Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Forty-Five


Name: Gina Lockhart
Age: 16
Blood: Pure
Family: Jerry [Father] Mindy [Mother] Olivia [younger sister]
Personality: Smart, Kind, Sweet
Background: Gina is Jordon's cousin. Her father is his father's younger brother. She's always had a crush on Draco, she made the Quidditch team, and that's when her cousin set her up with Draco. She hates Cleopatra and Tiffany with a passion as well.

[Back to Story]

The weekend and week went by so fast it was crazy! People were excited to see 'Tiffany' back and actually attending Hogwarts. It sucked that I couldn't roam freely in my own body.
It's Friday night and the gang plus Gina and I were all sitting in our common room talking about the week. Gina was in Ravenclaw and she was obviously proud of to show it. She always wore blue and black clothes, even on the weekend when we first hung out with her. She's a nice girl, I just can't shake the feeling that she doesn't like me. Everytime I say Hi to Draco she gives me this look, and it's reeeeally creepy too, like she's possessive of him. But whatever.
Things with me and Severus are difficult, I can only see him around Midnight, and sometimes he'll be somewhere else on 'Business'. I still feel like I'm cheating on Draco, but it doesn't matter anymore, cause he and Gina seem to be Happy. So now Draco and I barely glance at each other or talk anymore cause he's always with Gina, either snogging with her or something else completely different (if you know what i mean).

"Tiffany are you okay?" Georgia's voice shook me out of my thoughts.
I looked over and nodded "I'm fine, why?" I asked
"Well I've been trying to get your attention for the passed couple minutes" she said.
"Oh..sorry..what's up?"
"Well since the Winter Ball is coming up, we were thinking if you wanted to do a couple songs again?"
I stared at her, then looked around at the others who were staring at me, all except Draco who was looking at Gina and kissing her neck. "Um..yeah sure, I'll do it" I said thinking of a couple songs right away. "Jordon, can I borrow you for a moment?" I asked standing up from my chair.
Jordon nodded and we went up the stairs, far enough so they wouldn't hear us. "What's up?" he asked
I looked around and looked back at him. "I was wondering if you could play the guitar and male vocal's in my two songs that I want to do?"
Jordon smiled and nodded "Yeah totally!" he said.
I smiled "Sweet thank you!" I gave him a hug. "now I just need a drummer" I said softly with a sigh.
"How about Gina?" Jordon suggested
I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Gina plays drums?" I asked
Jordon nodded "Yeah, she's pretty good too"
I sighed and nodded "Sure I'll ask her"
We both stood up and went back downstairs and I saw Gina and Draco snogging hard core, and I just felt like I couldn't breathe.
"I'm going to go for a walk" I told Georgia and Jordon.
They both nodded and they too went snogging like crazy.

I got out of there quickly and ran to Snape's office. I knocked on it and one of the Death Eater's, I recognized from when I was locked in the cell, opened it. I jumped not expecting him.
"What do you want?" He growled
I froze for only a moment. He was the male that I dreamed about when I was at the Black Lake last week, " Professor Snape here?" I asked
The male, whose name I can't remember so we'll just call him Creepy Man, glared at me. "He's busy come back later" then he slammed the door in my face making me fall back.
The door reopened and Severus stood there. He closed the door and helped me up. "Hey, I'm sorry about that, I'll send you an owl when I'm alone" he said to me quickly and kissed my lips before going back inside.
I just nodded and stood there for a moment longer and went to go back to the common room.

When I got back to the Common Room the four of them, Georgia and Jordon, Draco and Gina, were still snogging. But only this time Draco and Gina had their shirts off as well as Georgia and Jordon. That was the last straw.
"GET A FUCKING ROOM!!!!" I shouted at them making them all onto the floor and stare at me. Then I pointed at Georgia and Jordon "Not my room either" I said and went upstairs into my room locking it with the spell Severus taught me.
There was a knock on my door and I sighed deeply. I was just about to change to my normal body. "Who is it?" I asked frustratingly.
"It's Georgia"
I sighed unlocking the door and opening it up for her. She walked in while I closed the door behind her. "What can I do for you?" I asked
Georgia looked at me. "You still love him don't you?" she asked
I raised my eyebrow. "Love who?" I asked
"Oh don't be like that Cleo. Draco! You still love him don't you?" she said.
"No. I don't," I told her. "besides even if I did, which I don't, he moved on."
Georgia sighed "I'm sorry," she said.
"What for?"
"For everything that has happened to you, I can tell you're still having nightmares about the cell."
I shook my head "No I'm not" Yes I am.
"Don't lie Cleo! I hear you screaming in the middle of the night. I see you crying in your sleep. I hear you mumbling words," she told me.
I froze and sighed deeply. "So what if I am? It was horrible what he did to me"
Georgia nodded "I know, and I'm so so sorry that we put you through that" she said.
I shook my head "I don't want to talk about it," I told her. "Just go have fun with Jordon" I left her there and went into the bathroom.

While I was in the bathroom, I heard the door open and close. I sighed deeply and looked at myself in the mirror. I had some dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep I was getting thanks to the nightmares. I changed into my nightgown just when a black owl pecked at my window. I grabbed the note then gave the owl a treat before reading it.
Dear Tiffany,
I'm so sorry about earlier. I'm alone for the rest of the night. If you're not sleeping please come over

I smiled at the note, I took my wand and changed myself back to Tiffany and went downstairs, passed the empty common room and made my way to his office.
Once I arrived there I knocked our 'secret' knock and he opened the door letting me in, then locking it.
"Hey are you okay?" he asked me
I changed back into myself and nodded "Yeah, I'm fine"
He pulled me into a hug which I returned. "I missed you" he said.
I smiled and looked up at him. "I missed you too" I replied and kissed his lips softly.
He returned the kiss and we went to his bedroom which was located in a different room of his office. He laid me down which made me giggle. He covered both of us up and I snuggled close to him.
"Oh before I forget, do you mind if 'Tiffany' sings at the winter ball?" I asked him.
Snape shook his head. "Not at all, you have fun okay" he said.
"You're not going to be there?" I asked
Snape shook his head. "I have to go somewhere for awhile" he told me.
I sighed deeply and looked down. He brought my chin up to make me look at him.
""I'll be back before you know it" he said kissing me.
I kissed back but thought *Yeah'll feel like an eternity.*