler. "Um, I'm going to leave your gown here.." I heard the door close and I walked back out and changed into the gown.

Just then, I smelt the blood of a human. Great, right when I was about to go to sleep.
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Finally got to write it!! :D