Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twenty-Seven

The next morning I woke up on my own bed (which I don't remember how I ended up in). I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes looking down I was still in my dress (weird...). I looked towards Georgia's bed seeing no one was in it, then as I was about to get out of bed I saw Malfoy, Georgia, and Jordon all sleeping on the floor. I slowly went on to the other side of my bed (after I made sure no one was sleeping on that side either) and quietly made my way to the bathroom. A few minutes later I opened the door and jumped seeing Malwhore standing in front of the door. His shirt was unbuttoned about half way and his hair was messy yet sexy kind of way (...did I just say sexy? Oh no...), and it covered his icy blue eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a whisper tone seeing as Georgia and Jordon were still sleeping.

Draco looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going to use the bathroom." he told me with a serious tone.

I sighed "That's not what I meant and you know it." I said looking at him.

Draco continued to stare at me for a few minutes (probably wondering whether he should lie to me or tell me the truth) before he answered "Snape and I ran into each other and he told me where you were, so I went looking for you and found you crying," he paused as he watched my expression change to shock. "after you stopped crying, I knew you fell asleep, so I picked you up and took you to your room where Georgia and Jordon were talking. I laid you on your bed then told them I was going to sleep on the floor beside you in case something happened." he finished.

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I stepped aside letting him use the bathroom, but before he closed the door I turned and looked at him. "Thank you" I said

Draco nodded "Be mad at me all you want," he started "but don't be mad at them." he said motioning his head towards Gerogia and Jordon then closed the door.

I sighed and turned around jumping at the sight of Georgia and Jordon staring at me (people should make some noise and stop scaring me). We stared at each other for a few seconds before I spoke. "I'm sorry"

Georgia walked up to me shaking her head "You shouldn't be Cleo, you felt betrayed and we get what we did was wrong and we're so sorry." she said

I gave her a hug "It's okay, I realize now that you did the right thing by not telling me." I told her

She hugged me back and listened to my words. "I did?" she asked in disbelief.

I nodded pulling away and looking at her. "Yes, it wasn't your place to tell. Malwhore should've told me." I answered her.

Georgia sighed but nodded "You shouldn't be so hard on him Cleo." she said

I was taken back from the statement that escaped her lips, but I stayed calm. "He should've told me, if he had I would've broken up with Jonny and he wouldn't hurt me or raped me." I noticed it was the first time since I was raped that I spoke his name.

"Draco didn't know he was like that!" She defended for him

"And that makes it okay not to tell me?!" I argued

"ENOUGH!" both Jordon and Malfoy said together (creepy...)

Georgia turned to Jordon and I turned to face Malfoy. Jordon and Georgia began to whisper some things but I just locked onto Draco's eyes.

"Georgia, Sweetheart, let them figure it out." I heard Jordon tell her.

Draco's eyes parted from mine, making me look down. "He's right Georgia please don't defend for me, this is between Cleo and I" he said "what I did was wrong, not only wrong but cruel, and I'm truly sorry Cleo believe me on that" he said looking at me.

"It's no ones fault but my own," I spoke to all of them "I should've ended it when he first hit me."

"If it's anyone's fault it's that bastards fault" Jordon stated. Then it got dead silent. After the long silence Jordon spoke again "So does this mean we're all cool?"

The three of us chuckled and I nodded "Yeah, we are," I said to Georgia and Jordon "and we're cool too" I added to Draco who smiled.

Georgia shrieked in happiness and brought us all in a group hug (which I wasn't ready for). After that I ran my fingers through my hair. "I should get out of this dress" I said went over to my closet pulling out a pair of light blue jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. I changed right in front of them (I didn't care they've seen me in my undergarments before) and when I was done I looked at them. "So what should we do today?" I asked


We were all sitting under the tree at Black Lake, watching the sun set. Georgia sat between Jordon's legs leaning against his upper body with his arms around her. I sat in the middle between Draco and Jordon. Soon we heard footprints coming towards us and I looked over seeing Snape with a serious expression, but when he met my eyes there was something there (I know it sounds totally creepy and grody but I have no idea why I felt something), he looked at Draco, Jordon and Georgia.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Lockhart, and Miss. McBane come with me please" he said

I looked at the three of them who had a confused look on their faces then they all flinches at the exact same time (what in the world?). "What's wrong?" I asked them

They all shook their heads and stood up "Sorry Cleo we'll be back late tonight" Georgia said then they walked over to Snape and followed him back to the castle.