Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

The Next week I woke up to the sound of Father's voice.
"Cleopatra come on! You're going to be late!" he called
I groaned looking at the time which showed 6:30am. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I heard Mother entered the bathroom while I was blow drying it. "What are you doing Mother?" I asked
"We're going to be late here." She said taking her wand and said some weird word and my hair and makeup was done. My mouth dropped and she took my hand and dragged me downstairs.
Father was waiting with my bags and my Black Owl I got at this Owl shop. I named him Striker, because everyone who he didn’t like he would strike at them but he didn’t strike at me which made me get him.
"You sure you got everything?" Mother asked as we got to Kings Cross Station.
"Yes Mother, I have my books, my wand, and Striker" I smiled happily to my owl. Both of them rolled their eyes, they couldn’t believe I picked him.
"How much money do you have?" Father asked
I looked in my black with red skulls backpack and found my 'pouch' (that’s what they called it) and counted real quick "200 Galleons," I told them
They nodded "okay we're here Platform 9 3/4" Mother said I looked at a wall between 9 and 10 but didn’t see 9 3/4 "I don’t" I told them
They both and mother took my hand and ran through the brick wall. "Holy Shit!!" I gasped as we went straight through without hitting it. Then Father came behind us.
"Watch your language" he said
"Sorry Father" I said
"Well Hun this is it, now write to us, we'll miss you and we'll see you at Christmas okay." Mother said giving me a hug and kiss
"Be good, and no boys!" father said and I rolled my eyes
"Right Father," I said giving him a hug and kiss "bye!" I called out from behind me and entered the train.

There were a lot of little kids on the train and they were all annoying. I find an empty compartment and sat in it. I kept my backpack next to me as I sat near the window. I grabbed my Ipod and turned it on to my favorite song America Suithearts by Fallout Boy. I started to hum the song and eventually sing the song as we started to leave the station. I heard a faint sound and looked over to see a really cute tall blonde hair boy entered. He looked at me and smirked (he had a very Sexy smirk might I add)
I saw his lips moving and I took my headphones out. "Sorry what did you say?" I asked him
"You're in my compartment" He said I looked around
"Sorry didn’t see a nametag" I said
The boy's mouth drop "Um do you have any idea who you're talking too?" he asked me
I shook my head "You never told me your name so how would I know? I can’t read your mind" I said
He glared at me "I'm Draco Malfoy and who are you?" he asked
"Cleopatra Daygon, or Cleo for short" I introduced myself.
Just then another hot guy came up behind Draco
"Yo, what’s wrong?" He asked
DUDE!!! There are some seriously Hot Guys At this School!!! I thought to myself
"Miss. Daygon is in our compartment" the Malfoy boy sneered
"You're kidding? Cleopatra Daygon finally comes to Hogwarts eh?" the boy said
"Who are you?" I asked
"Jordon Lockhart" Jordon introduced himself.
"Okay Jordon how do you know my name?" I asked him
Jordon looked at Malfoy (Yes I'm calling him by last name since he did that to me) who just shrugged
"Umm Everyone knows your name, thanks to your parents Eron and Lucina. You're almost as Famous as Harry Potter" he explained
"Whose Harry potter?" you asked
Malfoy's eyes widen but then he took a seat across from me and smirked "Wow, they really didn’t tell you anything did they" he said
"No I just found out last week" I said
"Last Week?!" They both shouted
"Okay you don’t have to shout. I'm right here" I emphasized the word 'right'.
"We noticed" Malfoy said. I stuck my tongue at him then put my headphones back on and started to listen to my music.

About two hours later I felt strong hands shake me.
"Daygon wake up we're here" I heard Malfoy's voice
I woke up and looked out the window, I saw a Large Castle in the distance. "Holy shit!" I said and I heard Malfoy chuckle.
I stood up and grabbed my backpack and got off the train. Malfoy lead me to these Carriges that apparently took us up to the school (So Draco said, I thought they were going to ditch us somewhere in those dark scary woods eek!)
We got to the school in about thirty minutes and I got done and went walked with Draco up to the main doors. He was talking to Jordon about this game called Quidditch which seemed really cool (I mean c’mon! Hot guys flying on a broomstick ha ha).
Just then this old lady in this green hat stopped me.
"Miss. Daygon you'll be sorted with the first years please follow me." She said
I just nodded
"Later Daygon" I heard Malfoy's voice call from behind him
"Later Malfoy" I called back as I followed the old lady.
Just then we entered this huge and I mean HUGE cafeteria place (Mother told me it was the Grand Hall…now I see why). The old lady was calling off names and little people went up and sat on this small stool and got this old Hat placed on their head and it talked! I mean literally talked! And it placed them in the houses my parents told me about.
"Cleopatra Daygon!" the old lady called out just then everyone in the Grand Hall feel silent. (Okay that was creepy like seriously)
I walked up to the stool and sat down. The old Lady set the hat on my head.
"A Daygon really? Wow it's been so long we’ve been expecting you." the hat said
"Okay that's just creepy" I said and everyone laughed even some of the teachers did.
"Hmm Sarcastic, yet hot tempered hmmm SLYTHERIN!" the hat called out and I saw the far right table cheer. I got off the stool and walked over to it. I sat next to a girl with curly blond hair.
"Hi, I’m Georgia McBane" Georgia introduced
"Hi, I’m Cleo Daygon" I replied to her
Georgia was pretty I mean pretty she had green eyes and a nice body (okay I'm not a lesbian but this girl was H.O.T!!)
"Well welcome to Hogwarts Cleo you're going to love it here!" She said as this old man with this crazy long beard (and I mean crazy long!!) started to give out this very long and boring speech.
Just then after he was done food appeared out of nowhere!!
"Well I can get used to this" I said and Georgia laughed
"Welcome to Slytherin Daygon" Malfoy said sitting across from us "Hello McBane" he sneered
"Go away Malfoy" Georgia hissed
I looked at both of them then continued to eat.

Later that night I found out Georgia and I were roommates which was coolness. I was tired though, so I got into my black with white teddy bear pajama bottoms and a black spaghetti strap tank top (if you hadn’t noticed by now my favorite color is black), I got into my bed and fell asleep.
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This is all I have for my chapters, so it might be awhile before the third chapter is up.