Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter twenty five

Trunks and I were in his plane on the way to Goten’s friend, Rodger’s party. Because Goten didn’t want to take me, Trunks jumped at the opportunity to do so. Even though I now knew it was because he liked me, I knew that we needed some good bonding time.

And what better bonding time for us then singing ‘Come As You Are’ by Nirvana, flying through the sky. Trunks didn’t like Nirvana, he thought they were massively overrated but he still liked this one song. I liked Nirvana, so we were both enjoying the song.

“So I hope you can patch up things with Goten tonight.” Trunks said, turning the radio down a little.

I looked at Trunks and smiled. It was kind of heartless to smile when I knew he would be grieving on the inside. But it’s all I could do without giving him a look of sympathy.

“Thanks Trunks, that means a lot to me. I hope we can all be friends again and everything can go back to normal.” I replied, trying to remain optimistic for all of us.

“Back to normal…yeah,” Trunks muttered “But for that to happen, I think you should take things slowly. If you’re going to give Goten another chance you should go slow.”

“I guess that makes sense, but why?” I asked Trunks.

“If something happens, it’s the second time that Goten has broken your trust. If that were to happen, we can never back to what we were. You would never be able to trust Goten again, so we would never be able to all be in our friendship group again. If you go slow and make sure you’re not putting your trust into something that will just be broken again, you won’t end up hurt.” Trunks explained.

I thought about it. He did have a point; I probably shouldn’t rush with Goten. But what was there to rush? I already knew everything about him. In fact I knew him so well I could read his recent actions. He was different. He was truly sorry.

“Thanks.” I replied, giving Trunks a faux smile and going back to singing along.

The rest of the plane ride was silent. It was a short ride, but silent none the less. I was nervous about what would happen tonight with Goten, and I guess Trunks was sad that he once again had to hand me over to Goten.

He landed in the middle of the street and after we got out he put it into capsule form. He put it with all his other capsules, and side-by-side we headed into the party.

It was just like every other party I had attended, and that open house party I held once. People making out on couches, people probably doing things they shouldn’t be upstairs, and plastic cups everywhere.

I decided I should probably look for Goten. When I mentioned it to Trunks he agreed and followed me to look for Trunks.

But then I collided with someone. I felt a bit of drink spill onto me, but their drink would have hit them even worse.

I was about to apologise, but then I saw the person I collided with, and began to burst out laughing, unable to contain it.

“Whatever, you ugly slut. I heard you and Goten broke up, what a pity, but it’s good for him.” Rose, my long-standing enemy since the beginning of middle school, snarled at me.

“And what a pity for the rest of us that your top is ruined, but it’s good for you because you like being naked in front of as many guys as possible, don’t you?” I smirked at Rose, knowing my less than subtle way of calling her a slut was better than her lame, outright insult.

Thinking she was being smart, a smirk appeared on her face. She thought what she was doing would try and make me feel down, but I laughed as I knew she was playing into my hands as she claimed ‘hmmm, okay!’ and took her top off.

She was obviously VERY drunk, and this made me laugh.

She then bounded into Trunks, grabbing his chest affectionately, rubbing her naked…flesh against him.

“Like what you see, Trunks? You know I’m feeling generous, I’d be willing to do sex acts with you for nothing in return. Why don’t you ditch Bree? She’s doing nothing for you.” Rose snickered in a very drunk fashion.

“Generosity is you doing sex acts for ‘nothing’? Are you saying you’re a hooker or something? And no, Bree is much prettier than you. I’d rather see her pretty face than being tortured by sleeping with you. Looking at Bree is bliss.” Trunks said to Rose.

Her attitude then changed. She no longer tried to suck up to Trunks but her face twisted into anger.

“You! You will….” Rose said, but before she could finish her sentence she passed out.

“If it were anyone else but her, I’d frantically put their clothes back on, and make sure they were okay. But it’s…her.” Trunks said, giving her passed out form a dirty look.

“Mmm. I don’t like her either, but we have to do SOMETHING. I’ll go grab a blanket from one of the rooms and put it over her, and make sure she’s in a position where she won’t choke on her own vomit.” I stated.

Trunks followed me as I headed off to the linen closet, but by the time we made our way back to where Rose was, she had already woken up and wandered off.

I looked at Trunks and he looked back and we shrugged.

“Maybe we should have a drink to celebrate our hard efforts? Then we continue looking for Goten.” Trunks suggested.

“I’m already ahead of you.” I giggled, handing Trunks a cup of cask wine I had just poured.

Trunks sculled it quickly, and then turned back to me, where I was slowly sipping out of my cup.

“What you did there with Rose was amazing. I have so much hatred for her just because of what she’s done to you, I wouldn’t have cared if she got raped or died. But you…you hate her even more than me and she’s done so many mean things towards you.” Trunks admitted, his cheeks turning red.

“Aww shucks Trunks, it’s nothing. It’s not her I care about, I just don’t want that on my conscience.” I giggled, deciding to scull my drink at the last minute.

“Guess we should continue searching for Goten.” Trunks mumbled.

“Well we’ve tried downstairs…I guess we should go upstairs…” I trailed off, looking unsurely up the stairs.

Trunks seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

“Give him the benefit of the doubt. He’s probably upstairs in Rodger’s bedroom playing video games; we’ve seen him do that before. But if not, don’t get too upset about it. You’re taking things slow, right?” Trunks said to me.

I just gave him a faux smile and a nod. He was wrong, I had already invested my emotions in Goten again. And that’s why the trip up the stairs was making me feel sick.

“Should we check the bathrooms first? Might make you feel a bit better trusting Goten.” Trunks suggested.

“No, you’re right. I shouldn’t trust Goten until he’s earned my trust back. Besides, I don’t know how sick I’d feel if I checked the bathrooms and he wasn’t in there. I’m going to check the bedrooms. Stay behind me.” I said to Trunks.

He only nodded, giving me a re-assuring pat on the shoulder. Well I assume those were his intentions, as they weren’t very re-assuring.

When I stood outside the bedroom door, I know I knew what I was going to see inside, and for that part I was right. However after opening the door, I saw Goten involved in sex acts with two girls, one being Rose Sanders, my enemy.

I quickly shut the door and looked at Trunks, who shot me the biggest sympathetic look of a lifetime.

We were both thinking the same thing. What happens now?
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Five parts to go, the heat is ON. This is one of those stories where it's more about the guy's affections for the girl, rather than a story about their relationship and where it takes them. It's about where the guy's affections takes both him and the girl, if that makes sense...