Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twelve

It was Monday afternoon, I'm eating lunch with Georgia (I told her about Quidditch practice tonight), she was gabbing on about how hard it is to see Jordon when they hardly have any classes together.

"I mean at least you and Malfoy have all your classes together." she said
I nearly choked "W-what did you say?" I asked
Georgia rolled her eyes "I know you have feelings for him Cleo don't deny it" she said
My mouth dropped "I do not and may I repeat DO NOT have feelings for Malwhore!" I said to her.
Georgia raised an eyebrow "Right, that's like me saying I Hate Lockhart" She whispered
I growled at her then the bell rang. "I'll see you at Dinner" I told her walking off to Divination (My now least favorite subject, I mean the Prof. is a whack job!).

Soon it was dinner time Malwhore did not annoy me all day(Thank God), I sat across Georgia who looked like she was sick.

"You okay Georgia?" I asked eating my corn.
She shook her head "I threw up today" She said
I shuddered "That sucks" I said taking a bit out of my steak.
Georgia nodded and took a sip of her pumpkin juice.
I looked at the time and sighed "I gotta go" i said taking the last sip of my pumpkin juice
"I'll come with you and cheer you on" Georgia said standing up
"Me or Jordon?" I asked as we walked out of the hall.
Georgia gasped "You of course, and besides Jordon's the co-captain." she said like it was nothing big.
But me, I'm mentally panicking here, not only does the Captain hate my guts(and I hate his too), but the Co-Captain is his best friend. I took a deep breath as we got to the quidditch pitch. I quickly went into the girls locker room and changed into my black sweat pants that said 'Sexy' across my ass, and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I got out of the locker room and grabbed a broom and saw all the other...guys standing out in the field talking to Malwhore and Jordon.

"Daygon, glad you could join us...nice outfit by the way" Malwhore winked and me and I shuddered (grody!).
All of a sudden it started to pour down rain(don't get me wrong I love the rain but how am I supposed to fly for the first time in the rain, while trying to make the team?).
I tied up my hair into a messy bun and the guys whistled and I rolled my eyes.
"Hey knock it off. Alright, run 20 laps around the pitch then do 25 push up's." Malwhore said
My mouth dropped "You're kidding right Malwhore?" I asked
Malwhore looked at me "Daygon, you run 30 then do 35 push ups" he smirked "Ready GO!" he yelled and everyone took off.

I started out with a slow jog as everyone else took off fast(idiots haha). About the fifth lap
I saw Malfoy turn around jogging backwards looking at me through the down pour rain.
"DAYGON! GET UP HERE NOW!" He yelled over the thoundering of thounder.
I sighed and ran faster up to him. "What Malfoy?" I asked
"I want you to stay close to us while we run! I'm not having any slow pokes on this team" he said
"Well look in front of you, your team is slowing down and I'm speeding up" I said taking off running full speed. I loved to run in the rain the adrenaline kicked in me to prove to Malfoy I wasn't weak, that I could be in this team. The thounder boomed loudly in the sky's as me feet pounded the wet mud in the ground. By my Twenty-fifth lap I slowed down some as the guys were starting their push ups. I took off my Tank top revealing my black sports bra as I came around them they all held the top position and stared at my flat abs(yes I do work out, I had to stay healthy for my performances).

Finally I finished my thirty laps and went over to Malfoy who was waiting for me to do my push ups.
"Thirty-five push ups Daygon" He sneered
"Heard you the first time Malfoy" I spat.
Malfoy looked at me "Well come on" he said
I dropped down and started, while I was doing my push ups a song that I saw in this disney movie when I was little started in my head.

I finshed my my push ups and stood up looking Malwhore dead in the eyes.

"Well you think that you can take me on
You must be crazy
There ain't a single thing you've done
That's gonna phase me
Oh, but if you want to have a go
I just want to let you know
Get off my back and into my game
Get out of my way and out of my brain
Get outta my face or give it you best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact
Get off my back
You know it's all just a game that I'm playing
Don't think that you can't find a way in
That's what I'm saying
Oh if you want to have a go
I just want to let you know
Get off my back and into my game
Get out of my way and out of my brain
Get outta my face or give it you best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact
Get off my back
Oh, but if you want to have a go
I just want to let you know
Get off Get off Ya
Get off my back and into my game
Get out of my way and out of my brain
Get outta my face or give it you best shot
I think it's time you better face the fact
Get off my back"

I sang to him then walked off getting a drink of water. Everyone just looked at me as if I just sold my soul to the devil.
Malfoy glared at me. "Daygon Chaser position, up in the air NOW!" he snarled I shrugged grabbing my broom and then I straddled it wondering how to get off the ground.
"Daygon I said now!" Malfoy snapped
I growled "Can you at least help me get in the Fricken air! I mean c'mon! This is my first time flying" I said
Malfoy sighed deeply and walked over to me "Well you got the position right now just kick off." he told me amazingly calm
"Kick off?" I asked
Malfoy nodded "Yes Daygon, kick off" he repeated
I nodded then kicked off and I shot in the air then I'm guessing I pulled back on the handle and it slowed me down to a stop.

"Nice Work Daygon" Malfoy called up as other joined me up in the sky, then he joined us as well.
"Aight, Daygon you and Hanley over there are The Chaser's you two pass the--"
"Quaffle to each other and try shooting into the golden hoops past the keeper and watch out for the Bludger" I cut him off and everyone's eyes was on me again
Malfoy smirked "Looks like you studied" he said throwing me the quaffle and I caught it with my right arm bringing it close to my chest as I tried to balance myself.
"Aight Henry, you're in the keeper position, Jaks and Newton you're in the Beater's postion" Malfoy ordered
"So that makes you Seeker?" I asked
Malfoy smirked again "Of course, I'm always Seeker" he said confidently "Alright lets play!" he called out

A boy about a year older than me flew over to me.
"You're not scared of him are you?" he asked me
I shook my head "No, why should I be?" I asked
He shrugged "Good question, I'm Kyle Hanley by the way" he introduced himself
"Cleopatra Daygon" I introduced myself as well
"Please to meet you" he smiled
"Please to meet you--"
"HANLEY DAYGON LETS GO!" Malfoy yelled
I laughed put threw the ball to Kyle who took off.

I did pretty well I shot seven goals out of the ten we had to do. Finally Try-Outs were over and Malfoy sent us back to our dorms.
"Hey Cleo" Georgia came over to me "Good job that was amazing the way you stood up to Malfoy like that" she said
I nodded "Thanks."
"Hey Cleopatra" I turned around and saw Kyle jogging over to me
"Hey Kyle, this is Georgia McBane, Georgia this is Kyle Hanley he's the other Chaser try-out" I introduced them
"Hi" they both said
"So whats up Kyle?" I asked as the three of us started walking back to the common room.
"Um I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend" He asked nervously
I smiled "Sure, sounds fun" I said
"Alright it's a date" He smiled and kissed my cheek then ran back to his friends Tony Jaks, and Ryan Newton.
Georgia gasped "Oh my god! You have a date with Kyle Newton!!" she shrieked
I nodded "Yep, can't wait" I said with a smile on my face as we got to the common room and up the stairs to our room.
[The Lead Singer of Framing Hanley Kenneth Nixon plays Kyle Hanley]
Name: Kyle Hanley
Age: 16
Blood: Pure
Family: Richard Hanley[father] and Justina Hanley[mother]
Personality: Kyle is a cool guy, nice, kind, sweet, caring, one of the few Slytherins that actually has a nice personality
History/Background: Kyle is a popular, cute, sexy guy, who loves to play Quidditch and likes to sing as well. His family is Rich almost as rich as the Malfoy's but not quite.