Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter thirteen

I was in a good mood. I was attending a very awesome party tonight. It wasn’t a lame 18th for one of Goten’s friends. No it was a Briefs party, and all the awesome people in the world (aka Z Warriors) were invited.

I’d only been to about 3 or so of these since I befriended Trunks and Goten, but I must say I had thoroughly enjoyed all of them.

Well, all except the first. It wasn’t too long after I befriended the boys that Bulma held a party for a reunion with all of her closest friends. All the Z warriors were invited, but Trunks begged his mum to invite me. She’s always liked me, so she agreed happily.

She also invited my mother, which was a big mistake and why I did not enjoy the first party.

Because of the Briefs wealth, there’s always alcohol. A lot of alcohol. The Saiyans need a lot to get even a little bit tipsy, and hey they’re rich so why not buy lots of booze?

My mother drank a little bit too much, and to be blank made a fool of herself. She constantly nagged at Chi Chi and Bulma, obviously in a complete fit of jealousy that their husbands were faithful and stuck by them (Well, kinda) compared to hers. She ended up having a screaming match with them.

The night ended with me in tears, Trunks by my side comforting me and then Bulma and Chi Chi joining me stating they didn’t hate me, just my mother.

Fair to say that mother was never invited to a Briefs party again.

The second and third ones I LOVED. There was lots of food, some dancing, and socialising with great people. We also snuck some alcohol. Even though we didn’t have enough to even get tipsy (Especially Trunks and Goten) just the thrill of doing something we shouldn’t be doing was so much fun! And here we go again!

I decided to wear a sexy black cocktail dress. It came just below my knees; it had a halter neck and a ‘V’ shape down the front. It wasn’t completely modest, but it wasn’t that trashy. My golden brunette hair was pulled into a high ponytail, and minimal amount was applied.

I was quite happy with the way that I looked.

At 7pm Trunks was at my house. He had offered to take me to Capsule Corp because I had no way there. However, he was at my window and not my door. We had decided not to tell my mother about the party, in case she wouldn’t let me go or demanded to come along. She usually didn’t care where I went and how late I stayed out, but she hit a sore spot when it came to Briefs parties. Go figure.

I opened the window and smiled and waved at him. He copied my actions. I held up a finger to signal for him to wait, as I ran to the top of the staircase.

“MUM! I’m spending the night at Trunks, is that ok?” I asked, bellowing down the stairs.

“Ok hun, say hi to Trunks for me!” I heard her call back up.

I ran back to my bedroom and grabbed my purse. I signalled the okay to Trunks, and he floated up to my window. I got myself out of the windowsill, and Trunks quickly grabbed onto me as we both floated down to the surface.

I quickly ran to the front door and opened it and closed it. This is so mum would think I exited using the front door, but it helps me not run the risk of being seen dressed like I am.

“Alright, so ready to get on my back and fly to Capsule Corp?” Trunks asked.

“NO! My dress will fly up and it will ruin my hair!” I shouted at him.

“Wow, Bree chill. I bought a plane.” Trunks laughed, grabbing a capsule.


Trunks and I were at the buffet table, shoving in as much food as we could into our mouths. Goku was sparring with Vegeta, and we knew when those two were done they’d have appetites like no other, so we had to fulfil ours before they began to eat.

That, and the food was REALLY good. We were also planning on stealing more alcohol this year, so filling up my stomach before I drank was not a bad idea.

“Hey Trunks, Bree. Have any of you seen Goten? Mum has been looking for him.” Gohan asked, as he approached us.

Trunks and I looked at each other, and shook our heads, as our mouths were full.

Trunks swallowed quicker than I did, and was able to speak to Gohan.

“He’s probably out training with dad and Goku. Goten has become really obsessed with fighting lately, for some reason.” Trunks said to Gohan.

“I know. So I checked with them first. In between firing KI blasts at each other they told me they hadn’t seen Goten since they first arrived. Ah well, if you see him tell me or mum, k?” Gohan asked.

We nodded, and he walked off.

“Dude, I feel so guilty. I haven’t seen Goten since we first got here either. He’s my boyfriend! But I’d rather spend time with you. I’m just a bad girlfriend.” I admitted guiltily.

“Hey! Don’t worry about it. It’s his fault he didn’t want to indulge in the heavenliness that is food.” Trunks protested, his cheeks turning pink.

“C’mon, let’s go find him.” I said to Trunks.

“I don’t know. He could be anywhere. Why don’t we drink now, and find him later? It’ll probably be more of an adventure when we’re tipsy?” Trunks offered.

“Nah, let’s find him now and then get drunk with him. The more the merrier, right?” I grinned, taking a hold of Trunks hand so I could lead the way.

“O-ok.” Trunks mumbled, finally coming around.