Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Forty-One


All day I sat in my room. I looked at the time and it was twelve ten pm. Five more minutes and it'll be lunch time. *Hopefully someone brings me food* I thought to myself with a sigh. Then suddenly I thought about Snape. Severus. I sat up and leaned my back against the headboard with my legs bent. *What am I going to do about Snape?* I asked myself. Then I thought about Draco. Sure I loved him, but I was scared to go involved with him. Then Snape. Maybe...just maybe he did have feelings for me, but that doesn't excuse him for betraying me. But so did Draco and the rest of them, yet I forgave them. I sighed again frustrated with this. Hopefully, hopefully one of my friends will have a class with me when I'm with Snape. Just so I don't have to be alone with him.

"Hello?! Cleo!? You in there somewhere?" I heard Georgia's voice call out to me.
I shook my head and looked over seeing all my friends sitting on the edge of the bed with food. "Sorry, I was thinking about...something."
"About what?" Draco asked
I looked at him and shrugged. "Classes, speaking of which, did you guys ask Se--Snape?" I caught myself before saying his name which made my heart race.
Jordon nodded. "Yeah, but we could only get one class each," he stated. "I got herbology" he said (thank god, he's good at that and I always failed it..well not really but you get my point).
"Transfiguration" Draco stated.
I looked at him, and he looked at me. Suddenly a flash back of our detention with McGonagall came to my mind.
"I got Charms with you" Georgia spoke, making me break the eye contact with Draco.
Then it hit me. "So I'm alone with Snape...for three hours?" I asked
Jordon nodded and swallowed his food before speaking again. "It was odd, Draco asked for DADA, but Snape told him no."
I looked over to Draco who was now busy eating. I looked down between my legs and saw a BLT with curly fries. "OH THANK GOD FOOD!!!" I said excitedly and began to eat.
That moment the tension was lifted and everyone began to laugh. I continued to eat, enjoying each bite as if this were the last meal I'll ever eat.

Soon, Jordon and Georgia left to go to Transfiguration class, leaving Draco and I alone. We were silent for the longest time. Finally I spoke up.

"How did you find out?" I asked him
"About what?" he asked finally looking at me.
I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. "About me and Snape?"
Draco sighed deeply and looked down. "The Christmas Ball...when you went to 'power your nose', Georgia wanted me to go make sure you were going to the bathroom so she know *coughs* anyways I saw you two out in the hall and holding hands then watched Snape lead you to an empty classroom," he explained.
I stayed quiet. I couldn't look at his face. Few moments later I sighed. "I'm sorry you found out that way," I said.
Draco looked at me and shook his head. "It's the past, so it'll stay in the past" he said.
I chuckled lightly and smiled. "I guess so,"
Draco stood up and moved to my side and extended his hand out to me. "May I have this dance?" he asked. Then he quickly sound proofed the room and locked the door with his wand.
I giggled and nodded. I took his hand and stood up.

Draco pulled me close then suddenly I could hear a sound of a piano playing. I looked up at Draco who smiled down at me.

"Open up your heart to me

And say what’s on your mind, oh yes
I know that we have been through so much pain
But I still need you in my life this time, and…" Draco began to sing as we danced close to each other.

"I need you tonight
I need you right now
I know deep within my heart
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
I really need you tonight" As Draco sang the words to one of my favorite sad songs I could feel my heart crumbling to his voice and the way he was singing the song.

"I figured out what to say to you
But sometimes the words they, they come out so wrong, oh yes they do
And I know in time that you will understand
That what we have is so right this time, and…" I laid my head on his chest as we danced slowly around my room and as he continued to sing

"I need you tonight
I need you right now
I know deep within my heart
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right" I felt the tears running down my cheek.

"All those endless times
We tried to make it last forever more
And baby I know
I need you
I know deep within my heart
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
I really need you, oh " Draco at this time pulled away from me but held my hands and got down on his knees and began to sing to me from his heart.

"I need you tonight - I need you, oh I need you baby
I need you right now - It’s gotta be this, it’s gotta be this
I know deep within my heart
No, it doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or it’s right
All I know is baby
I really need you tonight"I couldn't believe he sang to me (and this was sooo not the time). I covered my mouth as he sang the last words and the piano stopped slowly and softly.

"Oh Draco," I said and sniffled wiping my eyes.
Draco stood back up and wiped the rest of my tears away. "Shhh, I don't need an answer now Cleopatra, I just want to let you know how I feel about you" he said and kissed my lips gently.
I sighed and just relaxed against his body. When he pulled away I looked down. He unlocked the door just in time for Georgia and Jordon to walk in. They both looked at me and looked at Draco.
"Sorry...we'll come back if you want," Georgia said.
I shook my head. "No, it's fine...don't you and Draco have herbology next?" I asked
Georgia nodded and then both her and Draco left.
Jordon looked at me and wrapped his arms around me in an embrace. "You sure you're okay?" he asked me.
I hugged him back and shook my head. "No," I mumbled.
"What's wrong?" he asked
"I love two men" I whispered.
Jordon's eyes widen and he looked down at me, at which time I pulled away from his embrace and looked down. "Who?" he asked
I sighed. "Don't tell Georgia please? I'll tell her...soon" I sighed and looked at Jordon.
Jordon sat down and sighed as well running his fingers through his hair. "Um..yeah sure" he said looking at me.
I sat down next to him on Georgia's bed. "I love Draco," I started. I saw the look Jordon gave me and I shook my head. "but I also love Snape"
Jordon's expression changed to confused and shock. "Snape? How? What?" he asked
I shook my head. "Long story short, about a week after you guys left me at Black Lake and I went to go see him... we both admitted to having feelings for each other and we acted on it. No we did not have sex, we merely just made-out" I shrugged and looked down. "but after seeing he was the male holding me my first night in the cell...I thought and still think he was just using my feelings or something like that for Evilmort" I sighed.
Jordon's eyes were wide and he then sighed deeply. "Wow," he said looking at me.
I chuckled and nodded. "Tell me about it."
"Does Draco know?" he asked
I shrugged. "Kind of, he knows we dated, but he doesn't know I love them both. And Draco just sang me this incredible song, and I don't know what to do"
Jordon nodded. "Well, just..tonight see what Snape has to say. Tell him how you feel" he said.
I looked at him. "You think that would work?" I asked.
Jordon shrugged. "Never know till you try, besides what do you have to loose?" he said casually.
I sighed deeply and looked at him. "My heart."
He looked at me and gave me another hug.


After my classes with my friends, I made my way to Snape's office (well I should say new office). I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard his voice call to me.