Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter three

“How about a year and a half ago when we both began to drift?” I suggested.

“Okay. Well I’m sorry, you know I am. Dad just forced me to train a lot, and he said I couldn’t speak to you OR Goten. Before I knew what was going on, you and Goten were together, and spending every second together.” Trunks mumbled.

Now it was my turn to feel guilty, after his apology.

“I’m sorry too. I just turned to Goten because I felt I had no one else, and it didn’t make me feel as lonely. I didn’t mean to ignore you, but by the time your Dad eased you off the training, you were sitting with those girls, and we were sitting with Goten’s friends. I’ve tried sitting with your friends before, but they always make nasty remarks about me, I can’t stand sitting in such a negative circle.” I apologized.

“We can either just point the finger at who’s to blame, or we can both accept each other’s apologies and come up with a solution. What do you think?” Trunks asked me.

“As good as it sounds to hate each other and be miserable, I’m afraid I’m going to have to vote for the solution.” I grinned, making Trunks send out a chuckle.

“If you want, I can sit with you, Goten and his friends? They’re nice to me, it’s less of a sacrifice if I have to move friendship groups than you.” Trunks offered.

“Nah. On Monday, I’ll sit with you and you alone. Goten can join us if he wants, but if he doesn’t want to than it’s his loss. Any excuse to get away from his friends!” I said loudly, but then regretted saying it.

NOBODY knew that I didn’t actually think too fondly of his friends.

“What do you mean?” Trunks asked, cocking up an eyebrow.

“It’s um, kind of personal, and in depth.” I said, turning a bright shade of red.

It was Trunks’ turn to chuckle again.

“Bree, do you remember how honest we used to get with each other when we were curious young teenagers?” Trunks chuckled.

“Oh don’t remind me. Some of the conversations we had were so embarrassing.” I laughed, hiding my face in my hands.

“So come on, tell me. I can handle anything.” Trunks grinned.

“Alright. Well his friends, they pressure Goten and I into doing…you know what.” I said, sounding very embarrassed.

“Oh,” Trunks said, his grin quickly disappearing “What do you mean?”

“Like, they asked Goten and I how many times we do it. Goten honestly replied every now and then, and they began to tease both him and I a lot, until I kind of caved in and agreed to Goten that we should do it more.” I said, my eyes falling to the floor.

“What a god damned prick! I think I’m going to need to have a few words with Goten!” Trunks exclaimed angrily.

“Please don’t! I don’t want this to escalate. Besides, he’s your longest friend, he was your childhood friend!” I pleaded Trunks.

“Okay, but just because you asked me not to. He may have been my best friend during my early childhood, but you were my best friend during my teenage years. I just want things to go back to how they used to be.” Trunks sighed, calming down.

I sighed too.

“Yeah, those were fun days. When we used to sleepover at each other’s houses every weekend, and we always had inside jokes, and we used to go to the mall all the time and do stupid stuff.” I said, nostalgia washing over me.

“Trunks, Bree, lunch is ready.” Mrs. Briefs said, sticking her head into the room.

I gave Trunks a quick friendship hug before we raced down, ready to eat ourselves silly on Mrs. Brief’s awesome food.


Monday came around way too quickly for my liking. There was one good thing though; I got to see the look on Cassie Smith’s face when Trunks sat with me and not her.

Goten told me that he wouldn’t be sitting with us on Monday, but maybe sometime through the week. It was a blessing in disguise though, I was afraid Trunks would get angry at Goten again, and there was a selfish motive as well.

When I became friends with Trunks, I did become friends with Goten at the same time. However, shortly after he left our friendship group to go and pursue other things (popularity and girlfriends) and it was Trunks and I that got closer.

I sort of didn’t want Goten there, because I enjoyed it when it was just Trunks and I. We made a really good team.

It was selfish though, because I was Goten’s girlfriend and I could always just see him another time. Goten was Trunks’ best friend until he was 14, he rarely got to see Goten anymore.

I had my books with me after the lunch bell went, and I met up with Trunks, who had his books in his arms too. We were waiting for the crowds at the lockers to die down.

In the middle of sharing a hilarious anecdote with Trunks, Cassie rudely barged in.

“Hi Trunks! Anna, Linda and I were thinking of going to the arts classroom to finish off our sketches. Do you want to come?” Cassie asked, directly standing in front of Trunks and had her back turned to me.

“Um, I don’t do arts, so there’s no point in me coming. Besides, Bree and I were thinking of patching things up and sitting together this lunch period.” Trunks said, peering from around Cassie to look at me.

Cassie then eagerly turned around, coming face to face with me, finally acknowledging my presence.

I gave a small smile and a wave, in an attempt to be bitchy, but subtly.

“Ok Trunks. Whatever you want.” Cassie said over dramatically, throwing her arms up in the air and storming off.

I had to smirk; I got the exact reaction I wanted out of Cassie. Cassie Smith was known to throw temper tantrums if 2 things happened. Either if someone disagreed with her opinion, or she didn’t get her own way.

I did both of those. She didn’t get Trunks to hang out with her, so she didn’t get her own way. And Trunks disagreed with her opinion that hanging out with me was a bad idea.

I was looking forward to whatever else Cassie Smith would throw my way now that Trunks and I were getting closer again.
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Now I've finally finished this story, I'm going to update it once a day on Mibba until all parts are posted.