Status: Complete

Steel city calls


‘I still kick yer arse in games, Nicholls.’ I laughed, as I threw the x-box controller at Matt. He pouted cutely, as he always did, when I won a game.
‘Don’t look so sad.’ I pinched his cheek, as he swatted my hand away and looked at me seriously. I sat up straighter, thinking that I had done something bad. I couldn’t afford messing up.
‘I ain’t a kid.’ Matt muttered, as he pouted and I laughed, relaxing at once. He had me scared for a moment.
‘To meh, yeh always will be.’ I grinned at him, as I pinched his cheek again. Matt rolled his eyes and lunged at me, pinning to the ground.
‘O’ realleh? I’ll make yeh change yer mind.’ My eyes got a tad bit wide and I felt Matt tickle my sides. I couldn’t contain my girlish shrieks inside my throat, as I tried to wiggle myself out from Matt. I was failing, like always.
‘Will yeh change yer mind?’ Matt grinned at me, as I squealed like a little girl. I couldn’t breathe, so I shook my head.
‘Then I’ll keep on ticklin’ yeh.’ He told me and I shrieked again. The front door slammed closed and someone walked into the living room a few seconds later.
‘Wha’ ‘ave yeh been up teh?’ Tom asked, as he put a grocery bag on the table.
‘Eh, yeh kno’. Just havin’ fun.’ Matt answered, still tickling. I finally realized that our position was a bit… sexual, so I started blushing. My mind was a bit too perverted…
‘Stop hasslin’ her. She’s chokin’.’ Tom must have figured out that I was blushing, so he helped me.
Matt got off of me and I ran a hand through my hair. A bit more and I would have really choked on my spit.
‘Here.’ Tom told me, as he pushed a box of Chinese food towards me. I clapped my hands and immediately dug into the food.
‘Where ‘re teh others?’ I asked, looking up at Tom. Matt also grabbed his food and sat down beside me.
‘Home.’ He answered, as he took a bite of his food. I nodded my head and ate my food.
It was silent at first, until Tom reminded us some high school memories. We laughed at our crazy memories, sharing some stories about the time we didn’t see each other. It felt really good. At one point, I knew that I was home.
‘I better go sleep. I ‘ave some work tomorrow.’ Tom stood up and I helped him clean up the table.
‘Good night, yeh pretty boy.’ I grinned at Tom, as a light blush covered his cheeks. He hugged me and I grinned.
‘He’s happeh teh see yeh.’ He muttered into my ear and I smiled a bit.
‘I’m happeh too.’ I answered, as Tom shook his head and let me go.
‘More happeh to see yeh than all of us combined.’ I turned my head a bit and smiled.
‘Yeh lie.’ I told him playfully.
‘Nah. He loves yeh.’ Tom kissed my forehead and bid Matt goodnight. After that he disappeared to his room. I stood for a little while watching the place he stood just a few moments ago. Was he serious? I really hoped so.
‘Yeh oke’?’ I looked at Matt and nodded my head. We watched each other for quite some time, taking in each other’s appearance. Matt had definitely changed in those two years that I haven’t seen him. He was even more attractive and even more adorable. I was certainly going to have some difficulty keeping my feelings in check, but if Tom was right, then I knew that I should tell Matt how I feel.
‘Like wha’ yeh see?’ Matt asked me, with a grin on his face. I nodded my head.
‘Of course. Yeh wer’ always cute.’ I grinned at him, telling him what I really thought. I knew that he wouldn’t take my word for granted. I was like a sister to him, yet I wanted to mean so much more to him.
‘Yer cute too.’ Matt grinned at me and kissed my forehead.
‘C’mon, yeh should get some sleep.’ He smiled and I frowned childishly.
‘But I dun wanna.’ I whined, pouting. Matt chuckled, as he ruffled my hair. Just him touching me, made me feel light-headed. Oh God, I was going to have a really tough time keeping my arms to myself…
‘Yer still a bloke, Pay. That’s why I like yeh.’ He grinned at me. I stood watching him, completely surprised and with a blank mind. What the hell did just happen?
‘Do I hav’ teh carry yeh?’ Matt asked, grinning. I shook my head to snap out of my daze. I needed to get a grip of myself.
‘Well… Yeh could, but I thin’ I’ll manage to carry mehself.’ Before I could blink, Matt had me in his arms and he was walking out of the living room. I watched his face, as we walked into what I assumed, the room I was going to stay in. He set me down on the bed.
‘I’m gonna bring yer bags. Sit still.’ I blinked, as he disappeared out of the room. I ran my hand through my hair and exhaled sharply. This was hard.
Matt walked in and put my luggage down beside a drawer. He looked at me and I gave a brief smile.
‘I ain’t sleepin’, Mattie.’ I told him, standing up and going to my bags.
‘Yeh, I figured tha’. Look, Pay… Yeh can stay wif mehand Tom fer as long as yeh want. I’d prefer teh have yeh here, than somewhere alone.’ I looked at Matt and grinned.
‘Well, if yer invitin’ meh teh stay, then sure. I’d love teh be wif yeh and Tommie. I have been hatin’ mehself fer not talkin’ teh yeh. Now I need teh fix et.’ Matt chuckled, as he enveloped me in a hug. His hugs made me feel really good.
‘Great. Need any help wif puttin’ away yer stuff?’ I chuckled, as I nodded my head and opened my bags.
We started putting away my stuff, making small talk in the process.
‘Tell me, was ther’ someone else beside John?’ Matt asked, as we put away my shirts. I furrowed my brows and looked at him.
‘Well… Ther’ were a few who tried to ge’ meh teh bed, but the last one go’ a broken nose.’ Matt started laughing and I grinned to myself. I put away my jeans and grabbed my shorts.
‘I imagine yeh doin’ tha’. Yeh were always a fire-crackeh.’ I pouted at Matt.
‘Yeh know I’m righ’. Yeh punched yer boyfrien’ in senior year, when yeh foun’ ou’ he ha’ been cheatin’ on yeh.’ I looked at Matt and then at my hands.
‘Yeh know. I thin’ John was teh onleh one I haven’ hurt. I’m thin’ I’m goin’ soft.’ Matt laughed at me and I smiled, while putting away a few of my dresses in the closet.
‘Yeh know..? I’d like teh see yeh in these.’ I turned to see Matt holding a pair of lacy underwear and I burst out laughing, as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
‘Shadap. Tha’ migh’ happen if I’m piss drunk. Yeh don’ want tha’.’ Matt wiggled his eyebrows and I shook my head.
‘Don’ even thin’ abou’ it. Yeh know tha’ I’m a slut when I’m drunk.’ We laughed, as I grabbed the underwear and put it away in the drawer.
‘Perv.’ I grinned at him, as he pouted.
‘Yeh still love meh.’
‘Yeh can’t even imagine.’ I stuck out my tongue and continued to put away my stuff.
‘It was borin’ wifout yeh. Even Jona wondered when we were goin’ to see yeh.’
I had met Jona the last time I saw the whole crew and we managed to become friends. It was a fun meeting up with them then, yet I felt a bit sad all of a sudden. I knew that I had missed a lot. They were always having fun.
‘I missed teh lot of yeh, too. Yeh can’t even imagine how bad I feel fer not keepin’ contact wif yeh. I was stupid.’
‘Don’ worreh. Now yer here, so we’ll catch up and everyfing is goin’ to be alrigh’.’ I nodded my head at Matt and we finished putting away my stuff. I put my luggage in the closet and got myself some shorts and a v-neck tank top.
‘I’m gonna shower, Mattie. Then we’ll talk.’
Matt nodded his head and showed me where the bathroom was. I took a quick shower and changed into my new attire. I put away my clothes and went to find Matt. He was in the living room watching TV.
‘I see yeh ‘ave been busy.’ I grinned at him, as I plopped down beside him. He threw a blanket over me and I snuggled close to him.
‘I see yeh waste no time to use meh as yer pillow.’ Matt chuckled and I grabbed his cheeks.
‘Well ef course. Yeh are meh favorit’.’ I kissed his nose and let his cheeks go.
‘Yer such an idiot, Pay.’
‘But yeh love meh.’ I grinned at Matt, as he shook his head, smiling.
‘More than yeh kno’.’
If only he knew how I wanted that to be true…
♠ ♠ ♠
This is coming along nicely.
Comment? Send me love?