Musical Hatred Love

Chapter Fifty-Three


While that whore Daygon was in the ballroom I had put chloroform on her pillow. I had no choice. She was trying to steal my Drakey away from me. And if I turn her over to the Dark Lord, I'll be on his good side and possibly get paid a heavy sum.
Later that night, when Drakey fell asleep, I left his room quietly and went into Daygon's. I peeked inside and found her passed out on her pillow. I smirked and called another Death Eater to help me. We carried her body outside then apparated to the Dark Lord's place of interest. I dropped the body not caring if I hurt her, and bowed to the Dark Lord himself.

"My Lord," I spoke softly.
His red eyes beamed down at the whore. "Why is she like this?" he demanded.
"I had to make sure she wouldn't wake up during the trip," I informed him.
The Dark Lord looked at me and shook his head. "Be gone! Now!" he snapped making me flinch back.
"Y-yes my lord" I said and disapparated.

I could not believe this! I brought the girl he wanted to him! Alive at that! And he's upset because she was cloroformed!! UGH!!!! Whatever, as long as she's gone and I don't have to worry about her stealing Drakey away from me, I don't care. I climbed back into bed beside Draco and snuggled close to him.


I woke up to find myself not on my bed. Wait a minute...why am I not on my bed? I'm pretty sure I was on my bed when I fell asleep. I open my eyes to find myself on a bed...but chained to it. Okay don't panic I heard my conscious tell me. Not panic?! I'm chained to a bed!!! I shall and will panic!!!

I screamed loud as I can only to find that I have a cloth tied around my mouth. My heart was racing against my chest and I looked around. My eyes froze to a couple tied to their own chairs back to back. I know them. I know I do. They're....oh. my. god. They're my parents!

"MMMM!!!" I tried to scream again.
"Shut up all ready!" I heard Wormtail's voice. "The Dark Lord requires silence!"
My eyes widen. The Dark Lord? not again no!!
Wormtail laughed. "Yes, we caught you again, just like he promised he would."
I glared at him and struggled against the chains.
"Don't bother trying to escape, you'll only hurt yourself and The Dark Lord needs your blood." he said and left us alone.
I screamed again till my lungs could no longer breathe, making me pass out again.


I went over to Draco's house with Jordon. I felt terrible for not being able to come over for Cleo's birthday. So I got her the best gift a friend could give and came straight over. When I spoke to Draco, he warned me that she changed and I raised my eyebrows. Cleo? Change? No way. But I was also surprised Draco had forgotten Cleo's birthday. *sighs* That boy needs to dump Gina and be with Cleo once and for all. I went up to Cleo's room only to find it empty. I raised my eyebrow and searched everywhere. She's gone. I asked everyone if they knew where she was and of course no one did. This is not good. Not good at all. There was only one person I suspected who might know where she was. Gina. Just something threw me off when I asked her, she was..too happy she was gone. I made a mental note to keep an eye on her.


I thought it was rather strange that Cleopatra just up and left without telling anyone. Or even packing her stuff. I shrugged as I walked around the garden with Gina. Her face looked a lot better since Cleopatra punched her at his father's party the other night. But Damn, Cleo looked amazing with short hair and her new look.

"Drakey what shall we do today?" Gina asked
God I hated that nickname more than anything. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked
She thought for a moment (thank god) before replying. "I want to make love all day."
Don't get me wrong I love sex and she wasn't bad. It's just it's like we're rabbits. I mean it's all she wants to do is "make love". It's ridiculous. "Let's do something else," I suggested.
She gasped. "Drakey! don't love me?" she asked putting on the hurt look as if I broke her heart. (Gag!)
"Of course I do, I just think we should do something else" I said.
"Well if you love me, then prove it," She said commandingly. "or do you still love Miss. Daygon?"
My heart skipped beats hearing her name. I hope she was safe wherever she is. "No, of course not."
"Prove. It. Now!" Gina demanded.
Damnit! I pinned her against the ground and kissed her hard.


I finally convinced a house elf to keep the cloth off my mouth. I had to talk to my parents. This was where I could get my answers from them.

"Mum...Dad?" I asked to them.
No answer.
My heart clenched. "Mum...Dad! Please wake up!" I begged
Nothing. Suddenly the lights turned on and I screamed. My parents throats were slit, with dried up blood all over their bodies. Tears ran down my face as I looked over to see the Dark Lord staring at me as if I were his(GRODY!!!!!!!).
"Happy Birthday, Cleopatra" he said darkly then left me alone, with the lights on.
I sobbed and tried to look away from my parents, but the bed was facing them and I couldn't look away.