Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Forty-Two

I walked into the office and closed the door behind me. I looked over towards him, only to see him writing something. I looked around seeing all the former Headmaster pictures. I stopped when I saw Dumbledore's picture. He was...well it looked like he was sleeping in his chair.

"Enjoying yourself Ms. Daygon?" I jumped hearing his voice.
I turned around and stared into his black eyes. "Well it's better than being stuck in my room."
He didn't comment on that. "What would you like to begin with? Defense, Potions or Astronomy?"
*None of the above* I thought. "I guess Potions," I spoke
He nodded and motioned me to follow him to a back room where there was a cauldron, and a potion set on top of a table, along with a chalkboard with the words "Felix Death" written on it at the front of the room.
I stood behind the table next to a stool and watched him look at me.
"Ms. Daygon, do you know what the Felix Death potion is?" he asked me.
I shrugged "It kills Felix?" I smiled at my small joke.
"Charming," he sad in a monotone which made me frown.
I rolled my eyes at him. "Excuse me for trying to lighten up the mood"
"Ms. Daygon," he started (man I hate it when he says my name like that) "you are here to learn, not to... 'lighten up the mood' as you call it"
I threw my hands up (like when people do when they back away from someone with a weapon). "Fine, no, I don't know what a Felix Death is," I told him with all seriousness.

For an hour, Snape had told me everything and anything about the Felix Death potion. Apparently it's an untraceable way to kill someone, unlike the Avadra Kedavra or whatever it is. Also only two people are known to survive it, but of course Snape wouldn't tell me who. When the lesson was over I put my notes away and just sat on the stool.

"You may have a five minute break" Snape told me and he went back to the main office.
I sighed and followed him out there. "Can we talk?" I asked him.
Snape looked at me and shrugged "About what?" he asked
*God you sound like Draco* I thought to myself. "You know what," I said.
Snape put down the quill and looked at me. "I'm surprised you even want to talk about it" he said.
I sighed and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "Yeah, me too" I told him honestly.
I took a deep breath before starting. "I'm hurt that you used my feelings to get closer to me, only to just give me away to Evilmort" I said.
Snape lifted his hand. "Who said anything about me using you Ms. Daygon" he asked
I looked at him. "Please..just call me're driving me insane with this formality shit"
Snape just nodded.
"And I figured that's what you were doing," I answered his question
"Cleo, when I told you I had feelings for you I meant it, and still do," Snape said. He looked at the time and stood up. "Let's begin Defense Against the Dark Arts" he said and going back into the office.
I sighed deeply but followed him.