Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Fifty-Two

Gina had spent the night. Georgia and Jordon left. No one checked on me since I left the party after my performance for Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I had passed out two hours later, crying. Thinking I had lost hope when it comes to Draco.
The next morning however I felt I needed a change. As I stood in the mirror after my shower, I took the end of my hair and held it up so it would look like I had short hair. Smiling I took a hair tye and tied my hair then took the scissors and cut the ponytail. The ponytail of hair fell to the ground and I sighed deeply. Running my fingers through my newly shortened hair and smiled. It felt like the whole world lifted from my shoulders. I turned around and picked up the lock of hair and threw it away. I went to my clothes and didn't like anything I saw. I got changed and left the room while everyone was still sleeping.
I left a note for everyone letting them know I was away and would be back later. I went to the local Mall and began to shop with my credit car.

Hours later I got back to the Malfoy Manor with what seemed liked millions of bags, new pair of sunglasses and my nails painted black. I passed everyone in the living room and heard the voices stop abruptly.

"Cleopatra?" I heard Narcissa's voice hesitate.
I turned around and lifted my sunglasses up on top of my head and looked at her. "Yes Mrs. Malfoy?"
She stared at me like I was a whole new person. "N-nothing dear, you just look different," she said
I smirked darkly. "Good, I was hoping for that," I said and went upstairs to my room. I took out all my old clothes and put them in a pile, then took my new clothes replacing them in the closet. I grabbed a bikini swim suit and changed into it. It was black with a green snake on it. I made my way to the indoor pool with my newest Black skull towel.

I dove into the pool and when I resurfaced I heard a low whistle of a male.
"And who might you be?" His voice echoes in the arena.
I chuckled and turned around smirking darkly. "Cleopatra, but you call me Daygon."
Draco's mouth dropped to the floor(not literally of course). "Cleo?!" he asked shocked.
I shook my head getting out of the pool. "I said you call me Daygon, got it Malwhore?"
I could tell he was loss for words which made me happy. "What did you do to yourself?" he asked
"What's it to you?" I asked as I made my way to my chair and I laid down.
Draco didn't answer, instead I heard Bitch's voice echoing instead.
"Hey babe," Draco's voice said before kissing sounds echoed.
"UGH! Get a room!" I snapped.
I could feel Gina's eyes glared at me. "And who the hell are you?" she asked.
I chuckled but didn't sit up, nor look at them. "Did you return your dress to the Cotton Candy Man?" I simply replied with a question.
Gina gasped and then I heard whispering. And more whispering. Then finally a "I love you too Drakey!" and more kissing.
I opened my eyes and saw Draco leave and Gina moving towards a chair. I smirked got up and shoved Gina in the pool. I grabbed my towel and smirked leaving poor Bitch gasping for air.
"You Whore!!!" she screamed.
I laughed. "I don't think so slut, aren't you the one who slept with the entire Hufflepuff Quidditch team?" I smirked knowing it was only half true.
Draco's eyes widen and looked at Gina.
"It's not true Drakey! She's lying!!" Gina said getting out of the pool shivering.
I shrugged and left the love birds alone.

As I was sitting in the ballroom, the next day, playing the piano softly it hit me. Today was my birthday! I'm seventeen today! My smile quickly faded when I realized my parents weren't here and I was stuck in this hellhole.
"Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday to-o-o me! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday to-o-o-o- me-e-e-e" I sang as I hit the melodies on the piano. I sighed deeply getting up and leaving the ballroom.
"Oh Cleo there you are!" Narcissa said to me.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked.
She nodded. "Yes, I was wondering if you've seen Draco at all today?"
I sighed. I was hoping she would know it was my birthday. I shook my head. "No ma'am I haven't."
Narcissa sighed deeply. "Okay, thank you." Then she left me alone.

I ran to my room and found two letters. One from my parents, the other Georgia.

Happy 17th Birthday!! We're terribly sorry we cannot be there for your big day! Love you Have a fun day!
Love your parents

I sighed deeply then opened the second one.

Did you honestly think I would forget your birthday?!?!? Silly girl! Well happy birthday hope you have fun!
Georgia and Jordon.

I sighed again. She wasn't coming here either. Damn this birthday blows! I lay on my bed curled up on my pillow. It smells...strange....then suddenly...Blackness.
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Okay i forgot to mention this in the last chapter. Cleo decided not to hide her trueself anymore. So Tiffany is gone