Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Sixteen

I woke up early the next morning and took a decently hot shower. I leaned against the wall as the hot water hit my wet smooth body. Sighing deeply wishing yesterday was just some nightmare. I turned off the water and grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body as I stepped out of the shower. I wiped the steam on the mirror off and stared at myself for a moment. I unwrapped the towel off me and started to dry my hair. I looked at myself once again and noticed tears were rolling down my cheek. How can I be in this much pain? I hate Malfoy, yet here I am crying still for what he said to me (God I'm pathetic). I finished getting dressed and applying little make-up on (I don't want smeared make-up on my face if I cried again). I grabbed my bag and left the Slytherin common room and headed straight to Potions class (I wasn't hungry for breakfast).

"Hey Daygon!" I heard Malfoy's voice call out to me.
"Go Away Malfoy!" I snapped not looking at him.
"Sorry no can do Daygon. We're partners and i'm Captain of the quidditch team which you happen to be on." He said
I growled not believing this day already. "Why aren't you at breakfast?" I asked.
"Not hungry, you?" Malfoy answered
"None of your damn business" I told him as we entered Potions class and taking our seats next to each other.
Malfoy looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "What's got your panties up in a bunch?" he asked.
I slowly turned my head towards his direction. "You're honestly asking me that?" I replied.
He nodded "Yes I am." he said

I rolled my eyes and stood up, then walked away to get the ingredients for the Face Changing Potion we were making and experimenting today.
I brought back the stuff and took my notes out looking over it adding the ingredients as instructed.

"Are you going to ignore my question Daygon?" Malfoy asked me.
I nodded as I stirred the potion.
Malfoy sighed "C'mon don't be like this." he pleaded.
I dropped the stirring stick and glared at him. "Why not Malfoy? Huh? After what happened last night I think I have the damn fucking right to be like this!" I snapped before going back to work.
"Miss. Daygon," Prof. Snape's voice echoed in the classroom as some students began to enter the classroom. "that language will not be tolerated in my classroom, now apologize to Mr. Malfoy" he said
"No sir," I told him as some students gasped.
"Excuse me?" Snape raised an eyebrow at me as he said this.
"He does not deserve my apology, so therefore I will not give him one." I explained.
Snape nodded "Very well, detention tonight at nine after Quidditch practice." he said
"What?!" I said as the bell rang.
"You heard me Miss.Daygon, Detention." he repeated. "Now class get to work on the Face Changing Potion." he instructed us.

Kids were walking around getting ingredients as I finished with it. I took a vile up to Prof. Snape and handed it to him.

"Excellent work Miss. Daygon and Mr. Malfoy, you may now experiment with it. You know the spell." Snape added.
I nodded and turned back around heading towards my seat with an evil smirk on my face.
I took a vile and drunk it up as well as Malwhore did too.
I coughed a few times from the disgusting taste but straightened up looking at Malfoy. I took my wand out ready when he was.

"You first." Malfoy told me.
I nodded. [I made the spell up] "Changious Harry Potter!" I smirked watching Malwhores face shift into Harry's.
"WHAT?!" Malfoy yelled as the transformation was completed. "Why you little- Changious Pansy Parkinson!" he said pointing his wand at my face.
I gasped as I felt my face scrontch up into Pug Face's face. "Changious Hermoine Granger!" I said after the transformation.
Malfoy growled as his newly face was completed. "How dare you change my face into that mudbloods!" he growled. "Changious Ron Weasley!" he added
"Come on Malwhore! Is that the best you got?" I smirked. "Changious Ferrett!"
"Miss. Daygon Mr. Malfoy, That will be enough!"Snape's voice echoed again through the classroom. "Changious Normital" he mumbled to us with his wand pointing at us as well. [I also made that spell up too]

I felt my face slowly turn back into my own, and looked around. The whole classroom was watching us. I put my notes away and stood up leaving the classroom.

I walked down the halls for awhile. I was furious at that boy, I wanted to kill him.

"Cleo, wait up!" I heard Georgia's voice.
I sighed and stopped waiting for her to catch up to me.
"What's wrong?" she asked me wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"I'll give you one guess."I told her.
Georgia sighed deeply "What did he do this time?" she asked
"What doesn't he do?" I asked
She nodded in agreement. "Tell me from the beginning.
I nodded and began with from I woke up till now. I noticed we had ditched the rest of our classes and were now staring at the sunset at Black Lake.
"That boy is pushing his luck." Georgia growled as I finished.
I just nodded in agreement at first. "Do you realize we ditched classes today?" I asked her.
She nodded. "Ya, I've known that for awhile" she answered.
"Oh," I said "do you know what time it is?"
Georgia took out her purple cell phone and clicked a button so the screen would light up. "It is six o'clock." she told me.
My eyes widen and I quickly stood up. "Shit! I'm late" I said
"Late for what?" Georgia asked.
"Quidditch practice" I said running

I finally got to the Quidditch field as the team started push-ups.
"Daygon!" I heard Malfoy yell at me.
"Malwhore!" I yelled back looking straight into his cold icy blue eyes.
Malfoy looked furious "You're twenty-five minutes late." he stated.
I smirked "Good to know" I said now standing in front of him.
Malfoy's face got seriously red, then the next thing he slapped me across my face sending me down to the ground.
The team gasped and stood up and crowded around me. I sat up feeling this hot sting on my cheek. I looked up at him and slowly stood up.
"Cleo are yo-" I raised my hand up at Kyle to silence him.

Malwhore and I continued our death glare. "You're off the team Daygon." he said
"Draco she's the best Chaser we have." Blaise stated.
"Blaise it's fine, he can't kick me off the team anyways." I told him still glaring at Malfoy with my now watery brown eyes.
"I can't?" Malfoy raised his eyebrow.
I shook my head "Nope, because I quit!" I stated.
"Cleo!!" Everyone on the team yelled all except Malwhore.
"Good riddance." he said.
I nodded "But before I leave," I said before spitting on his face and punching him, making him stumble back. "don't you ever hit me again!" I yelled as he gave me the coldest glare ever!

I left the Quidditch field and headed towards my detention early. Before I knocked on Prof. Snape's door I used the cover up spell to cover up the red hand print on my cheek from where Malwhore slapped me.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Snape's voice echoed through the door (Creepy how his voice does that).
I entered the room and closed the door behind me.
"Miss.Daygon why aren't you at Quiddtch practice?" he asked
"I quit the team professor" I told him.
"Why is that? You're one of the--"
"Best Chaser's on the team, I's personal" I cut him off
Snape just nodded. "Would you like to start Detention now?" he asked.
I nodded "Yes sir"
"Very well sit" he instructed.
I took a seat in front of his desk and looked down. Tears were rolling down my face as the heat of the slap still burned my face.
"What's the matter Miss. Daygon?" Snape asked me.
"I-I wanna go home" I stuttered.
"Miss. Daygon what is going on?" he asked
I shook my head. "Nothing, I just want to go home" I cried softly.
Snape sighed, I could tell he was not comfortable with crying students. "Go to Dumbledore's office." he told me.
I looked up "W-what about Detention sir?" I asked
"Forget it" was all he said.
I nodded standing up and leaving his office.

As I left Dumbledore's office I bumped into someone making me cry harder.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I cried.
"Cleo are you okay?" Kyle asked me.
I shook my head not saying anything as tears ran down my face.
Kyle wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay, I talked to Draco and he'll let you back on the team." he said.
I shook my head. "Kyle, I'm leaving" I told him looking up at him through my watery eyes.
Kyle stared at me. "Leaving? What you mean leaving?" he asked
"I'm going Home, and I'm not coming back for the rest of the year." I told him wiping my eyes. "I'm sorry but it's over between us." I cried and pulled away from him running to my room.