Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Twenty-Eight

As Jordon, Draco, Georgia and I left Cleopatra out at Black Lake, I couldn't stop thinking about that stare we shared. What is wrong with me? I cannot like a student, it's forbidden, it's wrong! I thought to myself.

"Hello! Severus!" I snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of my name being called by Georgia. I looked at her and she relaxed a bit "Where are we going?" she asked

"Um, to my office, we'll use the floor network to go to Malfoy's house" I told them. We all quickly rushed to my office and locked the door behind me. "Mr. Lockhart and Miss. McBane go first then Mr. Malfoy and I will go." I instructed. They quickly nodded and McBane and Lockhart stepped into the fireplace and the girl said Malfoy Manor very clearly and they were gone. Mr. Malfoy and I stepped into the Fireplace and did the exact thing.

When we arrived at Malfoy Manor, McBane and Lockhart were waiting for us outside the fireplace. We made our way to the dinning room and we bowed in front of the Dark Lord.

"Good evening my Lord" we all said in unison

The Dark Lord motioned us to rise and sit down and we did as we were told. "How is the operation going?" he asked

Draco nodded "Very well M'lord, the cabinet is almost complete" he answered

"How long before then?" Dark Lord asked

Draco thought for a moment and I looked from the Dark Lord to him. "Possibly a week or two tops" he said

The Dark Lord nodded "Excellent, we might have to act out on our plan quicker than I thought." he said

"M'lord isn't it wise to wait till it's the right time?" I suggested and everyone looked at me.

The Dark Lord stared at me "And when exactly is the right time Severus?" he asked

I relaxed a bit. "Dumbledore has informed me that he's taking Potter somewhere a month after the Holiday break." I told him

The Dark Lord pondered on the thought for a few before answering "You're right, we'll wait till then." he agreed "till then I have another task for the three of you" he said looking at Draco, Georgia, and Jordon.

"Yes M'Lord?" they asked

"I want you to scratch that I want Cleopatra Daygon. I am fully aware that the three of you are very close to her," he said "I do not care what you do just get her to me" he demanded with force

The three of them nodded"Yes M'Lord" they repeated

The Dark Lord nodded and dismissed the four of us. We got up and bowed for the last time that evening. We left them and made our way to the fireplace and again Jordon and Georgia went first then it was Draco and myself. We were now standing in my office in silence.

"Do we have too?" Georgia's voice spoke up.

I nodded slowly and looked at her. "If the Dark Lord Commands it then so it shall be." I said looking at her, she had tears in her eyes and Jordon was hugging her.

"We should go." Draco said and soon the three of them left.

I sighed and sat down behind my desk and hit my fist against the desk. "What is happening to me? Why do I have the feeling to disobey the Dark Lord's commands and protect Cleo...I mean Miss. Daygon with my life?" I thought to myself.

"Severus?" I heard Dumbledore's voice speak

I looked up seeing him and sighed "Can I help you?" I asked

Dumbledore sat down "There's some things I have to discuss with you" He said



Draco, Jordon, and I arrived at the common room which was bare and quiet, seeing how it was one in the morning. We all sat down on the couch, Jordon wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't think I can do it" I said leaning my head against Jordon's shoulder.

Jordon rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead. "I don't think we have a choice" he said

I sighed and looked at Draco who stayed quiet. "Draco?" I asked
Draco looked at me and sighed "He's right...we don't" he said