Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Eighteen

"Mother do I have to go back?" I asked my mother
Mother nodded "Yes you do, and this is the only time you get to come home unless it's the Holidays" she said
I whined "Father! Is that true?" I asked him as we stood in front of the brick wall for sixth year at Hogwarts.
Father nodded "Yes that is true, Cleo you can't keep coming home every time you're having a bad time" he said
I growled lowly "Fine" I said crossing my arms "but Why do I have to go a day early?" I asked
Father and Mother looked at each other then back at me. "Because Headmaster thought it'd be best if you did so you wouldn't be over whelmed by the students"Father explained.
I rolled my eyes "Whatever"

I went through the brick wall followed by my parents.
I said goodbye to them as they both gave me a hug and kiss.
"Be good" Mother said
"Stay out of trouble especially with Draco" Father warned
I nodded "Sure, will do"I told them

I boarded the train and sighed looking at my parents for the last time. As the train took off so did they. I sat in the same seat when I had left Hogwarts to come back home.
I remember the look on Amber's face as she saw me come to the high school. I laughed remembering her shriek in happiness and then introducing me to all her friends, and she introduced me to Ashton Anderson. They way he smiled just took my breath away (in a good way of course). I remembered Ashton asking me to be his girlfriend, and when I said yes he gave me that smile, just like when we met.

After a long train ride, I finally arrive at Hogwarts.As I got off and headed towards the gates Professor Flitwick stopped me.

"Name?" he asked
I looked down at him. "Professor Flitwick, you know me and you should also know I'm the only student who arrives a day early" I told him
He looked up at me. "No excuses Miss. Daygon" he said
I smirked and proceeded on toward the castle.
Once at the doorsI noticed Professor Dumbledore, and his right hand was black. I raised my eyebrow again.

"Good evening Miss.Daygon, so glad you could rejoin us" he said with his smile.
I smiled back "It's good to be back sir" I lied
The old man chuckled. "C'mon lets go inside, it's going to be a cold one" he said letting me through the door main doors.


Jordon, Georgia, and I arrived at Platform 9 3/4 at Kings Cross Station (yes after Daygon left, Georgia and I settled our differences and are now friends).
Once we said goodbye to our parents we boarded the train and it took off for the long journey ahead.

"Did you hear someone's already at the school?" Georgia said
I shook my head along with Jordon. "No, who is it?"I asked
Georgia shrugged her shoulder's and leaned against Jordon's shoulder (and yes they are still together after all this time).
"Rumors have it that they came from a Muggle school" she said
I rolled my eyes "Must be a damn Mudblood then"
Jordon chuckled "Hey Draco can I talk to Georgia alone for a moment?" he asked me
I nodded standing up and walking out of the Compartment.


After Draco left I turned to Georgia who looked at me with her beautiful eyes. I smiled back.
"Georgia you know I've always wanted to sing for you," I told her "to tell you how I really feel about you"I added.
"Awe Jordon" she kissed me softly.
I kissed her back then pulled away clearing my throat.
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnnnn, downnnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down,
Downnnnn, downnnnn
Ooohhh (ohhh)

You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control,

So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down,

Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,
I’ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,

So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,
(So why don’t we run away)

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down,
LiL Wayne

Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, ‘cause to me she too raw degree,
She crawl all over things,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss America,
I can’t help be her souljah pleaser,
I’m fighting for this girl,
I’m in battlefield love,
Don’t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,
Don’t you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, now probably, and honestly get down like that, be proud of me,

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down," After I finished Georgia had tears rolling down her face. I wiped them away for her and she kissed me passionately.
"I Love you Jordon" she whispered against my lips.
"As I Love you Georgia" I whispered back.


After Jordon had sang to me,my heart had made it's decision, he was the love of my life.
Draco came in a few moments. I smiled and he smiled back.
After telling him what Jordon did he punched Jordon playfully and called him whipped which made me laugh.

Hours later we finally arrived at Hogwarts, but when Draco stayed behind I got slightly worried. Jordon assured me he was going to be fine, so I followed him to the Threastles[sp].
Once we got to the gates of Hogwarts I was surprised to see they were searching through all our stuff (well it makes sense the Dark Lord is at power...almost).
We finally got to the catle after waiting to be searched and our names to be called. We waited for Draco at our usual spots, and about thirty minutes later he came through with a smirk.

"What did you do?" I asked as he sat across from Jordon and I.
"You'll see when Pothead comes" he whispered.
I turned around just as Potter came in with a bloody nose, I turned back to Draco and rolled my eyes.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a new year of Hogwarts. We have a new Potions Master, Professor Slughorn," some people clapped as Slughorn stood up. "then for Defense Against The Dark Arts class Professor Snape will be teaching it this year" he added
The whole Slytherin table clapped for acceptance as other complained.
Dumbledore raised his hand to settle the students down and when they got quiet he spoke again.
"Students, we also have a new Student, well she isn't new new but she did attend here last year till something personal came and she had to leave..."
My eyes widen and I looked over at Draco who looked shocked as well. Our eyes met and then the doors open. Everyone turned their heads towards the girl standing in the door way.


Once I heard my name being called by Professor Dumbledore I walked into the Great Hall and stood their as everyone looked at me. I caught the cold icy glare from Malwhore.
I sighed and slowly made my way to the Slytherin table and sat at the end.
"Glad to have you back Miss. Daygon"Dumbledore said