Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter twenty six

So I was thrown into oblivion after that party. Trunks and I, after careful consideration decided that the best way to handle the situation was with immaturity. I could have walked off and confronted Goten later to only hear his fake apologies and for him to try and win me back.

They say shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice. There’s nothing that comes third, and that’s for a reason. Shame on me for believing Goten, but I was now the wiser.

So what did Trunks and I do? We borrowed a water gun from Rodger (He had one in his cupboard) and stole from flower from the kitchen. Armed with such weapons, we burst in on the ‘happy threesome’ and blasted water all over them, and then threw the flour onto them.

What does Trunks then do? Opens the window, scoops me up into his arms and flies away quickly, leaving the three who were happily having sex only seconds before completely dumfounded.

Luckily Trunks was stronger than Goten, which meant he could fly away a lot quicker. This time Goten DID follow us, Trunks told me because he could feel Goten’s KI moving around West City.

We weren’t at either of our houses though, as we knew Goten would be able to find us there. So Trunks paid for us to go see a movie to cheer us up. It was very much appreciated.

From there on in I spent a lot of time with Trunks. Goten turned up at my house a few days later. Mum wasn’t home, so she didn’t let him in. I refused to let him in, and when he kept using his powers to spy on me or get him to talk to me, I sat in my cupboard waiting for time to pass by.

When I left my cupboard, Goten was gone. From then on in, I spent most of my time at Capsule Corp. Goten didn’t even try Capsule Corp. because Bulma made it pretty clear to Goten he wasn’t welcome back after the whole screwing the maid thing.

Trunks was being really awesome about the whole thing. I knew it must have been pretty hard for him to help me get over Goten once and for all but I think he was just happy that I didn’t go back to Goten, and he knew that I never would again.

In fact, the only reason why I was upset in this situation was because I was embarrassed. It did not hurt me that my so-called date had a threesome with two girls. It embarrassed me that I actually took him back and trusted him again.

Trunks and I had gone back to being best friends like we were when we were younger. When we both ignored Goten and did not care how he would betray us. I liked it that way; I had some of the best times when I was younger due to Trunks’ friendship. And I know Trunks felt the same way too.


It was now the night of our graduation. Our graduation event was a formal event, kind of like prom and graduation put together. Firstly there was a meet and greet where all the students would mingle with their teachers. Then there was a formal sit down dinner. After dinner there would be awards and each person would be called up to receive their diploma, and finally at the end there was some dancing to celebrate high school being 100 percent over.

Trunks was my date. It was strictly ‘friends only’ but I knew tonight was the night he was going to try and impress me. I knew him too well. Although I still felt nothing but platonic feelings towards him, I was going to keep an open mind. If he could impress me, well then he can have me. It’ll be hard because of how close of a friend he is to me, and to be honest I’ve ‘friend zoned’ him, but if he could really astonish me then we’ll see where things go.

Bulma went dress shopping with me and helped me find a dress. I wasn’t really close enough with any girls to go dress shopping and she said the dress I wear should be a surprise to Trunks, but she’d make sure he ‘matches’

We both decided on a dress that had white laced pattern for the top, was tight around the middle with a black belt wrapped around, and black silk material flowing down from the waist to my knees. She said I looked ‘hot’ and I would wow Trunks.

After getting my hair and make-up done by some robots Bulma had created a while ago for herself (I was quite nervous of this, mind you) it was now time to greet Trunks in the lounge.

I then entered the lounge room, to see Bulma looking annoyed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Bulma.

“It’s VEGETA. He insisted on sparring with Trunks up until an hour ago! An hour is NOT adequate enough time to get ready, even though Vegeta and Trunks insisted it was more than enough. Trunks will be looking scruffy and will be late.” Bulma ‘grrred’ loudly.

I just stayed silent and smirked. It was quite amusing, but really how much time did it take for a guy to get ready? All Trunks had to do was shower, put on his suit and he was ready to go.

“You know Mum, before you complain you should wait until I actually am late.” I heard Trunks say, as he entered the room.

“Awwww look at my little man all grown up! You look so handsome! And look at Bree, she looks so beautiful. You both are going to be the best looking couple there.” Bulma said, engulfing Trunks and I into a hug.

“You sound like Chi Chi.” I giggled at Bulma.

“Well, yes. Gohan was something to be proud of; he is such a fine gentleman and son. Goten though, that boy is trouble.” Bulma said, clearing her throat.

Trunks and I just looked at each other awkwardly, as awkward silence rang out throughout the room.

However Bulma ignored this, as she got her camera out and began taking a lot of snaps.

As Bulma was being shutter happy, Trunks leaned over to me.

“Mum is right though. You do look very beautiful. I’ll have the most beautiful girl in the room as my date.” Trunks said at the same time as smiling for the photo.

All I did was blush, but I fake swatted him to stay in character. So far so good for him to impress me, he was doing it well.

I heard a beep from outside.

“Well you two, that’s your limousine ride! I hope you two kids have heaps of fun tonight; you both deserve it after completing high school and studying so hard for exams. As well as the circumstances that have arisen…” Bulma trailed off.

Trunks and I then looked away. I loved Bulma, she has always been like a mother to me, but she did have a way of making things awkward a lot.

“Well, take lots of pictures for the family album!” Bulma cheerfully said, pushing us out the door.

When we were outside, Trunks and I shrugged and made our way to the limo. Before the limousine driver could even get out, Trunks had already opened the door for me and helped me into the limo.

“Such a gentleman.” I teased.

Trunks only blushed in response.

The venue was in Satan City, which was about an hour away by car. We had a long limousine ride in front of us, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to spend quality time with Trunks.

“How do you think Goten is getting to the venue?” I asked Trunks.

He looked at me quizzically but spoke up.

“I don’t know, why?”

“Well, I think it’s pretty amusing. He certainly can’t ride the nimbus anymore. He doesn’t have his license so he can’t drive a car or fly a mini plane. He’s going to have to fly and look like such a slob.” I giggled, at Goten’s expense.

Trunks seemed to relax, realising I wasn’t bringing up Goten because I was thinking about him romantically or missing him.

“You know, when you can start making fun of your ex and chuckling at their expense it really proves you’re over them.” Trunks stated.

I looked at him and gave a big grin. He was right. Thinking of Goten didn’t make me sad or angry anymore. It made me laugh and amused. I was definitely now over Goten and ready to move on. Good news for Trunks, I guess…
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4 parts to go WOO!!!!