Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Thirty

As I got to the common room, some of the first years through third years were crowded around the common room talking about the Holiday Ball. I got to my room, but heard voices and I pressed my ear softly against the door listening in on the conversation.

"How do you know Snape wont tell her?" I heard Georgia's voice asked

"Cause I know Snape better then you guys, and he wouldn't," Draco's voice said with confidence.

"Then what are we going to do?" Jordon asked worriedly.

"I don't know, we could tell her the truth," Georgia suggested.

I decided that was the time to walk in. "Tell me the truth about what?" I asked standing in the door way.

All three of them looked at me in fear and shocked. "Um, tell you the truth about Snape, and the whole Black Lake thing" Jordon spit out.

I just nodded "Okay, what happened. Snape just told me to ask you guys" I said.

Draco looked at me before answering "He just warned us to pull our grades up or else he'll contact our parents"

I looked at him and just nodded "Oh really?" I asked

Georgia and Jordon looked at him in disbelief, but Draco just nodded. "Yes, really" he answered.

I shrugged "Whatever Draco" I said and went over and laid on my bed. Then a quick flash back came and I quickly Stood up and shook my head. The three of them were staring at me with worried looks. "It's okay guys,I'm alright" I assured them.
The next day the three of us were just hanging at the Quidditch pitch watching Gryffindorks practice. Draco was criticizing on everything (secretly I thought they were doing pretty good).

I looked over towards Georgia and smiled lightly. "Hey Georgia, do you want to go to Hogsmead to go shopping?" I asked her.

Georgia's face lit up with happiness. "Of course!" she said standing up grabbing my hand and rushing off to hogsmead.

We arrived at Hogsmead to see a lot of the 4th and 5th years shopping for the ball. We entered the dress shop looking around trying to find the perfect one. Georgia and I probably tried on ten dresses in the last half hour when Draco and Jordon caught up to us.

"Hey did you ladies find anything?" Jordon asked us as we continued to look.

I shook my head. "No, and it's making us mad"

Draco looked around and picked one and handed it to me. "Try this one" he said.

I looked at him in shock then left to try it on. I came back out looking in the full length mirror. "Wow's beautiful" I said turning to him. I went up to him giving him a hug, "Thank you" I said.

Georgia cleared her throat. "Um what about me?" she asked. I went back into the room changing and then buying my dress. We then all helped Georgia pick out hers.
The four of us were chillin at the common room just talking and laughing. We all decided to go with each other to the ball as friends (with the exception of Georgia and Jordon dating). I was the first to fall asleep, which I passed out on Draco's lap (which was really comfortable).

The next day I woke up a bit early and sneak out to go to Severus' office. I knocked on his door which moment later he opened and looked at me.

"Cleo? What are you doing?" he asked and pulled me in quickly, before anyone could see. He locked the door with a special spell before looking at me again.

"I wanted to see you," I told him "is that okay? If not I'll leave" I said quickly before looking down, embarrassed by my stupidity.

Severus shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. "Not at all, I'm glad you came" he said kissing my forehead.

I smiled wrapping my arms around his waist. "I've missed you" I whispered softly.

Severus chuckled "I've missed you too" he said and lifting my chin so he could see my eyes. He leaned closer till our lips touched. I kissed him back softly and he deepened the kiss slowly, which then I returned.

An hour later, after a heavy make-out session, I left Severus' office and went back into my room. I laid back in bed and jumped again seeing Jonny in my mind. I look over towards Georgia's bed seeing her sleeping peacefully. I walk over to her and laid down beside her, slowly waking her up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" I told her

She shook her head softly "No it's okay?" she asked

I shook my head sadly. "I had another nightmare, can I sleep in your bed?" I asked

Georgia nodded helping me get underneath the covers. I snuggled close to her and she wrapped her arm tiredly around my waist protectively and we both fell asleep peacefully.