Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter twenty

Bree’s point of view

“And then Mrs. Madden yelled at her instead of us, even though we did it.” Goten sniggered, and I burst out laughing.

“What happened to the innocence of year eight? That was probably my favourite year, everything has just changed so much.” I sighed, and actually began to lean on Goten.

Goten and I was still in the sick bay, and had decided to strike up conversation. It was about a quarter to three, meaning we had fifteen minutes until the bell went.

“I know what you mean. I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite, because we were only friends. But you, Trunks and I did have a lot of fun back in the day.” Goten agreed.

I looked down and blushed. Goten knew how to smooth when he wanted to. But I snuck a quick look at him. He wasn’t even looking at me, but had his gaze out the window, like he was deep in thought. He either was reminiscing about older days or meant his comment, or he was even smoother than I thought.

“Maybe we should do something with Trunks this weekend? It’s probably our last weekend to hang out before studying for exams. We can kind of patch things up before spending the entire summer together. What do you say?” Goten asked me.

“That’s a great idea, I know Trunks has really missed having you as a best friend. We’ve both missed our old friendship group too. I think a clean slate after high school and doing what we all loved is the best thing for us.” I beamed, very happy with this suggestion.

“Alright then. I think Trunks is going to swing by after school so we’ll run the idea by him then.” Goten suggested.

We spent the remainder of the time discussing our upcoming exams. They were about a month away, and in two weeks we would be let out of school to spend the rest of the time at home to study. That meant in two weeks we’d be finished with high school classes, and in six weeks high school would be over forever.

Goten went on about how for once, his mum wanted him to crack down and study. Apparently when his older brother was a child, he was home schooled and studied all day everyday and Chi Chi was very strict when it came to Gohan’s schooling. It must have been a big deal, because it’s always bought up by everybody on how strict Chi Chi was. It paid off well, because Gohan was now a scholar, with a high enough salary to feed both his own family, as well as his mother, father and brother.

However she was not at all strict with Goten’s schooling, she just wanted him to finish high school. I knew Goten wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do yet, but he wanted a career that would allow him enough time to keep training every now and again (Although he didn’t want to be a full time martial artist)

I guess her strict instincts when she was bringing up Gohan were coming back to her, and Goten was going to get the full brunt of what Gohan had to face his whole life.

As we were sharing another hilarious anecdote, which was related to exams, Trunks popped his head in the door.

“Hey Trunks.” Goten and I said at the same time, smiling.

“Um. Hey guys.” Trunks said, hands in pocket, looking at both of us awkwardly.

“Bree and I were just talking. We were reminiscing on the older days and we both exclaimed how much we miss the three of us hanging out. So we both decided we should all hang out this weekend, what do you think?” Goten asked Trunks.

“I don’t know. Exams are coming up and all…” Trunks awkwardly replied.

“That’s okay. Just one afternoon, I doubt mum would let me hang out longer than that anyway. Just to get the ball rolling again.” Goten smiled.

“We’ll see.” Was all Trunks replied with.

I could tell he didn’t like the idea. Goten kept on smiling, he was always bad at reading people’s emotions. I knew Trunks well and could read him like an open book, but his annoyance was easy to see by anybody. Except for Goten.

“I’m taking you home Bree. You’re in no condition to drive, so we’ll go put your car in capsule form and take mine. I’m not flying you either, you’re in no condition to be flown either.” Trunks gruffly said to me.

I nodded as a response, he was right. But I could tell he was also annoyed at me, so this car ride may not go down well.

“That’s a good idea, thanks Trunks for looking after her.” Goten said, patting Trunks on the back.

“It’s just common sense. Besides, why are you thanking me? It’s a favour to her not you, it’s not like you guys are going out are you?” Trunks said, in almost an accusatory voice, looking in between Goten and I.

“No, we’re not.” I said, after clearing my throat when Goten sounded silent.

“Well um, I have to go home and study for five hours. I better do well in these exams after all this hard work. Bye Trunks, bye Bree.” Goten said, finally getting the hint Trunks was annoyed, and he slipped out quickly.

I turned to Trunks to make conversation with him, but he just grunted and pulled me outside and along the walkway to my locker. He knew my combination (We trusted each other with each other’s combinations, so we could easily access each other’s lockers to return borrowed items or sometimes leave small gifts) so he opened my locker and grabbed the books he gruffly asked I needed.

He then carried my bag as we silently walked to the parking lot.

I pressed the button to turn my car into capsule form, and then got into the passenger seat of Trunks’ car. I was hoping we could figure out WHATEVER problem Trunks had, because I just wanted everything to be cool between Goten, Trunks and I.