Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter twenty eight

Trunks and I managed to get through dinner and the awards ceremony without any dramas. We went back to our table and avoided the Son family for the rest of the night. After Chi Chi and Goku’s domestic in the kitchen, dinner was delayed and most people were disgruntled.

Then, when dinner was served, well um…you can guess what happened. Goku ate very messily and kept asking for more. This worked out well though, as Trunks’ table manners aren’t exactly the best either, especially for a heir to the richest commercial throne in the world. However because of Goku’s disgusting display, people didn’t notice Trunks. I almost felt sorry for Goten. Almost.

Nothing happened from the Son family during the awards ceremony, however Trunks received a few awards for a few of his subjects, which made him blush as he went up to get them. He almost looked very cute as he got up…almost?

Now however, it was time for dancing as the night was almost about to wrap up. The speaker stand had been taken over by a DJ, the lights had been dimmed and music was being played as lights were flickering onto the dance floor.

“Would you care to dance?” Trunks smirked, offering his arm to me as I was sitting down.

“I would love to.” I smiled, taking his arm and hooking mine into his as we made it to the dance floor.

I swear, every person on the way down smiled at us, and wished us congratulations. Except for Cassie Smith, Trunks’ ex friend and stalker. She hissed at us and called Trunks a ‘sell out’ Why him possibly being my boyfriend constitutes him as a ‘sell out’ I have no clue. But for once I wasn’t delighted I made her angry and jealous. I was sad that for our big night, and possibly the last time she would ever see Trunks she would be happy for him.

Why do I care though? I always disliked Cassie, and loved making her jealous, not caring about Trunks’ friendship with her. But tonight I was holding his friendship with her close to me, and I was caring about his feelings, something I didn’t do when it came to her. I wanted to see him happy, and I had never even let the thought of Cassie in anyway making him happy enter my head.

“It’s okay. I don’t plan on ever seeing her again anyway.” Trunks reassured me, as he read my facial expression.

I only smiled in response, hiding the confused look at my own actions as we made our way onto the dance floor.

We then began to dance together, not grinding nor classical dancing, but just dancing together. We both had smiles on our faces as we then decided to do some goofy dancing; instead of the normal dancing people were doing to the techno around us.

Trunks at first went easy on me. This had stepped up to be a competition on who could do the goofiest dancing. As a strong Saiyan, I knew he could easily beat me. But for now, he was letting me keep up with his pace.

Then, his competitive Saiyan nature got to him. He stopped goofily dancing and began to properly show off, starting to break-dance.

I stepped away and a circle was formed as he began to top rock, but then made his way to the floor to do even more complex moves.

I was amazed, but amused. It was obvious that Trunks had practised break dancing, at least once in his life. Sure he had the strength to do it easily, but in order to know the moves practise was required.

The circle then began to get larger around as, as the whole year level seemed to be amazed with Trunks’ moves.

Trunks jumped up and grinned at the attention, and as he got a round of applause from people, he grabbed me and began doing the tango with me, well attempting to – this time he couldn’t do that one right.

Whilst the circle began to break up a little, a lot of people stuck around, probably either to witness anymore amazing dancing that may occur, or just out of respect for the moves Trunks had just done.

He then stated he was stepping out, saying he needed to get a drink, and some of my acquaintances jumped in, and we all began dancing together. However, the person I wanted to see the least had to take advantage of this.

Goten had jumped into the circle, and had wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Then he snaked his arms around my waist and began to awkwardly dance with me, earning weird looks and whispers from onlookers.

Flushed with embarrassment for looking like I was ‘cheating’ on Trunks, I pushed Goten away, well attempted to, Goten’s grip on me was a lot stronger than I was.

“Is it true? Are you really dating Trunks?” Goten growled, not releasing his grip.

“So what if it’s true? We’re over. You cheated on me TWICE.” I snarled at him.

“HAHA! So you finally started to pity date the loser then. Come on Bree, you know you can do better than that. He may be rich, but I’m still more popular than his, and my dad is way stronger! My brother AND father are the strongest in the universe, so obviously I’m of a better blood line, even if he’s supposed to be royal.” Goten laughed.

I looked around and sniggered as everyone around him gave him weird looks, not knowing the true story of his words.

“Is there a problem here?” Trunks asked, racing back to the circle, which was now only still there to centre in on the fight.

“Yes there is. Man, I can’t believe you’d steal my chick. She’s been rejecting you since you were thirteen, what makes you think she actually wants you? She’s just a total slut getting back at you man, I can’t believe you’d dog me like that” Goten shouted at Trunks, giving him a slight push.

“I don’t want to fight you.” Trunks muttered to Goten.

“Too bad, because I’m doing the first move.” Goten grinned, pulling his fist back and taking a wild swing at Trunks.

Because Trunks wasn’t expecting it, it did hit him.

Everybody gasped, as the teachers ran over to try and break it up. I stepped back and stood at the sidelines. As much as I wanted to scream at them to stop and run into the middle like the girls who are being fought over in movies do, I knew it was useless. There were only two people in this room who could restrain Goten, and none of them were anywhere in sight.

Trunks did the classy thing of not fighting back, and was able to hold off all of Goten’s attacks…just.

Seconds later, Gohan and Goku were at Goten’s side. Goku had grabbed Goten’s hands and held them against his back, whilst Gohan had smacked Goten in the head angrily.

The whole room then went silent, blinking as they could barely take in what had happened over the course of one minute. The only sounds that could be heard were Goten struggling under his father and brother’s restraints.

I took one look at Goten, giving him a dirty look as I stormed out. I felt Trunks behind me, I knew nobody but him would have the guts to walk out and follow me, everyone else was either too frightened, wanted to give us alone time we clearly needed right now, or wanted to see what would happen with Goten.

I made my way through the foyer of the place we were at, and didn’t stop until I was out into the lukewarm near-summer air.

“Bree, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to fight him I-“ Trunks started, but he was cut off when I spun around and grabbed him by the shoulders, engulfing him into a kiss.

I had our lips locked for a few moments, showing Trunks the passion I was showing through this kiss. It was not just a simple kiss, but a kiss that represented many emotions. After exploring his mouth for a few moments I broke the kiss, and rested my head against his.

“What was that for?” Trunks asked.

“I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’ve always loved you as a friend, but tonight I realise I love you in a whole different way. I don’t know what else to say to confess my upmost regrets for being blind of the way I felt until now, and letting obstacles come in my way.” I confessed, feeling a lump in my throat as many emotions, good and bad came over me, and flashes in my mind of memories raced in front of my eyes.

I then began to burst out crying, but Trunks held me tight, wrapping one arm tightly around my shoulders and one wiping away my tears.

“Bree! Shh, it’s okay. I’m absolutely ecstatic; I long ago accepted I’d never hear those words from you. To hear them at all is an absolute honour. I love you too, and like you, I always have loved you.” Trunks replied, kissing the top of my head.

I sniffed and wiped at my own eyes, calming down at Trunks’ kind words.

“So what now?” I asked him, cocking my head up to look at him.

“Come away with me. We’ll get away from all of this for a while. We’ll travel the world in a short amount of time, just you and me. We’ll wait until this Goten thing blows over, then return and live our lives normally, together.” Trunks said, a smile on his face.

“You mean, actually go to other countries and stuff?” I asked, a smile forcing upon my lips too.

“Yep. Just you and me. I’ll get a capsule of one of grandpa’s fastest and newest planes, we can reach any country in the shortest amount of time, guaranteed.” Trunks said, his cockiness from when he was younger coming back.

Just Trunks and I. I liked the sound of that.
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Eek there's a massive storm outside and I HAVE to walk through it in order to get to the bus stop to go to work by 8am... :/ just thought I'd vent here, because no one else is online.