Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twenty-Four

After the hour of crying in Draco's chest, I finally calmed down and pulled away. I looked around seeing green and black walls, then down on the bed which had black and green silk sheets. I noticed I was in my bra and underwear and saw the bruises Jonny gave me showing up all over my stomach and arms. I shuddered remembering every one of those. I look up at Draco and watched him take his shirt off and put on a new one. He threw me a shirt and when I reached to grab it pain took over my body. Draco quickly came over to me and put his shirt on me carefully.

"Thanks" I said "where am I?"

"My room." Draco told me.

I looked into his eyes "How did you know I was in trouble?"

Draco looked back at me and sat down. "I was coming up to check on you, after Georgia begged me too, and then I heard you scream, so I ran up to your room as fast as I could and saw what that bastard was doing to you," Draco stopped his body was tense, his eyes closed tightly, and his jaw and fists were clenched. "I pulled him off you and just started to pound on him till Jordon and Georgia came in and pulled me off. They told me to take you to my room and they would handle him." he finished.

I watched his body relax a bit more as he looked at me. "Thank you," I said "for saving me."

Draco shook his head. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner."

"You're not the one that needs to be sorry" I said looking down at my body even though his shirt was covering it, I knew they were there.

Draco looked at me "Why didn't you tell us?" he asked

I looked at him with a scared expression. "I couldn't! He was going to hurt me even worse than what he already did to me. Draco I couldn't stand lying to you guys. I honestly thought the first time he hit me was the last, but he kept doing it with every little thing I did wrong," I explained "and I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you guys, I was just afraid." I finished with tears welled up in my eyes.

Draco sighed and wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face back in his chest and cried some more.

Georgia and Jordon came in seeing me crying in Draco's chest. "Cleo..." Georgia called out to me softly.

I slowly pulled away and wiped my eyes and stood up. The pain dominated my body making me shake. Georgia rushed quickly over to me and gave me a gently hug, which I returned. I cried more (which was really starting irritate me) and Georgia rubbed my back softly.

"It's going to be okay, he wont be hurting you anymore. I promise." she cooed to me.

"I'm so...sorry I didn't tell you." I cried softly.

Georgia pulled away, holding my shoulders gently, and shaking her head. "It's okay, I understand he put fear into you, so you could be under his control."

I nodded "That's exactly what he did." I said

Georgia nodded still rubbing my back softly. Jordon and Draco started to bicker in a whisper tone about something.

I looked over at them "Something wrong?"

They stopped and looked at Georgia and I. "Um, Draco has something to say to you Cleo" Jordon said looking at me then to Draco.

I looked at Draco who was glaring at Jordon, and slowly turned to look at me. "Um, Jonny and I have known each other for awhile now, and he told me about you when you went to the muggle school. I made a deal with him" he told me.

I raised my eyebrows and slowly went over to him (with the help of Georgia of course). "What kind of deal?" I asked

Draco sighed "Keep in mind, that I was pissed at you for everything we did to each other alright?"

"What kind of deal?" I repeated

"The deal was that when you fell in love with him that he'd break up with you," he said not looking at me. "and I'd pay him"

After Draco finished my body just froze, my eyes were looking at the top of his head (since he wasn't looking at me). Everyone was silent and waiting for my reaction.

"Cleo I didn't know he was a violent person" Draco defended himself.

I finally looked at Georgia and Jordon "How long have you known about this?" I asked

Georgia and Jordon looked at each other before answering me. "Since the day Jonny arrived here." Jordon answered.

I nodded slowly and left the room in pain. I got to my room and flashbacks started to flood my mind. Tears welled up in my eyes once again. I fell to my knees and cried in my hands.


I woke up the next morning finding myself in my bed. I sat up feeling little of the pain from last night. I held back more tears remembering what had happened. I looked over seeing Georgia sleeping peacefully, while I had numerous nightmares of Jonny raping me. Tears slipped my eyes and fell down my face. I got up and went to the bathroom locking the door. I turned on the shower and got in after taking my clothes off. The water hit my battered up body, making me wince slightly. I washed myself off and cleaned myself up.I grabbed my towel that hung on the towel rack and began to dry myself off gently. I wrapped the towel around me and I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing the black and purple bruise right below my neck. []

"I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my soul's on the other side.
All the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
Too sharp to put back together.
Too small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her," I placed my hand against the mirror reflection of myself

"And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more." I sighed and looked down

"Take a breath and I try to draw from my spirits well.
Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.
Lie to me,
Convince me that I've been sick forever.
And all of this,
Will make sense when I get better.
But I know the difference,
Between myself and my reflection." I looked back up at the broken girl in the mirror

"I just can't help but to wonder,
Which of us do you love.
So I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no...
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe,
I breathe-
I breathe no more." I finished my song and stepped out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of jeans, long sleeve shirt, bra and underwear as well. I noticed Georgia had left and I just got dressed out in the open.

I arrived at the Grand Hall and as the doors open everyone in the hall got silent and stared at me. I saw their faces, filled with pity and sorrow. I made my way to my table and sat at the end next to Pugface unfortunately. She looked at me then looked at her friends.

"Hey Daygon you okay?" She asked me.

I looked over to her and raised my eyebrow wondering why the hell she would ask such a question. "I'm perfectly fine why?" I asked her

Pugface looked shocked by my response. "Well, we all know what happened with you and Jonny" she told me.

"Really? I couldn't tell" I said sarcastically standing up and looking around noticing everyone, including the Professors staring at me. "STOP STARING AT ME!!!!!" I screamed and quickly ran out of the room

"Cleo wait!" I heard Malwhore's voice call to me as I got outside.

I stopped and turned around "Stay Away From me!" I snapped "I hate you more than I ever could possibly could!" I yelled

Malwhore stopped and looked hurt. "I didn't know he was like that Cleo!" he defended

I walked over to him and slapped him, putting all my anger and pain into it, which made him fall to the ground. "That not the point Malwhore! You paid him to date me! It's your fault I got raped by him!" I screamed, tears flowing down my face.

Professor McGonagal, Dumbledore, Georgia and Jordon approached Draco...I mean Malwhore and I.

"Miss. Daygon, please come with me, leave Mr. Malfoy alone" McGonagal asked me.

I looked up at all four of them seeing my best friend and her boyfriend. "And you two! You were my best friends and you didn't even tell me about his little plan! I trusted you! How could you do this to me?!" I cried

Georgia had tears in her eyes. "I wanted to tell you Cleo I did" she said

"BULLSHIT!" I screamed

"Miss. Daygon please, lets go talk quietly in my office" Dumbledore said I looked at him and shook my head falling to my knees crying. Soon Snape was with us. "oh Severus, please carry Miss. Daygon to my office will you?" I heard him ask. I didn't care anymore my life is ruined.

I felt my body being lifted and I silently cried into Snapes chest (why is it that everytime I'm with Snape that I cry in front of him?).