Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Thirty-Three

I woke up, to a dripping sound. I slowly began to sit up, with one arm holding me up and the other rubbing my head. I looked down and I had been laying on a cold, damp, cement floor. I look around and realized I was in a cell. I stood up slowly stood up and realized I was bare footed. Where are my heels? I thought to myself. I walked up to the bars and looked down the hallway.

"Hello! Anyone there?!" I yelled.

"No one is here" I heard an old gentlemen from the cell next to me.

I turned around and walked over to him. I got on my knees (not caring my dress was ruined, since it already was), and looked at the man who had long scraggly hair and wrinkles dominated his skin. "Where are we sir?" I asked him

The gentleman who oddly looked familiar coughed a couple times before answering. "We're in the dungeons of the Malfoy Mansion," he told me.

I gasped covering my mouth and shaking my head. "No, we can't be" I said. I looked at the man closer trying to find his identity and my eyes widen. "Mr. Ollivander?" I questioned.

Ollivander nodded and coughed more. "Yes, that would be me, Ms. Daygon" he spoke softly.

"How do you know it's me?" I asked him.

"I remember every one of my customers, you have a unicorn tail maple core 13 inch wand" Ollivander told me. "and the three death eaters who brought you here said your name" he added

I couldn't help but smile. I heard a door shut and looked towards the direction it came from. I looked back at Ollivander wondering what to do.

"Go back to where you woke up" he whispered to me.

I nodded and quickly crawled over there and pulled my legs close to my body. I just realized it is really cold in here (well der it's a dungeon!). Soon a tall person, with a silver face mask, and black hooded robe entered my cell and grabbed me to make me stand up. The person put a binding spell on my wrists and practically dragged me up the stairs towards the soft light that came between the cracks of the door. They opened it and I saw pictures and expensive furniture. The pictures were of a family of three, all with platinum blond hair. I took a glance at one and noticed it was Draco. It can't be my thoughts whispered. I felt a tug and the person continued to drag me to the dining room, where all seats were accompanied by Death Eaters, except for one. At the end of the table sat a bald man, with slits for his nostrils, and his eyes were beaming red. Voldemort.I tried backing away but the person who had a strong grip on me just pulled me back.

Voldemort's laughed echoed throughout the room as he watched me try to run away. "Cleopatra Daygon, glad you could join us" he said to me standing up and walking over to me gracefully (but there was nothing graceful about him).

"It's not like I had no other choice" I told him, and immediately felt tension rise dramatically in the room.

Voldemort chuckled looking down at me. "Tell me, Cleo-"

"It's Daygon to you" I interrupted him.

Voldemort glared at me, then suddenly slapped me. The person still had a tight grip on me so I could only turn my head from the fierce slap. "Don't you ever speak to me like that again" he hissed violently.

I nodded softly and sniffled a bit.

"Excellent," Evilmort (my new nickname for him) said. "as I was saying before tell me Cleo, what is the last thing you remember?" he emphasized my name.

I took a deep breath looking through my mind trying to think. "I was at the Christmas Ball, and my friends Georgia, Jordon, and Draco asked if we could go for a walk down to Black Lake, and I agreed."

Evilmort nodded "Interesting," he said then turned and walked over to the other side behind three Death Eaters. "you three remove your masks," he demanded.

I watched as the three of them removed their masks and stared at me. My mouth literally dropped. I shook my head violently. "No! It can't be! This is all a dream!" I cried

Evilmort laughed and looked at my three best friends. "I want each of you to say something that only you would know about Ms. Cleo here" he ordered.

Georgia had tears in her eyes. She wiped them and looked at me. "You used a Blow horn one time just to wake me up" she chuckled at the memory but tears still ran down her soft pale cheek.

Evilmort laughed and looked at me. "Is that not true?" he asked.I could only nod and tears were also rolling down my cheek. "Excellent, next!"

Jordon nodded and looked at me. "At the beginning of Georgia and I dating, Cleo kept the secret for us" he spoke.

Evilmort looked at me to see if it was correct and I could only nod. "Draco, your turn" he spoke.

Draco didn't look at me at first, but soon he did. "Cleo was in the Room of Requirement one day, singing 'Goodbye' by some muggle singer and at the end we talked and I kissed her" he said.

Evilmort, Georgia, and Jordon all looked at Draco shockingly. Evilmort looked at me and I nodded breaking down crying. "Alright, now do you know, this is not a dream?" he asked me.

I nodded again and took my binded hand to wipe my eyes awkwardly. "Y-yes" I choked.

"Alright Severus, you may take her back to her cell," Evilmort demanded.

My eyes widen and I looked up as Severus took off the mask and bowed to Evilmort. He took my arm and pulled me back towards the dungeons.

When we got about half way down the flight of stairs, towards the dungeons, Severus stopped and looked at me. "I'm sorry Cleo" he said softly.

I shook my head. "Don't be, you were just using me, I'm sorry I ever had feelings for you" I said and continued walking down.

We got to my cell and he unbounded me and shut the door before leaving me there. I sniffled and sat down in the corner and began to cry to myself. I couldn't believe my friends did this to me.