Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Four

The next morning Georgia and I were woken by Striker pecking at the window multiple time.
"Damn it Daygon open that window before I kill that bird!" Georgia snapped (she's not a morning person)
I got out of my bed and opened the window and saw that Amber had replied. I put Striker back in his cage after giving him a treat. I then took a shower and got back in bed and looked at the time it was 7:30am.
"Georgia we have 30minutes before class starts" I told her putting the letter in my robe pocket. I looked down at my uniform and sighed deeply. I un-tucked my shirt and kept my tie loose, and left the two top buttons unbuttoned.
"Oh Shit!" I heard Geogia yell and hoped out of bed into the shower.
"I'll meet you in the Grand Hall" I left before she could answer.

I got to the Grand Hall and saw a tall scary looking teacher passing out Slytherin's schedule.
"Ms. Daygon, glad you could join us. Where's Ms. McBane?" He asked
"Sorry Prof.........Snape!" I said seeing a kid mouth his name "Um Georgia slept in and will be down momentarily. " I told him
Snape rolled his eyes at me and handed me my schedule.
Potions with Gryffindor
Transfiguration with Hufflepuff
Herbology with Ravenclaw
Divination with Ravenclaw
Care Of Magical Creatures with Gryffindor
Defense Against The Dark Arts Huffelpuff

"Daygon what did you get?" I heard Malfoy's voice
"N.Y.B Malfoy" I said not noticing I used the 'text' version of none your buisness.
"What?" He asked me
I looked up at him and rolled my eyes "None of your business Malfoy" I told him then he took my schedule away from me "Hey!! give that back Malwhore!" I said
Malfoy rolled his eyes and looked at my schedule "well well well, looks like we're stuck together all day long Daygon" He smirked
My mouth dropped "You're shiting me!" I said trying to get my schedule back but he was taller than me and I couldn't reach it. "Malfoy give me my schedule back!!" I begged
"Awe is new girl begging Malwhore to give her back her schedule" Malfoy teased
I growled then punched his stomach which made him drop my schedual. "Thank you" I said innocently and everyone watched me walk away then looked at Malfoy who was crouched over holding his stomach.

I got to my potions class and Prof. Creepy (that's my nickname for him ha ha) assigned us partners for the year, but lucky me I got Malfoy as a partner (Great!! -gag-). Malfoy got in late and everyone stared at him. I chuckled to myself as he glared at me.
"Mr.Malfoy, glad you could join us" Prof.Creepy said "Ten points will be taken away from Slytherin, and Mr.Malfoy, your assigned as Ms.Daygon's partner for the year" he added
Malfoy glared at me then nodded to the professor. He sat down next to me and I started to chuckle again.
"You'll pay for this Daygon" He whispered to me
"How much?" I asked
Dra--Malfoy looked at me "Are you crazy or something?" he asked
I shook my head "No, not really" I said
He rolled his eyes and wrote the ingredients for tomorrows Potion.
Class ended shortly after Malfoy came into class. I gathered my stuff then started to head out when I felt someone grab my arm, and push me against the wall.
"What the Hell?" I asked Malfoy who was glaring at me with his cold, sexy icy blue eyes (whoa, did I really just say Sexy? WOW!)
"Look Daygon, I don't like you--"
"Well that make two of us, cause I don't like you either." I said
"Would you just shut up!" Draco snapped
I smirked "La la la la la la la la I'm not going to shut up!! I'm making Malwhore angry la la la la lal la la la" I sang and the he covered my mouth with his strong hand
"Listen Daygon! You will pay for making me look bad out in the grand Hall. " He said
"Mmm hmm mhmm" I mumbled
Malfoy smirked "I like you better this way. I don't have to listen to your annoying voice" He said
I gave him my cold death glare. Then i lifted my leg to kick him down in the groin when he grabbed my leg and got closer to my body.
Malwhore chuckled "Don't think so Daygon. I'll see you in Transfiguration class" He smirked then let go of me and walked off. I gasped as I groaned in slight pain. I looked at my leg and saw a slight brusie. My mouth dropped then I ran over to Malwhore quickly and stood in front of him making him stop. I slapped him across the face hard.
"How DARE you Malwhore! I cannot believe you put a bruise on me and held me against the wall unwillingly!" I yelled at him (okay I know that sounded a little gross but hey! What else could I say)
We both glared at each other then we heard the bell ring.
"Shit!" we both said at the exact same time (Creepy once again)
We both ran to the Transfiguration room and entered breathing heavily.
"Oh Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Daygon thank you for joining us. You both have detention with me tonight at 8:30pm" The Old Lady said
Malwhore and I both groaned and sat down in the only desk that was available. I noticed his right cheek was red from where I slapped him. I smiled at my accomplishment.
Malfoy looked over at me and rolled his eyes. We both started to take notes. When I looked up from my notes I noticed the old lady wasn't there. I looked around and saw a silver cat sitting on top of the Desk.
I leaned over and whispered "Where the hell is the teacher?" I asked
Malfoy chuckled "She's the Cat Daygon..she's an animagus" He explained
I looked at him confused "What's an Animagus?" I asked
Malfoy sighed "God, what did your parents tell you?" he said "An Animagus is a person who can transform into an aminal anytime, but they have to register with the Ministry of Magic." he told me
My mouth "Are you serious!!" I said a little to loudly then everyone chuckled.
Just then The cat jumped off the desk and transformed into the old lady again
"And what would Mr.Malfoy be serious about Ms.Daygon?" she asked
My mouth was open "Holy Sh--Smoke Prof. McGonagal" I said and everyone laughed
"Ms.Daygon I know you're very new at this whole new world but please, if you have any questions ask me" She said
"Sorry Prof. I didn't know you were an Animaga" I said "I mean Animagus" I corrected myself
Everyone chuckled in the class and the old lady just walked away and sat behind her desk.
Malfoy had a smirk on his face holding himself back from laughing.

The day went on and on and I didn't see Georgia until classes were over. I was doing my homework in the common room when I heard a big sigh as Georgia sat down and I looked at her "I guess we don't have any classes together eh?" I said
Georgia growled "Nope, that made me mad" she said
I nodded "Oh I have Malwhore in all my classes and he's my partner in 3 of my classes" I told her
"Whose Mal---never mind what classes are you partnered with him?" she asked
"Potions, Transfiguration, and Herbology" I said
Georgia gasped "Wow I'm sorry" she said
"Oh that's not all I punched him in the stomach before Potions our first hour and then after class he pushed me against the wall and said i was going to pay" I told her
"Holy shit Cleopatra! You're going to get it if he hasn't done it already" she told me.
I shrugged then yawned "well I'm going to bed I'm exhausted from all this homework." I told her getting up and going up to my room.