Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twenty

After delivering my letter to Jonny I sat down on the steps and cried silently. I heard a faint noise and looked up and saw Harry Potter standing a few feet away. I quickly wiped my eyes and put on a fake smile.
"Hi Harry." I said
"Hey, you okay?" he asked sitting beside me.
I shook my head giving up. "No..." I choked.
"What's wrong?" he asked wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
"Stupid Malwhore." I mumbled against his shoulder.
Harry chuckled then stopped seeing my glare. "Um what happened?"
"Nothing...never mind" I said pulling away and standing up.
"Look Cleo, I know we aren't really friends, but...if you never any one just to talk...I'm here" Harry told me.
I smiled and nodded "Thanks Harry" I said then went back to the castle.
"There you are!" Georgia's voice rang through the hallway.
I turned around seeing Georgia running over to me. "What's up?" I asked
"There's a new hot guy here" she said excitedly.
I raised my eyebrow. "So? Why are you so excited about it."
Georgia rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm and dragged me to the great hall. Once we got there, there was this hole crowd around the new boy, (who I couldn't see) and they're all screaming (Mostly girls).
"You know you forgot to mention that your new boyfriend was a wizard and he was one of the stars in General Hospital" Georgia said
My eyes widen. "What? Okay first of all, I didn't know he was a wizard, second of all I didn't think you watched Muggle Soaps and lastly..He's Here?!" I shrieked
Georgia nodded then gave out a sharp and loud whistle. Everyone turned around and got quiet, and that's when I saw him. My boyfriend Jonny giving me the smile that drove me crazy for him. I ran over to him and gave him a hug, which then he picked me up and twirled me around.
"Hey Baby girl! I didn't know you were going to be here." Jonny said
"Well I couldn't tell you because I thought you were a muggle" I told him
Jonny laughed "Me a Muggle? Ha ha ha. Yeah right, I just went to a Muggle school for a while to see what it was like" he said
I nodded understanding.
"So this is your boy toy eh Daygon?" I heard Malwhore's voice echo through the great hall (what is with all the echoing?).
Jonny set me down and I slowly turned to face the calm looking Malwhore with his smirk on.
"First of all, He's not my boy toy, he's my boyfriend. Second of" I couldn't think of anything else to say to him.
"Um what Daygon?" he asked
"Um um Your a um damnit Malwhore!" I yelled and stormed off grabbing Jonny's hand and dragging him with me.
"What's with that guy?" Jonny asked
"Nothing, he's just a pain in my ass" I mumbled
Jonny stopped making me fall back into his arms. "Why we stopping?" I asked
"Why are we leaving the Great Hall?" he asked
My mouth dropped. "You honestly want to go back to all those screaming and jealous girls?" I asked
Jonny shook his head "No, but do you honestly want the pain in your ass driving you away?"
"You don't know him as well as I do?" I mumbled.
Jonny sighed and set me up straight again.
"So anyways what house you in?" I asked totally changing the subject (on purpose too).
"Ravenclaw" Jonny told me
My mouth dropped again. "Seriously? Damnit!" I said crossing my arms
He looked at me weirdly. "What's wrong?" he asked
"I'm in Slytherin." I told him
Jonny started laughing making me glare at him. "Seriously? You in Slytherin?"
"Yes, why is that so funny?" I asked
"Cause you don't seem like the Slytherin type. You're more of Gryffindor or Ravenclaw" he said
"I have to agree with you" I heard Malwhores voice again
"Go away Malwhore" I snapped
He laughed "I don't have to Daygon" he said
I growled and left them.


As Cleo left me and Jonny I looked over at him and he was smirking watching her leave.
"Well it's good to see you again Draco" He said looking at me.
I nodded and crossed my arms. "Indeed it is Jon, how are things with you and Daygon?"
"Pretty good actually. WE still on for the bet?" he asked
I glared at him. "You need to keep that information on the down low." I snapped
Jon rolled his eyes and extended his hand out.
I reached into my pocket and gave him a small bag of money. "50 Galleons, keep it up. I want her to fall hard for you" I said then quickly left.


I was in the common room when Georgia and Jordon came in and were whispering.
"Hey guys" I said
Both of them jumped and looked at me. "Hey Cleo" Georgia said
"Whats wrong?" I asked
They looked at each other and shook their heads. "Nothing." Jordon said
I raised my eyebrow and closed the book I was reading. "You sure? Seems like something's up."
They shook their heads again "Nope, everything is cool" he said
I shrugged and stood up, making my way up to my room.


I watched Cleo leave and smacked Jordon upside his head.
"Oww what was that for?" he asked me
"I can't believe you didn't tell her!" I said as we sat on the couch
"Well I couldn't you know how pissed Draco would be if I did tell her." he said
I sighed. "I can't believe he do this to her. It's bad enough that we work for the Dark Lord but this...this is pushing it." I added.
Jordon nodded "I know...Jonny is going to make Cleo fall for him then he's going to brake her heart" he said sadly rubbing my back as I wrapped my arms around his neck.