Status: Completed

To This Day I'm Asking Why I Think About You

Chapter nine

I forgot about Goten and Trunks as I was speaking to the small amount of people left. A few had rolled out, apparently one of Rose’s friends was having a small party at her house and coke was being provided so a lot of people left to go with them. My true friends stayed though, or they left a while ago.

This was an open house, so a lot of randoms turned up. Rose Sanders may have thought she ruined my party, but in fact she had just cleaned up for me. I was dreading getting rid of the randoms.

Goten’s group were still here though, minus Goten. Trunks had left too, and I had no idea what he was doing.

A while later, Goten and Trunks emerged from the staircase. Trunks muttered they were having a ‘boy talk’ and he shoved Goten into me.

He hugged me, but as he hugged me I got a wiff of him. He was gross, he smelled strongly like he did after a work out.

“Have you two been sparring?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh, yeah.” Goten replied, rubbing the back of his head with his elbow.

Trunks only nodded as a response.

“Trunks, you suck. You barely smell at all!” I giggled, and Trunks blushed.

“Well, I better be off. You know what mum’s like, it’s 3am and she’ll be already mad I missed my 12am curfew. I’ll talk to you soon okay babe?” Goten asked.

“Ok.” I smiled; glad everything was okay between us as I gave him a small kiss.

Goten walked out, and his cronies left behind him, obviously only staying for the short while longer because their leader was here.

I only had three friends plus Trunks left now, apparently the three friends were waiting for someone’s mom to drive them all home. While they waited they helped me clean up, we got rid of most of the rubbish like crisp packets and bottles. There was only vacuuming left, but I’d do that in the morning.

There was a beep from the driveway, and the three girls kissed my cheek and big a goodbye to Trunks as they walked out of the house. Then, it was just Trunks and I.

I reached for another glass of vodka and coke. I wasn’t done for the night. I also poured one for Trunks, who did not object and downed it quickly. He then sculled two more, and I tried to keep up by attempting to do also.

“Why are you in such a rush to get drunk again?” I giggled, as we both waited for the alcohol to absorb into our blood streams.

“I never get drunk, you know that. May as well make the most of the situation. What about you? You go to parties all the time.” Trunks said to me.

“I know, but never just you and I. It’s kind of stupid, but it just seems like fun to drink alone with you for once.” I shrugged, realising I sounded like an alcoholic.

Trunks grinned, but leaned back in his seat.

“So, I have to ask. How’d things go with Cassie? What the hell happened anyway?” I asked curiously.

Trunks looked deep in thought for a while. But then he looked at me and sighed.

“Well, I just got lonely and uh, horny to be honest. Cassie was there, and was giving herself to me so I went for it.” Trunks grinned at me.

“Be honest. Do you like her?” I asked him, a little bit curious.

“NO! Look Bree I’ll be honest with you, she’s got her good moments and she can be a good friend to me. But she’s not my type, she’s a bit whiny, immature and I’ll be honest with you, I’m not attracted to her.” Trunks quickly said.

I held in a giggle. Goten once admitted to me that’s what he used to tell people when we were 14. That meant that if Trunks didn’t like Cassie now, he would in the future.

“Was she a good kisser?” I asked, not really knowing what else to say.

“I don’t know. I’ve only ever kissed two other girls in my life; one was in the third grade when we played kiss chasey, and the other time was at a Capsule Corp event when I was 14. Some girl’s father told this girl to suck up to me to try and marry into our family. The girl kissed me and I kissed back, but she then told me her boyfriend was a better kisser.” Trunks blushed, from embarrassment.

“Hang on, I’ll refer to your first statement in a sec. You actually try and get people to suck up to you so they can marry into wealth?” I asked, amazed.

“Sure do. That’s why I barely go to Capsule Corp events anymore, mum actually isn’t fond of me going for that reason. But yeah, this girl slipped up big time. Her father got SO mad at her, but I was weary after then.” Trunks giggled.

“So you’ve only ever kissed three girls in your life, wow.” I acknowledged, quite shocked.

I had never seen Trunks have a girlfriend or be with a girl, but because we haven’t been close lately I expected SOMETHING to have happened by now.

“Yeah, but how many guys have you kissed? Oh wait you used to be a massive party girl before Goten, never mind.” Trunks mumbled.

“Were you a good kisser? That stuff matters.” I asked him.

“Does it?” Trunks asked, kind of confused.

“Well, it depends. If you didn’t break her heart it doesn’t matter. But because it seems you did, she’ll go around and tell people you were a bad kisser.” I grinned.

“Guess I’m a bad kisser then.” Trunks laughed.

“Want me to rate your kissing?” I asked, the alcohol clouding my judgement.

“As in, kiss me? Are you sure? Isn’t that cheating? Won’t Goten crack it?” Trunks quickly replied, blushing furiously.

“It’s just a kiss, I’m helping out his best friend. He won’t mind me helping out you, his best friend would he?” I smiled.

“I guess not. But can we keep this between us?” Trunks stammered out nervously.

“Let’s keep it between our lips.” I said seductively.

Trunks and I awkwardly then parted the space between us. The kiss was kind of awkward; I’ll give you that. I felt nothing from it, but that was because I wasn’t doing this out of passion for Trunks, I genuinely just wanted to help him.

Instead I focused on his technique. His tongue use was very good; I’ll give him that. It was hard for guys to use the perfect mixture of tongue during the kiss because they were usually horny losers who wanted to stick it down your throat.

However, his mouth was a little too wide open, and he kept clanking his teeth with mine.

As the kiss quickly finished, I gave him a nervous smile.

“How did I do?” He asked nervously.

“Um, maybe 6 out of a 10. That’s not bad, considering you’ve only had 2 real kisses, and both of those were tonight. Nice work on the tongue, but work on the teeth clanking and how wide your mouth is.” I said, carefully trying not to avoid offending Trunks.

He looked down and did not give a reply.

“Hey, let’s go play Playstation.” I excitingly suggested, in an attempt to get rid of the awkwardness between us