Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twenty-Five

Once we finally arrived at Dumbledore's office, Snape set me down on the couch Dumbledore made appear. I stopped crying and just laid there, helpless, feeling weak as ever.

"Thank you Severus, Minerva (McGonagall's first name) could you please make sure the student's are settled down?" Dumbledoe asked McGonagall nodded and left. Severus however stayed where he was. Dumbledore went over to me and sat down on the floor so we were eye level. He raised his hand and I flinched closing my eyes tightly and my body tensed up. "My dear, you have nothing to be afraid of, I will never harm you." he assured me and placed his hand on my head and stroked it gently. "Your parents have been notified and are on their way" he added

I just nodded, I felt too weak to talk. I looked at Snape who looked at me and I quickly looked away. Soon there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore called out and soon my mother and father were in the office and went straight over to me. "Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Daygon, I'm sorry to bring you back under these circumstances." he added

My father nodded "Yes unfortunately, but thank you for notifying us." he said as my mother went to hug me but I winced for the pain to come.

Mother had tears in her eyes as she saw my reaction. "Oh my baby girl!" she cried going down on her knees and crying on the edge of the couch. Father looked at the two of us, as I stared at my mother with pain and her crying.

Father looked at Dumbledore as he finally stood up and stood beside Snape. "Is it okay if we take her home?" he asked

Dumbledore nodded "Only if she allows it" he said, all three of them looked at me and I looked at them listening to their conversation.

I shook my head and finally spoke up. "No," I told them "I'm staying"

My mother looked up at me with her watery eyes "But you just went through something no one should ever go through" she said

I slowly sat up and brought my legs to my chest. "I know, I went through it, but I already went home once and I'm not doing it again. Besides there's a dance tonight and I would really like to go." I added.

My parents looked at Dumbledore. Then My father, Snape, and Dumbledore left somewhere more private and left my mother and I alone. We looked at each other. "I was hoping you would come home Sweetie" she told me

I nodded "So was I, but I realized I have to face this on my own. One day you guys aren't going to be here if something really bad happens, and I need to learn to face it on my own." I told her.

My mother smiled "My baby girl is growing up" she sniffled and looked down.

"You can hug me Mother," I told her. She looked up at me and slowly gave me a hug, and I hugged her back "do you think we can do a quick dress shopping?" I asked her

Mother chuckled and nodded "Of course, what color you looking for?" she asked me.

I thought for a moment, I didn't want red again but I didn't want black for the first time. "Hm, how about we just see what there is?" I suggested

My mother nodded and just as she helped me up, the men came back. "Cleo?" Dumbledore said I looked up at him and waited for him to continue. "Professor Snape here will help you when you need it and he'll make sure you're out of danger as well" he added

I sighed but nodded "Whatever, Father do you want to come shopping with Mother and me?" I asked

Father shook his head "No, I still have some business here." he said

I nodded and left with mother.

ERON's [Cleo's Father] POV

After Cleo and Lucina [Cleo's mother] left Dumbledore's office I turned to Dumbledore and Severus. "Do you know where Draco, Georgia, and Jordon are?" I asked them.

Dumbledore smiled and nodded "They should be in their Common Room or Dormitory getting ready for the Ball tonight." he told me. "and yes it is okay if you speak to them" he added as if he read my mind.

I nodded and Severus led me the way to the Slytherin Common Room. Once they were there Severus called upon Draco, Georgia, and Jordon. All three of them came downstairs and looked at Severus.

"Can we help you Professor?" Georgia asked.

Severus looked at me then back at the kids. "Yes, this here is Mr. Daygon Cleopatra's father. He needs to talk to the three of you" he said as he finished their faces went pale as they looked at me. Severus and I nodded to each other and he left us.

I looked at the three of them who looked at me nervously. "Do not worry, you're not in trouble. Please sit" I gestured to the black leather couch. The three of them moved to the couch and I stood in front of them. "I just want to inform you three that Cleo decided to stay here instead of returning home to get help after this event." I said. All of them had a shock expression. "and I'm hoping I can trust you three to make sure she's okay and to help her out through this"

Georiga nodded "Of course Mr.Daygon, we'll help her out" she said

I nodded "Thank you, and thank you for your time. I'll let you get ready for you Dance." I said then left them be.
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Cleo's POV in next chapter