Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Forty-Eight

After singing the last song, I ran out bumping into Draco and Gina on the way. I heard her calling me a bitch, and I just continued to run till I reached the hallway. I slid down the wall and cried silently to myself.

"Tiffany?" I jumped hearing Draco's voice.
"Draco? W-what are you doing out here?" I asked wiping my eyes dry.
He sat down next to me. "I came to check up on you" he told me.

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, aren't I lucky" I said sarcastically.
Draco raised his eyebrow. "What is your problem?" he asked "I haven't done anything to you" he said.
"You have in ways you don't know Draco!" I said glaring at him. "One night you tell me you love me, then the next day I hear you had a date with the bitch!"
"Gina is not a bitch!" Malfoy snapped at me
"Oh of course not! She's not a bitch to you, Jordon or Georgia! But she is a bitch!" I said standing up
"Oh that makes loads of sense Tiffany" He said the name like it was venom.
"Why did you even come out here!"
"I told you I wanted to check up on you!"
"Oh congrats! You did a splendid job at that!" I snapped
"You know what I'm done!" Draco said and left me in the hall. Alone. With tears down my face.


I came back a week early to see Cleopatra sing at the ball. I stopped in the hall when I heard her voice and Mr. Malfoy's voice fighting. I listened closely to every word. I sighed deeply. I could tell she still had feelings for him. Probably more than me. When I heard a door close I looked over to see 'Tiffany' standing alone.
"Tiffany?" I spoke and stepped out from around the corner.


"Tiffany?" I froze hearing Severus' voice.
I finally turned around and saw him standing there at the end of the hallway. "Severus? W-what? I thought you weren't going to be here?" I asked
"I came back early to see you perform..but I guess I missed it" he said.
I nodded slowly and tried to wipe my eyes.
"You look beautiful," he said softly, but I could hear the sadness. "why are you crying?" he asked.
I sighed deeply. "Draco and I had a fight" I told him honestly.
He nodded walking closer. "I heard" he said which made my breathing stop short.
"Y-Y-You heard?" I asked
Severus nodded "Yes."
I looked down not saying anything at all.
"Cleopatra..." he spoke my name softly. "I do love you, but I noticed in that fight that you love someone else, and not me" he said.
I shook my head looking at him. "I do love you Severus I do--"
"Stop it." He said sternly. "Maybe you have at one point but you do not anymore" he said.
I couldn't speak I just stared at him.
"Good-bye Tiffany, I enjoyed our time together while it lasted" he said then left the same way he came.
I stood there shocked and hurt.

I woke up, to find myself in my room, on Georgia's bed. I looked over to see her sleeping peacefully. I groaned sitting up and rubbing my head. *What happened?* I asked myself. I remember Malfoy and I arguing...oh no. Then Severus came..and ended our relationship. Then everything else was....blurry. I looked back at Georgia who was still sleeping. I wonder how things turned out for them.


After listening to Jordon talk and after I sent him away to sing I felt hurt. His words were perfect in every way, but it shouldn't excuse the fact that he forgot. I noticed Cleo run outside and I was about to go after her when Draco did instead, leaving Gina there on the dance floor, looking pissed off. I turned around to see Jordon watching me from the stage. God his eyes were so beautiful, yet they were sad, just like mine. I loved him. He loved me. Why should something as stupid as an anniversary brake us apart? I motioned him over and went to a corner of the room where it was a quiet and slightly private. Jordon was immediately there and he looked at me with hope in his eyes.
"So? Do you forgive me?" He asked me
I thought for another moment. "Will you make it up to me?" I asked him
He smirked which made me smile lightly. "All ready working on it" he told me and kissed my lips lovingly.
We both pulled away when we heard the door close and looked in that direction to see Draco storming in towards Gina and giving her a heated lustful kiss.
"I should go check on Cleo..." I said to Jordon who nodded. Then I paused "Come with me" I told him.
He smiled and we both went to the door which took awhile cause every one kept getting in our way. By the time we got out in the hall we saw 'Tiffany curled up on the floor passed out from what we both guessed was crying.
"Can you carry her?" I asked him.
Jordon nodded and walked behind Cleo and picked her up carefully and we took her up to our room and laid her on my bed.
I looked at Jordon and kissed his lips. "Thank you, I'll talk to you tomorrow"
Jordon nodded and left us there. I climbed into bed next to Cleo and fell asleep.


After leaving Cleo alone out in the hall I was furious with her. I hadn't done anything wrong! She was clearly happy with Snape and didn't need me anymore, so what if I am with Gina, why should she care? She was with Snape and I don't care. Seeing Gina look at me I got to her and kissed her with all my frustration yet lust. she gladly returned it.
"Wanna go to my room?" I asked her.
Gina's eyes sparkled with delight. "Yeah, sure."
I smirked, I never smiled around her, and led her out of the hall and to the common room.

Once we were in my room I closed the door, locked it and turned to her. She was all ready gazing at my body with lust. I walked over to her and pulled her into a deep kiss. She took off my tie and then my shirt. I unzipped her dress and let it hit the floor. She stepped out of it and I looked at her, she only wore a bra and her high heels. I smirked picked her up and placed her on the bed. I crawled up on her and kissed her lips deeply. Her hands trailed down my body and I shivered with pleasure.

Thirty minutes later Gina was sleeping next to me, under the covers curled up on her side facing away from me. I was staring at the ceiling with my hands crossed behind my head. I sighed deeply and looked at Gina. I shrugged and fell asleep.


I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash myself awake. I groaned softly.
"Cleo?" I heard Georgia's voice
"I'm here" I told her stepping from the bathroom so she could see me.
Her shoulders relaxed and nodded. "Are you okay?" she asked me.
I nodded and walked back to her ed and climbed under the blankets. "I need to tell you something"
Georgia laid back down and looked at me. "What?" she asked
I took a deep breath. "I was in a relationship with Severus" I told her.
She smiled "Yeah..Jordon told me" she said
I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "I asked him not too" I said
She nodded and smiled "Do you remember last night?" she asked me.
I shook my head. "Not after Severus broke up with me" I told her.
"Oh I'm sorry Cleo" she said
I shrugged "He was right about one thing" I told her
"I don't love him anyone...I love someone else"
Georgia sighed and we cuddled close to each other. "Something good will happen to you soon sweetie."
I smiled with my eyes closed. "I sure hope so."

And with that we both fell back to sleep.