Musical Hatred Love

Introduction/Chapter One

Name: Cleopatra Daygon
Age: 14
Description: Long brunette hair, big brown eyes, 5'4" tall
Blood: Pure[but doesn't know it at first]
Hobbies: Singing, Acting, Hanging out with friends
Parents: Eron, her father, and Lucina, her mother.

Name: Draco Malfoy
Age: 14
Description: Short platinum blonde hair, icy blue eyes, 5'5" tall (at first)
Blood: Pure
Hobbies: Hanging out with Friends, picking on younger kids at school, and secretly likes to sing
Parents: Lucius, his father, and Narcissa, his mother.

Name: Georgia McBane
Age: 14
Blood: Pure
Description: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'5" tall
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, skipping classes
Parents: Jacob, her father, and Tabitha, her mother

Name: Jordan Lockhart
Age: 14
Description: short light brown hair, green eyes, 5'6" tall (at first)
Blood: Pure
Hobbies: Picking on younger kids at school, plays guitar, hanging out with friends
Parents: Luke, his father, and Alicia, his mother

Chapter One
It's summer here in England, the hot sun baking in my body; oh I'm sorry I'm Cleopatra Daygon or Cleo for short. I live in England in this big old' Mansion (My parents are like filthy rich) and I'm just chilling by the pool with my Best Friend Forever Amber Harper, we've known each other since Kindergarten. We are getting out tanning down and in time for 9th grade, yes I'm 14 years old and going into my first year at High School, with all the Hot Guys!!!!

"So you excited about high school?" Amber asked me.
I looked over at her and smiled through my dark shades. "Of course I'm excited, I mean c’mon, hot guys!" I said and we both laughed
"Of course the Hot Guys will be there." She agreed with me.
"Cleopatra, your father and I need to talk to you privately." I heard my mother call out to me.
I looked at Amber who was looking at me. I shrugged "I'll be right back" I said getting up as she switched sides to even out her tan.

I went into the living room where my father Eron, and my mother Lucina
were sitting down on the couch with a letter in their hand and a black owl next to them. I stared at the Owl wide eyed.
"Umm Mother, Father what's an Owl doing here?" I asked them.
"Cleo we've been keeping a secret from you...for too long now and its time you know the truth" My father said
I sat down in the arm chair looking at them with a confused expression. "What's going on?" I pressed on.
"Cleo you're a witch" my mother said
I looked at them for a few seconds "Do you mean Bitch? Or a witch like magic witch?" I asked them
"First of all watch your language" Father said and I rolled my eyes "and second of all you’re a witch with magic powers," he said he took out a what looked like a long stick and he waved his hand and made the lamp float up in the air.
My eyes widen "Holy sh-" I cut myself before I finished "you''re a wizard? And that makes you a witch...which means I'm a witch" I figured out
Father and Mother both nodded "And you've been accepted once again to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry we went there and it's a very educational school with good teachers and Dumbledore will help you through everything" Mother explained
"Can I tell Amber?" I asked them I could never keep secrets from Amber especially one that’s this huge!
They looked at each other and shrugged "If you can trust her not to tell anyone else then yes" Father said.
I nodded and stood up and walked back out seeing Amber getting out of the pool.
"So what was that about?" she asked
"Umm you promise…scratch that you swear that you won’t tell anyone?" I asked first and Amber quickly sat down next to me.
"Of course…this must be serious and important" She said
I nodded still processing it through. "Umm apparently I'm a witch...with magical powers." I told her.
She gasped "You're kidding me?" she said
I shook my head "And I just got accepted to this school called Hogwarts." I said
Amber's face sadden "That sucks," she said
I nodded "Hey I promise I'll write to you everyday" I promised her
This made her smile "Really?" she asked
I nodded again "Of course! Just cause I'm going to a different school I'm not going to forget my best friend!" I laughed "Oh just be on the lookout for an owl" I said
She looked at me confused and I shook my head "Don’t ask" I simply told her and she nodded.

The rest of the day we spent in my room talking about me being a Witch with my parents and asking questions and everything. I found out there are 4 houses you get sorted into Slytherin (Which Father was in) Ravenclaw (Which Mother was in), Gryffindor, and Huffelpuff (haha stupid name).I also found out Dumbledore was the headmaster and he was a good guy, while there was a bad Wizard named Voldemort (I thought he sounded pretty wicked but then all those people he killed dang!). After a long day of finding out my true identity, Amber and I finally crashed on my bed.
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Let me know what you think. This is the story that I was working on on I'm going to try to recreate it if I can't get my chapters back from them.